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man iskart truksta logikos. bus kaip Lineage2, tik modern days.. betikslis ne LVLinimasis, bet SKILLinimasis.. bullsh..
pilnesnis gameplay video su mapu, naikinama aplinka ir tt http://www.gamespot.com/video/939933/61941...age-show-demo-2
Ne į temą kas tas FFXIII ?
sitam fallout taip problemos neishspresi. ne veltui n pabaigu, kurias itakoja Tavo elgesys pradzioj, vidury, gale ar siaip soninese misijose.
nu nz kaip Jum visiem, bet man pvz kazkaip nelabai matosi to skraidymo kosmiakais. vis laukiu zaidimo panasaus i Freelancer arba EVE-online (PC games), bet atrodo, kad nesulauksiu, nors xbox joystick turetu but labai patogus tokiem dalykam. siaip is treileriu paziurejus, tai visa aplinka, visi objektai yra aiskios kompiuterines grafikos, o charai pieshtiniai. visiskai nesuprantu kam toks kontrastas padarytas. tada bent jau tuose intro lai ideda irgi piestinius, o ne kompiuterinius.. ir eilini syki japonai su savo anime- geriausias ginklas tai kardas, o tie su kardais nebijo jokiu kulku. aciu, to jau uzteko is StarWars dzhedaju. kuriu galu tada isvis jiem imt kokius ginklus- pasiemei akrda ir pasol. zdz grafika nuostabi, ideja gera, bet pateikimas sh.. abydna
visgi naujiem zaidejam siulyciau paskaityt bent teorine medziaga, kad turet sioki toki supratima apie senesius fallout. sitas zaidimas tuo ir ypatingas, kad kiekviena nauja ir netgi "nesusijusi" dalis yra prirista prie senuju savo visa istorija, mazom detalem ir ivairiais random encounteriais
naujas filmukas: http://www.g4tv.com/trailers/videos/26959/...ay_Trailer.html
stai prasta kokybe paversta i gera: http://www.g4tv.com/e32008/videos/26926/Fa...eplay_Demo.html zaidimas atrodo keistai, ne taip kaip senesni fallout, bet visgi cia Alpha version naujas treileris: gameplay su kurejo komentarais http://www.g4tv.com/trailers/videos/26959/...ay_Trailer.html
na ka.. prasidejo E3 ir ta progra Bethesda isleido nauja teaseri: atsirado kruva nauju screenu: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/album_cat...6a23171e62bc308 taipogi aptiktas oficialus puslapis, apie kuri oficialiai nepranesta: http://www.prepareforthefuture.com/ (palaukit kol uzkraus visa tada paziurekit vel, nes lagina neblogai) keista yra tai, kad tarp kalbu pasirinkimo yra itraukta Australija, nors Australijoje Fallout3 yra uzbanintas, del galimybes vartoti narkotikus ir tt. ir kruva detaliu: * If you defuse the bomb in Megaton you are rewarded with a shack, "which like all your future homes can be themed in different ways - pre-war, Mr Loverman, and Vault themes can be bought at the local supply store". * There'll be enemy snipers * An example of bleak humour: one house contains two skeletons hugging each other on a burnt-out carpet, a couple who died when the bombs fell. * Raiders are observed "clearly thinking and plotting before rushing into combat". Enemies will make good use of cover, according to Todd, except if they're too badass to take cover like the super mutants.* Raiders are observed "clearly thinking and plotting before rushing into combat". Enemies will make good use of cover, according to Todd, except if they're too badass to take cover like the super mutants. * A few hours of playing only covers about 1% of the game world. * Another example of bleak humour: in an unopened post box you can find a letter informing the receiver they weren't selected for the vault programme. * You can pick up a radio transmission with a "Chinese voice reporting that America has fallen and for civilians to surrender." * On the lockpicking minigame: "Using the right stick you'll apply torque to the lock while angling the pick with the left; too much torque on a misplaced pin and it'll snap. It's a game of delicate movements, and isn't a frustrating chore like Oblivion." * There will be Squirrels-on-a-stick. Like all other food, they are radioactive. * The game can be saved at any moment, and saving is pretty quick. * Ammo is scarce and it's best to fight weaker opponents hand to hand. * If we are caught trying to steal something, the person we tried to rob will first chase us, trying to recover his property. He won't be happy, but usually it won't end with a shootout, unless we already have a bad reputation. Well, it was enough to cause some trouble in Megaton for everyone to turn against us. What then? We can try putting our weapon down - if we didn't kill anyone, the situation will calm down * If we, however, do have blood on our hands already, the best way out is to quickly evacuate. Fortunately, a return is possible. After a few days the emotions drop down, and entering the town does not end with bloodshed. But still, people will know about our deeds and if we cause trouble again, they won't give us the benefit of a doubt this time. * At first glance, Fallout 3 looks like a typical FPS. * You use stimpaks on specific parts of the body, as hit points are divided among them. * Choice of gender has been marginalized and its importance will be minimal. * Lots of blood and profanity. * No romances. * The enemies are the most frightening in the history of RPGs and the game can be treated as a survival horror. * We will often have problems with lack of clean water or food. The Geiger counter will sound pretty often. Hines says that when he plays the alpha at home, he is pretty much never fully healed - he's always either wounded or radiated * Eating food is not mandatory, but food increases your HP. However, you should look out for radiated food. Sometimes you will have to wonder whether you should eat radiated food, even with low HP, since the consequences of radiation are even worse * Radiation is a much bigger problem in FO3 than in previous games. It drastically decreases your combat abilities, and can even lower your skills permanently * There will be around 50 different weapons * Many weapons can be constructed based on schematics sutrumpini atsakymai is kitu interviu: * Negalima zudyti vaiku. jie pabega, o juos ginti stoja NPC * Sarvus galima rasti anksti, taciau jie bus labai blogos kokybes, del ko juos teks daug remontuoti * taikymasis kaip ant visu zaidimu su mouse arba pvz LT ant X360. begant pataikymo procentas ir daug skillu zymiai nukrenta, todel pataikyt buna labai sunku. * Traitai suvienodinti su perkais (perk savybes turejo tik teigiama itaka, kai traitai turejo ir teigiamas kartu su neigiamomis savybemis) * The good news is that there are a ton of perks, around 100 if you include the multiple ranks. And with a level cap of 20, you still have only 19 times you get to pick one, so you need at least 5 playthroughs of the game to use them all. It was important to us with all of this, that the choices were hard for the player, no matter what the skills/traits/perks were, and that you couldn't see it all the first time through. pagaliau nutekejo siek tiek zaidimo gameplay video. kokybe ne stebuklinga, nes filmuota telefonu + pas amne garsas del kodeku susivares. skanaus ir nepamirskit, kad zaidimas dar tera Alpha stadijoj
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ivedi i www.google.lt savo modemo pavadinima ir config, pvz "3243 modem config", kad ishsiaiskintum kaip jis vgeikia, tada ieini i configa (jei zinai pass) ir padarai kad veiktu ant x'o. internetas gali but pririsamas MAC adresu routeryje, kaip pas mane- gali pasijungt tik 2 mano kompai ir niekas daugiau, visiskai nesvarbu ar tai butu dial-up ar statinis ar dinaminis IP- jungimasi reguliuoja routeris ir ishejimus reguliuoja routeris:)
routeris kaip routeris. jau daugiau nei 4 metus gyvena, nei zaibai iskerta (tinklas nuolat lietuj palijus dingsta bet routeris neishkepa), nei puliuoja. nebent tik slotai uzhsispyre megsta uzhsidaryt kartais.modelis yra visiskai vienodai, nes cfg yra bendras visiem, skiriasi vienu ar kitu nereiksmingu punktu. cia d-link nuo d-link nesiskiria kaip d-link ir link-sys. beje, pas amne link-sys ir megsta WLAN kartais nusprogt, tad tenka rankiniu budu restartint. kai pirksi modema tai pirk pagal reikmes. nemanau, kad gyveni dvare, kur reikia 200m spinduliu wireless rysio, tad uzteks pilnai 100m. 1 siena mazdaug -15m. siulau mastyt apie ateiti ir pirkt toki, kad nestu paciam tolimiausiam kambary, kitaip jokio tolko is laptop+wireless ner. jei rysys ribotas (ta prasme duomenu kiekis), tada reikes pazymet varnele, kad nebutu visa laika rysys palaikomas. jei neribotas, uzdedi varnele ant "auto-redial" ir visa laika bus pasijunges www. cia routerio konfiguravimas jau ir tie konfiguravimai yra aprasyti giduose. netingek paieskot. nesiojamu buna ir su ir be. jei nusipirksi nesiojama be, tada turesi pirkt adapteri, kuris bus islindes is kompo kaip 1/3 atidaryto CD-ROM, todel siulau neapsikraut visokiais islindimais ir iskart pirkt laptop su kiek imanoma daugiau integruotu dalyku. pvz jei turi mob tel su bluetooth tai geriau ir laptop imt su bluetooth, jei naudoja korteles mobiliakas/playeris/whateva tai laptope gerai skaitytuva turet. maziau kaisymo- daugiau sutaupyto laiko, maziau krapstymosi, maziau atsikisimu- mazesne gedimo ar nelaimingo atsitikimo tikimybe. ir dar laptope yra labai svarbu batareika ir kaitimas. fujitsu siemens kaista, nes fenas idiotiskoj vietoj. visi su athlon procais turi situ problemu, todel geriau intelis, bet velgi- mokesi uz intel varda. nepirk dell, nes 20% jei ne daugiau sudaro vardas, nepirk jokiu ferrari. del apple tai gali but problemu suderinant MacOS su Win naudojanciais irenginiais ir tt.
nereikia tinget gidu paieskot http://www.playmanija.net/forumas/Gidas-d-...sole-t6389.html
cia tiems kas nesupranta fallout humoro: cia senesnio fallout filmukas: dar atradau siek tiek saltojo karo informaciniu filmuku:
stai paciu kureju interviu. siek tiek detaliu apie pati zaidimo stiliu ir tt. http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/videos/26453/Fac...odd_Howard.html http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/videos/21468/Fac...oCategory_key=8 skanaus:)
killer01 Ne į temą klausyk, seni, susimazink ta parasa, nes man pradeda kompas lagint, kai postus loadina su Tavo sitais "mazais" paveiksleliais.. nejau neina truputi kompaktiskiau? ir apskritai, nejau neina paraso i 1 sakini sulipdyt? dekui
vienas pries viena galit zaist tik pirma pasirinkima pasirinke ir "team" berodz (yra dar be a pro ir penalty shootout, kurie abu netinka). jei norit championshipa tai teks zaist abiem ir galesit valdyt tik 2 zaidejus komandoj. man pvz sitas priimtinesnis, nes su kaimynu susiloasiam visai padoriai ir golai musu buna:)
atrodo rimtai. man truputi detalumo truksta ir mazos detales siek tiek kliuna, bet cod visada svarbiau buvo visas gameplay, tai tikekimes masovkiu kaip Stalingrade:)
tai pasivazinek po miesta letai arba nuvaryk kokiu jacob ar brucie misiju pavykdyt. tik stenkis nelakstyt ir neskippint kai su taxu vazineji. arba kokia mergike i comedy club nusivesk
Ne į temą 700Mb / 20Mbps = 35s. 700 Mb / 60s*60m = 200 kbps nerasinek nesamoniu
pabandyk visiem paskambint paprastai, o ne del job. arba gal turejai nufotkint jos veida ir nusiust MMS tam bosui ar pan. nera kur strigt. maziau tryzniavok ir sokinek nuo vieno prie kito, o geriau isbandyk imanomus variantus. gal ka prazioplines busi
keletas naujienu is Fallout3 "It looks like Fallout 3 will actually hit the stores in autumn, and... it won't be a bad game. The question is whether it will be Fallout as I would like to see and remember it." Some bits: * The game was quite complete and stable * It won't be "Oblivion with lasers" - Pete's knowledge of Black Isle games and respect towards them was astounding * The aim of Vault 101 was to house the best and brightest of the pre-war world. But now, 200 years after the holocaust, no one remembers it... * It's disappointing that you can only have one companion at a time * One new perk is mentioned - Exploding Pants, which allows you to plant grenades on your opponents (note - this was clarified by Gstaff as not a perk, but just one of the things the game keeps track of, like "Corpses Eaten") * Most of the weapons and armors (even power armor and turbo plasma) can be found by in early parts of the game, but they have their disadvantages * It will be possible to finish the game with a character focused on hand to hand combat or stealth (they call Emil the "maker of the Thief series") * Every action - discovery, dialogue, combat - rewards us with experience point, which is accompanied by the sound of an old cash register. The Karma system works in a similar way. * Fallout 3's world is smaller than the one in Oblivion, but less empty * Fast travel between known locations, no vehicles * Full day and night system
TIE KURIE ZAIDE palygint su FN round 3 galit kas isbande? grafika valdymas judesiu kiekis dekui