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Super! Didelis aciu @tymbarkFM nuo viso PLM uz konkursa! Sveikinu @REITAVSV su naujuoju PS4, retromanui puiki proga pazint current gen! Siaip dar smagu, kad is PLM senbuviu laimejo.
RE2 traileris is 2018 Tokyo Game Show: Ada kazkaip keistai atrodo, tie akiniai.. Nesvarbu awesome, nebegaliu sulaukt!
Turbut siais metais praleisiu 2K18 toliau pasimodinsiu i 2001 sezona su Sabu ir karts nuo karto paloshiu. ir ka cia jie sneka, 20y anni?! Pirmas geimas isleistas 1999 lapkriti, 2019 laprkritis bus per 2K20 ka cia jie susigalvojo
Claire gameplay/ginklai ir apranga man primenu RE: Revelations 2. Per visa RE2 hype net uzsimaniau plakato ant sienos: 8192x6592
narkata @narkata skleist geri PlayManijai gerai dar tavo pacio konkurso laimeta geima Metal Gear Solid V normaliai pageiminau (164h viso)
Saunuolis @tymbarkFM ! Dekojam visi uz konkursa! seniai jau buvo tokio masto konkuras PLM.
Geras geras oj smagumelis bus!
https://store.steampowered.com/app/272060/Serena/ Spustelnam [install Game] ir jau turim!
Net as nepirkciau kaip toks fanas sumokejes i gaves itemus jausciausi apgautas
Ir collectors edition ir "klaviaturos" edition per brangus ryskiai Nera tokiu extru, kad jaustusi verta uz tokia kaina packas toks.
Su FRAPS ir lagina, reikia naudon Bandicam nulauzta.
@paseles raktus jau matem, kiek supratau puzzle bus nes per kazkuri CAPCOM streama lyg minejo, kad bus puzzle ir aisku nevisi 'make sense". "RESIDENT EVIL 2" Pre-Order PC (Steam): Standart Edition - 59,99€ - Deluxe Weapon: "Samurai Edge - Chris Model" - Deluxe Weapon: "Samurai Edge - Jill Model" - Resident Evil 2 / Biohazard Re:2 Wallpaper Pack Deluxe Edition - 69,99€ -Leon Costume: "Arklay Sheriff" -Leon Costume: "Noir" -Claire Costume: "Military" -Claire Costume: "Noir" -Claire Costume: "Elza Walker" -Deluxe Weapon: "Samurai Edge - Albert Model" -"Original Ver." Soundtrack Swap RESIDENT EVIL 2 Remake PC reikalavimai: Kas ieskot pigiau pre-orderint, veliau ieskokit pigesniu kainu is allkeyshop.com
@paseles @Lonsdale jauciu butu dirbe su tuo paciu MT Framework kurio pagrindu yra daug RE padarytu. Interviu is relyonhorror su "WE DO IT" Yoshiaki Hirabayashi ir Tsuyoshi Kanda: 1. Resident Evil 2 is not only arguably the most popular game in the series, but one of the most beloved games for the original PlayStation. Was there any apprehension in remaking it just based on how revered it is and the expectations that come with that fan adoration? 2. How about the response to the reveal trailer, has the reception been pretty positive for you? 3. Are there any members of the development team that actually worked on the original Resident Evil 2? If so, do they offer any special input on the remake since they were there for the original game’s development? 4. Since Resident Evil 2‘s release, Resident Evil has had several action-heavy focused entries such as Resident Evil 4. From what I played of the demo this remake is a faithful and pure survival horror game. Was there any point in development where you considered making the remake more action focused? 5. The original game had 4 different scenarios with Leon A/Claire B and Claire A/Leon B. Will Leon and Claire’s scenarios mesh more into one overarching story this time around? 6. Will there be other camera angles/modes with an ability to switch between them? Follow up: were tank controls and fixed camera angles considered at all? 7. Resident Evil 2 has a lot of iconic enemies like Mr. X, William Birkin, and the Lickers. Did you have to update enemy mechanics to suit the OTS playstyle and combat? 8. How did they consider the fact that the game takes place in the ’90s and did they intentionally try to keep that aesthetic? 9. You have an Elza Walker costume. Are there other ideas from Resident Evil 1.5 making it in? 10. Resident Evil 2 is very special to a lot of people, myself included, do you have anything you’d like to say to all the fans that’ve been waiting many years to get their hands on this remake? Gameplay demo ant geriausios kokybes (max 4K)
full demo su capcom paaiskinimais, ziurim.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yilFcKSzXsc Ne tik re7 ikonos, inventoriur ir visas re7 UI nepatinka, bet ir garsai paimant daigta, iventoriui vaikstant. Galejo RE2 panasius padaryt. Blem reiks modu
daugiau gameplay Yoshiaki Hirabayashi keliavimas i E3
Gameplay demo is e3 su komentavimu!! kitas gameplay capture be komentavimo: Kolkas ikonos, inventorius re7-iskas man nevisai ziurim toliau... Kazkaip labiau RE2 reimagine, nei remake ir kazkaip per daug re7 elementu