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Nu kaip namuose busiu pameginsiu dar paieskoti pats, nes man irgi meta errora ir disconektina nuo intiko, taip kaip losi online labai nervina, buna kad nemeta isvis o buna kad po keleta kartu metineja, tik niekaip to kodo nespeju nusirasyti :/
Tai vesk per googla savo koda ir rasi kas negerai manau
Jega islaikiau A kategorija, belieka sulaukti teisiu ir nusipirkti moca
Siulau palaukti kol jy sugaus, ir tada pareiksti kaltinimus kad nukentejei nuo jo ir viskas, nes kaip matai kaskas jau ant jo parase ir iesko
Zilitona, sega, gavau dovanu, ps one- nupirko tevai, irgi turbut dovanu, nepamenu, ps3 pirkausi pats is algos Ai dar xbox pusbrolis parveze is anglijos
Pasiziurek ka reiskia tavo error 80029945 - Can’t playback burn BDr movie (error in picture above) 80029946 - Attempting to play burnt Dual layer NTSC disc on a Pal ps3 (workarouns is to transfer files to ps3 via TVersity) (added 24th Sept 2007) 80029301 - An error occurred during the delete operation (attempting to delete some ps2 homebrew from virtual mem card) (added 15sept2007) 80029516 - Sign in to PLAYSTATION-Network (needed for some games or Ps3 processes - have to sign in to use them) (added 04-sept-2007) 80710A06 - An error occurred during the install operation (error when downloading game from PSN - network error occured (added 30thAug2007) 8003041F - An error occurred during the copy operation (using media server) (added 27aug2007) 80010006 - An error occurred during the start operation (added 22aug07 - corrupted folding install) 80010007 - An error occurred during the start operation (added 17aug07 - during disc swap tests) 710102 - DNS Error; No DSN server available. 8013030 - System Error due to failed update download 80010001 - Major Error , Game ability stopped 80010017 - Can’t start Blueray Game 80010510 - Will not play hard drive games - Cause unknown 80010516 - An error occured during the start operation; Ps1 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly - ps1 game inserted again 80029023 - Exchanging Key Information exchange has timed out 80029024 - “Cannot Obtain an IP address”. 80029564 - Downloaded Game will not install - Cause unknown 80030920 - An error occurred during the copy operation. The file may be corrupt or there isnt enough memory. Try copying data from original source. 80031150 - System Settings Fail to Save - Possible Blue Screen “Setting information is corrupted.Pre 80031601 - Error Creating Account 80130203 - PS3 connects to internet but not to network - Typically means that the required ports are 80410418 - DNS Error 80710016 - Playstation Network is down. 80710092 - “An error has occured. you’ve been signed out from the ps network” - (connection dropped? 80710101 - Conneciton error 80710102 - IP conflict , PS3 Cannot connect to the router with current IP information - Try rebooting your router 80710541 - The connection to the server timed out. ***** the x button to repair and restore default” 80710723 - Possible Port Error - Try opening ports , TCP port: 80, 443, 5223 and UDP port: 3478, 3479, 3658. or add Ps3 to DMZ 81019002 - Error copying saves from location A to location B not open to connect to store but PS3 can connect to internet. 8001050B - Will not play demo hard drive games, when blue-ray disc is inserted - Cause unknown 8001050D - An error occured during the start operation; Ps3 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly - ps3 game inserted again 80028EA5 - Unknown?? User cannot connect to PS3 network. Sony told the user to send the machine in. 80028ea6 - Connection error , Possible Proxy error power cord. Then shut off your modem/router, for about 5 mintues, then turn the modem back up first and let it sync, then turn the router back on(if using one) and let it sycn. Reconnect your power cable and flip the back swtich up again. Then make a new network connnection. 80028F10 - Go to Display Settings then HDMI (or whatever your connection is) and choose Automactic, 80028f17 - Ps2 disc Boot Error , An error occured during the start operation; Ps2 game swapped using the eject function and then play pressed quickly - Backup ps2 game inserted again 80028F18 - Ps2 Disc Error, unsupported disc; eg. Utility discs, BB discs, IQ Remix game etc. ode). 80028F19 - PS2 Disc Error , fsck; the internal PS2 disk got corrupted and I guess that you can use HDD utility disc to fix it 80028F1A - Ps2 Disc Error , invalbnnetcfg; network config error 80029C68 - Corrupt data usually on external device 8002A10D - Unable to Add friend in XMB 8002A4A6 - Cannot load game to play online 8002A515 - Error Signing in 8002A548 - Unable to remain logged in - either to game or server 8002A705 - Unable to connect to server/host. Check router port configuration. 8002a71a - Possible NAT Error , Can log onto Game Server but can’t join game and can’t host game 8002b241 - DVI has no audio 8002F994 - To many people downloading the update just sit back until the morning around 5am - 11am and you should be able to get it. 8002F997 - Trying to Update the Firmware, copying to a file and installing from a USB drive falied”. 8003051E - Game will not Save 8013013D - “A connection error has occurred” - May be to do with the SSID of the Router or signal strength if the conneciton drops Putting the PS3 into DMZ may help - otherwise check WPA key Ps3 can’t handle WPA2 only WPA or none 8013013E - WEP Key error, change WEP key to all numbers (on router homepage) and try agian, or which to WPA. - Otherwise disable security 8013030F - Check Router Page, SSID Broadcasting possibly off. 8013030F - Access Point not detected 80410A0B - Internal PSP error, hardware fault. Send back to be replaced/fixed. 807101FF - An error occurred during communication with the server. This is a DNS error This is a DNS error 8071053D - Hard boot the PS3, turn off the PS3 to stand-by, flip off the back swtich and remove the 80710B23 - PS3 Network is Down or PS3 Network is too busy to respond 80710D23 - Turn the PS3 off for a bit (30 minutes give or take) with the power toggle (not standby mode) 80029513 - Copyright Violation when attempting to install game
8/10 normalus nick, 10 turbut niekam neduoti reiktu o gal kaiptik viseim, nes kekvienas nick unikalus:)
Pabandyk per google yvedus ta error koda turetu surasti ka tai reiskia, nes kiek zinau tai yra toks paaiskinimas kekvienu tu kodu, bus paprasciau Here's how I think you can tackle it: 1: If your credit card number is appearing in x's (e.g.. 111xxxxxxxxxxx357) then retype it. 2: If you live in a flat/ apartment then placing your address on 1 or 2 lines might help 3: Is your credit card still valid? 4: Having your billing and residential infomation typed in the same might help. Pabandyti sitya gali
Gal kokia plastmasine ausele nuskilo ir viskas, o su tuo skysciu tept reikia kaip jo jau nebera, ir jis kainuoja ~20lt ir jis skirtas kad geriau perleistu siluma, taip kad gali imti ir ziureti:) bet jeigu netrukdo tau tai siulau nekisti ranku
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Nu tai turi updeitinti versija y 3.61 eini y setings ir y paty virsu Update bus, ir paspausk kad via internet conetion, tada padarys update ir galesi yseiti y store
Ne į temą As visada usiseivinu pats pries iseidamas is game, tai nesusiduriau su tokia problema, gaila man taves :/
Nesupratau, ar servai buronout yra off, nes kaip gaunu pakvietima tai neina y jy atsakyti nes raso servet ofline ar kaska panasaus
Opa kaip gerai su skinu atrodo, is pat pradziu neatpazinau kas ce per daiktas