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Visas ViPeRkillz turinys

  1. Turbut senuosius video jau matet, todel nemesiu ju. O cia naujausias gameplay video. Enjoy. Mission Gameplay We're gonna need a little backup.
  2. Pas tave buvo FAT32 sistema o kai formatavai apdarei NTFS ir todel nemato tavo hdd xboxas. Bet jei bus FAT32 tada negali ikelti failu didesniu kaip 4GB. Taip kad pagalvok kaip tau geriau.
  3. Negali taip buti, nemoka zmogus turbut pasirinkt normaliai, nes turetu but normalus zaidimas ir tie papildymai. Be normalus zaidimas tai tikrai turi buti. Jei neureciau pasiringciau sita.
  4. tai ple tu dar net nepradejai vygdyt ten nieko, isijunk map'a, fast travel atgal i megatona ir nusipirk tu kulku. kokios problemos? man is vis niekada kulku nereikejo pirkt, visda pilnos kisenes.
  5. Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box Official Trailer We can't wait to drive a flying car to Big Surf Island in 2009! Bridge Gameplay Road signs make fun of you behind your back--kill them.
  6. tai ka charas daro geriausiai - zudyk is nugaros Behemot'a arba slepkis kur kampe, vistiek tau padeda brotherhood of steel kariai.
  7. seivint dazniau reikia o ta stealth tai as tik nuo 16lvl pradejau kelt, nes jau viskas uzkelta buvo.
  8. „Very smexy" „Christie's" aukcione naujo savininko laukia nuogos Madonnos fotografija
  9. cia koki signala paduoda i tavo televizoriu is konsoles, pvz europoj PAL, amerikoj NTSC, pracuzai ir rusai dar turi SECAM. siaip pal yra geriau negu ntsc, nes turi daugiau eiluciu, bet tai neturi itakos konsoles regionui.
  10. Ne į temą rarfix'as ten, o ne zaidimas nesuprantu kodel pirma FIX'a imete i ne zaidima
  11. Bandziau demo, tikrai labai patiko. Pirmos dalies paragavau ir numeciau nes visai nepatiko, o sitas tai tikrai atrodo kaip kitas zaidimas.
  12. siaip yra nusipirkt ju, nebrangiai kainuoja. pabandysi ir jei noresi jau galesi menesiui pasiimt.
  13. Best Third-Person Shooter With so few viable nominees, which makes the biggest mark? Best Graphics One of the few quantifiable aspects of game production, which takes home the gold?
  14. is kompo tai cia ir vaikas zino kaip istrynt, tu man rask kaip is Microsoft sistemos ji issitrynt, atsisakyt paslaugu LIVE. EDIT: pasiknaisiojes radau kur ir ka reikia padaryt, tereikia parasyt e-maila, kad nori atsisakyt Xbox LIVE paslaugu. Tai jie istrins tavo Xbox ACC bet paliks tavo Windows LIVE ID su tavo emailu ant kurio galima bus susikurti kita Xbox LIVE account'a. Accessing your Information Whether you access the Service from an Xbox console or via your personal computer, you can view or edit your personal information, or change your contact and data sharing preferences, at any time on the My Xbox page on You may also update your information by selecting Privacy Settings under Edit Gamer Profile for an Xbox 360 or selecting the Info Sharing option in Account Management for the Original Xbox LIVE Dashboard. You can cancel your account by contacting Customer Support. To find contact information for Customer Support, please visit
  15. zinok as ir vakar jieskojau, tikrai kad spastai pasirode
  16. Ne į temą siaip jau buvo apdovanojimai 2008 metu ir jau laimejo kazka tai
  17. tai tu per pati xboxa kurkis acc. as nesuprantu ko tu klausi dar.
  18. ne, tas kur isejo naujas suteikia galimybe zaisti vienas po kito su vienu joystiku.
  19. tai kazkur ja ivedes busi kad automatiskai randa ja. pereik nustatymus gal rasi ir pakeisi.
  20. pas mane taip pat padaryta, bandziau isjungt SPI Firewall Protection ir windows firewall, bet nieko. nu buvo atsirades vaizdas sekundei, bet taip ir nesugebejau ta pati darydamas to pakartoti. gal reikia FW atnaujint, kokiu kitokiu nustatymu ten bus gal.
  21. Xbox Live Gamer Zone: Recreation This zone is designed for casual gamers who just want to have fun. You might be a recreation gamer if … You only have one Xbox 360™, and it stays in the living room. For the most part.You like to meet new people and talk about the latest movies, music, and (of course) video games.You only venture into ranked games by accident.You treat every day like Casual Friday.You think keeping score is only fun when you're winning.You are physically capable of leaving mid-game if you need A) food, a restroom, or C) to go to work.Xbox Live Gamer Zone: Family This zone is where those "kids of all ages" you're always hearing about can gather for family-friendly gaming. You might be a family gamer if … You require a parent and/or guardian to set up your Xbox LIVE account.You're playing a game with your Mom/Grandma/rich Aunt and want to maintain a wholesome atmosphere.Covenant Brutes give you nightmares, literally.You have kids, are a kid, or never stopped being a kid.You knitted four matching wireless controller cozies, one for each member of your household. With love, of course.Xbox Live Gamer Zone: Pro The Pro gamer is the truly hardcore—gamers who are there to play and to win, improving their gamerscore. You might be a pro gamer if … You automatically mute the "human beat box" gamers and you automatically boot the "trash-talking chucklehead" gamers.You've actually won real prize money in videogame competitions.You never play anything but ranked games, and your rank has never gone anywhere but up.You check leaderboards for games that aren't even playable online.You own griefer insurance. Which, if you don't have it, is quite a deal and I would be happy to assist you if it existed.Xbox Live Gamer Zone: Underground The Underground is where anything goes—and usually does. You might be an underground gamer if … You are the "human beat box" or "trash-talking chucklehead" (and proud of it).You rock with extreme vengeance and other totally intense buzzwords.People shout "griefer!" and you say "Yeah, whaddaya want?"You take out whole teams online. Including your team.You'd rather get revenge than win.
  22. Commercial Fail Pen Trick Fail All Aboard the Fail Train Coconut Breaking Fail