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  1. Visiskai teisngai, griuvineji ir griuvineji, idomumo jokio, atsitrenki i ta juosta kur uztverta buna, tai nuo jos atsoki kaip nuo akmens, suvaldyt neimanoma.. Su Pure tikrai nepalyginsi
  2. Publisher: THQ Developer:Rainbow Studios Genre: Rally / Offroad Racing Release Date: Dec 1, 2009 ESRB: EVERYONE THQ and Rainbow Studios are preparing for another go in the dirt in the upcoming MX vs. ATV Reflex, the latest in the long-running off-road racing series. The big news this time around: an improved driving engine; bigger, more lush environments to explore; and a new control scheme that will make getting on the bike (or the ATV, or any of the other vehicles in the game), and staying on the bike, more fun than ever. We had a chance to see and play Reflex for the first time at THQ's pre-E3 press briefing in Los Angeles last week. Add GameTagPrintEmailFacebookDiggTweet MX vs. ATV Reflex First Hands-On By Brian Ekberg, GameSpotPosted May 14, 2009 9:05 am PT Rainbow Studios is back with its latest off-road racing game, and we've got a hands-on look. THQ and Rainbow Studios are preparing for another go in the dirt in the upcoming MX vs. ATV Reflex, the latest in the long-running off-road racing series. The big news this time around: an improved driving engine; bigger, more lush environments to explore; and a new control scheme that will make getting on the bike (or the ATV, or any of the other vehicles in the game), and staying on the bike, more fun than ever. We had a chance to see and play Reflex for the first time at THQ's pre-E3 press briefing in Los Angeles last week. Rainbow Studios' Elliott Olson takes us through the new features in MX vs. ATV Reflex. Comment on this videoWatch this video in High Def First up is the new engine that's powering Reflex. If you've played the MX vs. ATV series before, you're probably already familiar with Rainbow's "rhythm racing" style of off-road competition, which is defined by preloading jumps and the huge-air, trick-filled stunts that come as a result. Those same massive jumps are still in place in Reflex, but how the terrain affects (and is affected by) your bike and rider has changed significantly. Perhaps the most important change is that your rider can now be independently controlled from his vehicle. By moving the right analog stick in any direction, you'll be able to shift your rider's weight anywhere on the bike or ATV. You can still preload a jump (by pressing down on the analog stick), but the ability to move left or right gives you more control than ever over your vehicle. Taking a hairpin corner, for example, by leaning into the turn will let you negotiate much tighter than you would be able to otherwise.
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