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A few days ago, we posted here that representatives for Sony visited graf_chokolo’s home, this morning graf updated his blog to state that he has been forced to remove all PS3 related technical items from his blog, or face six months in prison, here is a quote from his blog: graf_chokolo says: April 18, 2011 at 9:19 am SONY forced us to remove all PS3 technical stuff from this blog guys. I wonder how did they manage to “convince” the judge to allow it. Our law system is practically “eating” from hands of SONY, very sad. Many guys are making money with USB dongles for PS3 and i’m not allowed to put MY PS3 into service mode, it’s hilarious. graf_chokolo says: April 18, 2011 at 9:29 am They claim that my OtherOS project supports piracy. I never had anything to do with piracy. Everyone knows it, make it clear to those judges who gave SONY those TROs against me. It would be interesting to know what kind of person those judges are and what they look like. graf_chokolo says: April 18, 2011 at 10:22 am Guys, i’m a tough guy and won’t give up without a fight. I’m ready to stake my life. So, you support me with money for LEGAL FIGHT and i stake my life.
Visi žaidimai, reikalaujantys 3,60 FW - nebus paleidžiami iki tol, kol nebus gauti SIGNED raktai. Kolkas vienintelis žaidimas, kuris reikalauja 3,60 - Portal 2 P.S. - man asmeniškai nieko nera geriau už Rogero Manager CFW - Waninkoko CFW v.2 (3,55) Jokių problemų su žaidimais - dar nebuvo tokio, kurį negalėčiau paleisti.
Bet aišku kad kovoti prieš tokį gigantą kaip SONY tikrai yra sunku. Tačiau aš galvoju kad tai didelis laimėjimas vistiek nes jam tik buvo pasakyta (Nestovėk mums ant kelio ) Bet kur vienas hakeris - ten jų šimtas
Apie šitą video iš neoseeker brigados. Beto suradau dar vieną seeeeną teaser dar iš 3D Realms laikų http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWuteFLUPSY&feature=related
Greetings, Sony Customers And PS3 Users. We are Anonymous. During the last few days, Anonymous has been targeting Sony for their outrageous treatment of not only PS3 users and jailbreakers, but also of the general public. Their propaganda regarding jailbreaking implies that it encourages piracy and thereby makes people lose their jobs, whereas jailbreaking actually just means you are making YOUR device do what it should do. Imagine if Microsoft forced you to use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox or Chrome. Imagine if they denied users from using any other web browser than their own. Many people would obviously be pissed... but then, why aren't you pissed at Sony? The fact that their litigation demanded information on everyone who had viewed the material, was completely unacceptable. This is a threat not only to the gaming community, but to freedom of information in general. The fact that the privacy of individuals can be violated, simply for accessing information, and legal action can be taken for doing something with something you own, are steps far beyond the line. Anonymous decided it could not allow this to stand. If jailbreaking a phone for use of legal (unsigned) apps is found legal, why would this be any different for the Geohot case, seeing as Geohot explicitly states he does not support piracy? Anonymous is not attacking the PSN at this time. Sony's official position is that the PSN is undergoing maintenance. We realize that targeting the PSN is not a good idea. We have therefore temporarily suspended our action, until a method is found that will not severely impact Sony customers. Anonymous is on your side, standing up for your rights. We are not aiming to attack customers of Sony. This attack is aimed solely at Sony, and we will try our best to not affect the gamers, as this would defeat the purpose of our actions. If we did inconvenience users, please know that this was not our goal. This operation is a response to Sony's attempt to deprive their customers of products they bought and therefore own, wholly and completely. Anonymous will not attempt to fight this by following the exact same course of action. We have plenty of tricks up our sleeves. As a last point, we would like to point out that different operations are "run" by different people. Those who are involved in the organisation of OpSony, are not necessarily those involved in that of SonyRecon. Anonymous Operations are generally independent efforts, and it would be a mistake to assume that the same individuals are responsible for every action taken. Anonymous is comprised of people with diverse points of view, of which not all coincide with one another. That being said, our campaign against Sony and others that would trample on the idea of free information will continue, until we are satisfied with the outcome. We are Anonymous, We are legion, We never forgive, We never forget, Expect us.
Privers ištraukti ir parodyti. Galbut dar prašvies ir apžiurės vidurius. Taip pat ir su laptopais taigi nieko tokio ten nera.
Štai jums ir HEAVY METAL versija http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-heavy-metal-twitchy-online-game.html
Ne į temą O prie ko čia užsienis? Ne į temą Už informaciją minusus deda. Parodo kai-kurių vartotojų protą. Stuff that minus down your throat
Ne į temą Buitines technikos parduotuvėje yra laikotarpis po pirkimo kada pirkėjas gali per tam tikrą laikotarpį gražinti prekę jeigu ta prekė jam nepatiko ir atgauti savo pinigus. Galbut apie tokį įstatymą nežinojai?
The group Anonymous has requested three things from Sony before they stop DDOSing their websites: 1. Sony must allow for end-user modification of the PS3, as was available prior to the 3.21 firmware update. 2. Sony must end any attempts to bring legal action to alter a product they own. 3. Sony must not pursue legal action against any collected IP address. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Tm7UKo4IBc&feature=player_embedded The demands seem almost too good to be even considered by Sony, it will be interesting to see how Sony handles this. Anonymous is not attacking the PSN servers. Sony’s official position is that the PSN is undergoing maintenance. We realize that targeting the PSN is not a good idea.
Cheaters never WIN, Sony must suffer. Greedy bastards. PSN maniacs and lamer gamers - just stay at home and play your fucking COD online. PSN was never down in the first place. Leave the fighting to us. We payed for other OS - NO REASON to take it away from us. That is why Sony must suffer. We don't support piracy. We support justice. Suing us and our fellow hackers for trying to return what is rightfully ours - UNLAWFUL. Pirates can shove their file managers down their throats cause they break the law. Not us. Knowledge is free. And some users can choke with minus reputation on my posts Envy? Well - BE LIKE THAT ALWAYS. And don't forget to take a drink of diarrheia dump as well
Another group by the name of SonyRecon has formed to join in attacks on Sony. While they claim to not attack personal people, it is interesting to note that the law firm representing Sony has now crashed/gone offline. According to KaKaRoToKS tweet SonyRecon does not attack people, so all claims of judges/law firms/Sony employees being targeted are false. QUOTE: Just spoke with the guy from #SonyRecon, he assures me there is nothing like that, no attacks on people and no plans to, ONLY *recon*, gathering information that is already publicly available, in the hopes of finding something incriminating to help in the lawsuit. Anonymous is against violence or threatening/attacking people. He says nothing illegal is being done, and news sites are reporting the information wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcSCUU4Fg9k&feature=player_embedded
SCENE IS ALIVE!!! Go F#$% yourself SONY. Cheaters never win!
Štai laiškas, adresuotas Sony. Sony dabar bandys aišku apstatyti viską taip kad hakeriai blogesni ir t.t. . Jie jau prisidengia Access to PSN. Beto dar viena hakerių komanda pranešė kad prisideda prie atakos ant Sony serverių. Ir tikrai taip jiems ir reikia. Pakentės vartotojai vieną dieną be PSN, nepažais COD online. SCENE IS ALIVE!!!
Red ot Chili Peppers - Road Tripping'
Nulaužymas (SOFTMOD) - atrišimas programinių būdų. Nereikalauja papildomos aparatinės įrangos diegimo į konsolę bei konsolės ardymo (todėl aišku ir garantijos praradimo) Čipavimas (HARDMOD) - atrišimas, įdiegiant specilų čipą (mikroschema) į konsolę. Apgauna aparatinę dalį ir apeina apsaugą. Reikalauja pačio čipo pirkimo, diegimo bei konsolės ardymo.
Ok. Supratau. Tuoj pataisysiu. Ačiu labai kad pranešei. Pabandyk dabar. Jeigu bus klaida - pranešk iškarto.
Kokį butent error? Parašyk tiksliau. Pašalinsiu jeigu yra problema.
http:\\www.seed.lt Registracija pusiau atidaryta. Pusiau reiškia iki tol kol surinksime tam tikrą kiekį vartotojų.
Pirmas dalykas. Pinigus atgausi TIK jeigu pirkai per PayPal. Žmonės nevisada sako ir nevisada stato ženkliuką kad išsiųntė. Jeigu negauni prekę po tiek dienų kiek pažymėta skelbime - keletą kartų turi parašyti pardavėjui su klausimais kur prekė ir panašiai (tai butina nes paskui lengviau bus gražinti kada jie (eBay) tirs bylą) Jeigu atsakymo nėra - gali atidaryti Customer Support case per eBay. Jeigu pardavėjas nieko neparašo per tam tikrą kiekį dienų tai po leidimo iš eBay uždarai bylą ir atgauni pinigus automatiškai. Reikia visada stebėti per savo eBay žinutes ir email ar nepasikeitė statusas nes laikas ten turi daug reikšmės ir jeigu eBay (tas pats ir su PayPal) reikės gauti iš tavęs papildomos informacijos - jie duoda tam tikrą laikotarpį. Kitaip praejus tam laikotarpius byla yra automatiškai uždaroma ir pinigus tu jau nebeatgausi (aišku kaip visada antra instancija yra PayPal) Jau buvau pakankamai daug kartų susiduręs su tokiais pardavėjais ir pirkėjais irgi tai jeigu turi kokių klausimų konkrečiau - rašyk čia.
Išskyrus Valkyrie Profile 1 ir 2 kažkaip niekas ir neateina į galvą. Labai nedaug buvo tokių JRPG iš tikro.
Sveiki. Cituoju atsisveikinimo pranešimą iš Mygamercard saito.