Michael'as Pattison'as sakė MCV (The Market for Computer & Video games)
"With Resident Evil 6 we probably put too much content in there, there were comments from consumers that said it felt bloated.
"The Leon missions went down very well, and because we did Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS,
there was a cry out for us to focus our attention on survival horror, rather than be too many things to all people.
You'll find where we go next will likely be more targeted at our core fanbase."
Ir Pattison'as pridėjo: "A lot is said about the saturation of this zombie, post-apocalyptic survival horror.
But it is still alive and well. The Last of Us shows a good direction of what the consumers want.
Tomb Raider as well, we spoke to R&D and they looked at that and they enjoyed that experience. I think that proves there is still a strong market for that sort of content."
Resident Evil 6 per metus buvo parduota 4.9 mln kopijų ir tai nepateisino Capcom lūkesčių - 7 milijonų.
Kritikų įvertinimai buvo prasti, nekalbant apie tai, jog kaikur žaidimas pelnė metų nusivylimo titulą.
P.S. Taip pat nepamirškite pasirašyti RESIDENT EVIL 2 REMAKE peticijos:
(-P E T I C I J A-) - MAKE IT HAPPEN !!!
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