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Visas ReiKaz turinys

  1. O gal kartais jis geresnis varijantas negu ant cipuoto PS2 leisti PS1 zaidimus?
  2. MGSV: The Phantom Pain belaukiant, koki MGS sulost del story? Esu perejes MGS1, iki puses MGS2 ir MGS3

    1. ReiKaz


      Aisku, Subsistence zaidziu, tik va diskas jau kvailot pradeda, uzstringa bezaidziant ir kairej pusej kampe rodo diska ir ?, tai tipo nenuskaito.. jau buvo taip po boso kovos

    2. scalman


      del story visus nes visu story yra susija tam tikra prasme. pries GZ eina peace walker , o phanton pain aisku eis po GZ tai manau aisku ka lost kad isvis suprastum GZ ir phantom pain. kad suprastum kas del ko uz ka ir su kuo ...reikia sulost peace walker.

    3. ReiKaz


      b***** kiek daug valandu reikes perzaist :D nu gal kaip suspesiu iki Phantom'o :D bandau gaut HD collection ant Xbox'o ir pylsiu nuo 3 dalies :)

    4. Show next comments  dar 192
  3. Playmanai uz jus! :D

    1. Magnitas


      Ziurek, kad ryte nebutu keiksmai ant musu. :D

    2. narkata


      greičiau iš manęs butu keiksmai negu iš ReiKaz'o :)

    3. Mantinijo


      Į sveikatą. :D

  4. Interviu su "CI Games" prodiuseriu Steven Hart - How are the levels in Enemy Front going to be open-ended? What sorts of options will players have? When we say open-ended we have designed the levels so that in some instances and in some levels players can make certain playing style choices as to how they want to approach and complete a level. We have the usual run-and-gun approach but we also enable players to use Stealth Sniping and Sabotage as alternative fighting styles. Stealth and Sniping can be utilized in any level at any time with a silenced or scoped weapon that has been picked up by the player. Gameplay supports both a run-and-gun or stealthy approach with AI reacting accordingly and HUD elements supporting a player’s tactic with the required information. Sabotage is more of an environment based experience where at certain places within levels a player has the option, if they want, to inflict damage to enemy forces by way of sabotage. When these four gameplay styles are combined with a few extra mechanics available from the player toolkit, every level can play out differently and provide different experiences and outcomes. It also adds replayability to the campaign and we definitely want players to experiment with different approaches and tactics on each map. - Talk about the different settings in the game. How do they differ? What sorts of gameplay styles are each of them more conducive to? Enemy Front has a variety of settings both rural, urban including extensive sewer systems, mountains, forests and the obligatory winter and POW camps. We have several levels which take place during the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 with a couple of famous skirmishes from that period. The player will also experience missions in Vichy France, Norway and the German countryside/. Each of the games’ open world levels presents the player with a multitude of player styles to accomplish goals. The moment-to-moment experience can lean more toward a sabotage-sniping experience with the player mixing ranged attacks and the placement of explosives of key items, or run-and-gun with the player blazing through enemy enclaves. The former style is for the more patient player and will likely yield the most in secrets discovered and achievement points earned. The latter is for the adrenalin player who wants the quick intensity of in-your-face combat and the immediate reward of achieving meta objectives quickly. - What type of development support is the multiplayer receiving compared to its single player experience? What sorts of modes are we looking at for multiplayer? We have 4 main modes in development currently. Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch will be present as a fan favorite. We also have two original modes which provide interesting twists on the MP mechanics but we’ll reveal them a bit later. - Why isn't Enemy Front launching on the PS4 and Xbox One? Enemy Front has had a fairly long development cycle with the start of the project occurring well before new generation hardware was really being worked on. Like many other games releasing this year on X360 and PS3, there is a huge install base with a vibrant, active community that represents very large market of gamers looking for a fun WWII FPS. Kolkas kaip planuota "Enemy Front" turetu pasirodyti 2014 vasara, Xbox 360, PS3, PC.
  5. O kaip su senu acc paimt sita geima? Nes kazka buvau pasiemes, o dabar kai uzpildau ir link'inu Steam acc tai raso, kad jau steamas uz'link'intas ant kito.
  6. @scalman nera beldimo i siena, bei yra tuscia apkaba kuria gali mesti (atrodo i kaire ar i desine paspaudes palaikyk ir pasirink), jos nesibaigiancios. As tai jau nerizikuoju, uzsmauges priesa issaunu i galva "non-lethal" pistoletu, kad miegotu zzZ.. ir tada ramu, kad nebeatsikels, nebent kas nors suras ir prikels.
  7. Ne į temą Omg, tik nereikia jokiu spoileriu!! Ir atprask nuo tokiu pasisakymu! Man asmeniskai spoilas tai isvis kaip nusizengimas!
  8. Taip ar taip po AC: Revelations nebeidomus, su savo piratais ir laivais Assassin's Creed serija visai jau nuplauke..
  9. Sito, pavadinciau "MGSV demo" gameplay tai tikrai praktiskai tobulas, net nelyginanciau su senomis dalimis (na, nex gen). Labai dziaugiuosi, kad nusprende isleisti, tikrai smagu zaisti, bei susipazint su viskuo - nuo gameplay iki story, pries MGSV: The Phantom Pain. Nusimato garantutas 5/5 STARS deimantas - "MGSV: The Phantom Pain". Zinoma labai patiko cinematic stilius, rezisura, screenplay - Kojima puikus! As ir tas misijas zaidziu, tik paskutines dar neatrakines kazko, tik va patinka letai susitvarkyt su priesais, o reitingas eina ir nuo "Time", tai sumazina kur kas reitinga. Tik B geriausia esu gaves. Toliau zaidziam ir dziaugiames, kad turim proga prisiliest prie MGSV: The Phantom Pain.
  10. Na tai ir as sveikinu, @KypuTeTpaBy su gimtadieniu!
  11. Padekit kas nors del Xbox1 to Xbox360 iso konvertinimo:

  12. Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes XBOX360-COMPLEX (LM)
  13. Kaip teisingai sukonvertuoti iso, kad veiktu ant iXtreme LT+ v3.0 ? Isvis kaip ten konvertint, ka pasirinkt? Edit: Atsibodo jau diskus gadint, gal galit kas padet? Bandziau pora zaidimu rasyt bet taspats, kai Xbox 360 idejes zaidima spaudziu Play - ismeta errora: Xbox1 iso konvertinu su "XDVDMulleter Beta 10.2", pasakykit ka ne taip darau?? Per "Build\Rebuild an ISO", Next. Pasirenku Xbox1 zaidimo iso, Next. "Create DVD9 ISO with zeroed padding (Xtreme compatible + Video)", Next. Prachekina regionus ir buna: Next. Va cia kaip teisingai daryti? Locate Security sector (ss.bin) -Use Universal Security Sector -Load from File Per "Load from File" is "..\XDVDMulleter Beta 10.2\StealthFiles\" folderio pasirinkti kuri nors "SS_xxxxxxxx.bin"? Ar palikti "Use Universal Security Sector"? Stealth Sectors -No media stealth -Load from files (DMI file) Per "Load from File" is "..\XDVDMulleter Beta 10.2\StealthFiles\" folderio pasirinkti kuri nors "DMI_xxxxxxxx.bin"? Ar palikti "No media stealth"? Locate/Create Layout file -Dont alter layout -Load layout file from disc -Optimise for disk size: Optimise for DVD9 Pasirinkti "Optimise for DVD9"?
  14. Lost Planet 3 dabar (nezaidziau nei 1 nei 2). Primena "Aliens" + Carpenter'io "The Thing", vau, man to uztenka, kad butu idomu!
  15. Saunuolis, visa RE kolekcija ant GC tai butu dalykas VAU!
  16. Nu ka, ziuriu i ateiti - apie PS3 pirkima ir pradziai, bishki po bishki "zaliu" klausimu noreciau uzuklausti Ar yra toks PS3 nulauzimo budasm kad butu galima ir online loshti? Kaip nulauziama - cipai, softmod kazkaip? SuperSlim nusilauzia (turbut kazkokie tik modeliai)? Kuri modeli verta pirkt Fat, Slim, SuperSlim?
  17. Kaip ziauru, tai speju paciam surasti toki pati dvd-rom'a ir pasikeist neimanoma. Tik nest i taisykla, kad patys surastu ir pakeistu?
  18. Man tai labai patiko Gothic dalys ir veliau Risen, bet va Risen 2 tai net nezaidziau, nesamone pasirode man tie piratai. Na o Risen 3 tikiuosi kazka panasaus i Gothic
  19. Kūrėjas: Piranha Bytes Leidėjas: Deep Silver Žaidimo variklis: Žanras: Action role-playing Režimai: Single-player Išleidimo data: 2014 rugpjūtis Reitingas: Metacritic įvertinimas: Puslapis:
  20. ReiKaz

    Thief 4

    Zodziu, kad suzaist verta tai verta, bet nestebuklai sitas Thief'as. Kas stipru - stealth mechanika ir miestas. Banali kovos sistema, labai monotoniska ir knockoutai nepatinka, vis beveik ta pati animacija. Norisi paprastai priselinus uzsimot ir duot per galva kaip senuose Thief'uose. Daug ko truksta, visgi manau, jei bus sekanti dalis tai gal ir padarys labai gera geima (kaip buvo su Assassin's Creed), o dabar - tiek potencialo, bet gavosi tikrai ne taip kaip turetu.