Cia siek tiek anglu kalba info apie tai:
The arrows mean what condition the driver is in. If the arrow is green & pointing to the right, it means they are in good condition.
If the arrow is pointing up (can't think of what the colour changes to), it means they are in peak condition, i.e - top form. (The best way to get this is to just let them race their own way. If they mess up, don't leave the race as that will increase their stress. If you manage them well & they win on their own, they will get to this stage in fairly short order.)
If the arrow is pointing down on an orange background, it means they are worn out & in poor condition. Just let the driver rest for a while or put them in a can't lose race & they will be fine.
Basically, you want your drivers in the first 2 states as much as possible & to stay out of the last one. If they do end up orange though, don't worry as eventually they will return to normal if you leave them long enough. The same is true for the excellent condition state though, so if your driver has an upward arrow, do as many B-spec races with them as possible before it returns to normal.