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  19. Bande suvartyt bet susivarte. ) Ne į temą Stranger: hi You: hey Stranger: asl? You: 15 m lithuania Stranger: ur gay You: nope Stranger: i dont believe you You: why do i care? Stranger: yes you do You: you're lesbo? Stranger: sort off You: guy who likes girls? Stranger: yes You: me too Stranger: nope ur gay You: no i'm not Stranger: you think you arent but you are Stranger: look in the mirror Stranger: you can see by yourself ur gay You: just looked, no i'm not Stranger: why did you look are you gay or something? You: You mention "gay" a lot, Stranger: its kinda gay to wait before you say someting You: maybe you don't know but you are one Stranger: thats what i said Stranger: your gay You: yes you are Stranger: you mean yes i am Stranger: do you like grannys You: look you just said you're gay Stranger: ? Stranger: no i didnt ur gay You: say whatever you want, but you can't deny the facts Stranger: that ur gay you mean Stranger: your just in the denialfase you cant help it Stranger: i dont blame you Stranger: blame god Stranger: your just possesd by the devil you know You: nope, gays always think that gay are all around them Stranger: ow dont think im gay i like girls man You: you just thin you like them, but you're gay Stranger: you know its gay thats you fucked your father You: i did not Stranger: you did Stranger: i saw it and i have traumas You: do you even know where lithuania is? Stranger: i quess in east europe You: nope You: so you're making stuff up Stranger: i had a dream and i saw it in my dream You: You sick bastard, you dream about naked men Stranger: it was a nightmare actually but i diddnt see you naked is saw the shadows You: And now i'ts nightmare, but before that it was dream You: I said you are gay You: And you just deny that Stranger: you cant make me gay, gay! You: No i can't becouse you are one Stranger: you mussnt think everybody is like you Stranger: your kinda special You: yes i like girls, Stranger: yeah there your friends You: and you're sick because you like men Stranger: and you fuck men You: Amm, actually i'm virgin Stranger: but not in the anus You: all virgin Stranger: and your mouth isnt virgin too You: no mouth isn't, licked vagina once Stranger: yeah your mothers You: So, suddenly i'm not gay? Stranger: she foreced you to do it You: nope, my classmate asked me Stranger: you didnt liked it but your are a motherfocker Stranger: shemale? You: and youre a fatherfucker You: you? You: yes you are Stranger: i arent you fucked your father i didnt i only fucked your mother You: You said you dreamed You: and my mother is dead Stranger: yeah sorry You: but that makes you more gay Stranger: why your mother is fuckin ugly You: because you believe everyword i said Stranger: she needed to die You: shes alive Stranger: she isnt You: you're a retard Stranger: you think im a retard You: yep You: and gay Stranger: because you think everybody is like you You: What is the capital of Latvia? Stranger: i dont know You: Yep, you're a retard Stranger: evereybodu in latvia is gay You: you live there? Stranger: no Stranger: you do You: so how do you know? Stranger: i had a dream You: So you dream about gays? Stranger: or a nightmare You: yep, you're denying it Stranger: and your gay You: You have something more to say? Stranger: no You: Because all you think about is gays Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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