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siandien kaip tik paskaitoi sededamas dirstelejau i laikrodi ir buvo 11:11
"After this game his farts never made sound again."
Failure to escape anal rape
Na ka pirma kart naudojausi lituokliu, atlitavau xbox 360 pultelio analogo mechanizma nes suluzes buvo lauksiu kol nauja detale pastu pareis. Kita kart lituosiu su atidarytu langu nes biski per galva duoda
Sveiki, kadangi sedziu su banintu xbox 360 bei sena 1,51 iextreme firmware nusprendziau ja atsinaujinti, kad galeciau zaisti naujesnius zaidimus su ap2,5 bei galbut ateityje su XGD3. Todel man prireike jusu pagalbos. Esme tame, kad pas mane senas pc be jokiu sata jungciu ir man reikia keliu priedu. Taigi gal galetumet numesti linka kokia sata pci card ar ka ten reikia pirkti kad veiktu su laaaabai senu pc. beto pas mane Lite-On (DG-16D2S 74850C A0A1) DVD drive kurio drive key neturiu taigi man taip pat reiktu kaskokio probe, gal taip pat galetumet numesti linka is kur si daikta galima nusipirkti uz nedidele kaina nes jis kainuoja ganetinai daug. Didelis aciu bei +rep tiems kas pades.
GUILDS & FACTIONS Thieves Guild College of Winterhold Companions Dark Brotherhood Riverwood Tavern Warrior Clan Stormcloaks The Shield-Brothers There's no joinable Necromancer Faction. Perks we know of (INCOMPLETE) Warrior Block: Quick Reflexes - Time slows down when you are blocking during a power attack Elemental Protection - Allows better protection against magic Deflect Arrows - Able to deflect arrows Shield Charge - Able to move faster with the shield raised Deadly Bash - bashing does more damage Shield Wall - makes blocking X% more effective - 5 ranks Power Bash - Able to do a power bash Bash Disarm - It gives the player the chance to disarm an opponent when power bashing One-Handed: One-Handed Prowess (1 of 5) One-Handed weapons do 40% more damage. Requires: One-handed 20. Hack and Slash (3 levels) Attacks with war axes cause extra bleeding damage. Requires: One-handed 30. One-Handed Tactics Charge! Bone Breaker (3 levels) Stand and Deliver Savage Blow Bladesman (3 levels) Two-Handed: Two-Handed Prowess (0 of 5) Two-Handed weapons do 20% more damage. Requires: Two-handed 30. Deep Wounds (0 of 3) Attacks with greatswords have a 10% chance of doing critical damage. Requires: Two-handed 30. Skullcrusher (0 of 3) Attacks with warhammers ignore 25% of armor. Requires: Two-handed 30. Two-Handed Tactics Limbsplitter (3 levels) Great Charge! Devastating Blow Smithing: Steel Smithing - Create Steel armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Arcane Blacksmith - Improve magical weapons and armor. Dwarven Smithing - Create Dwarven armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Elven Smithing - Create Elven armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Orcish Smithing - Create Orcish armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Advanced Armors - Create scaled and plate armor at forges. Improve by double. Glass Smithing - Create glass armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Daedric Smithing - Create Daedric armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Ebony Smithing - Create Ebony armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Dragon Smithing - Create Dragon armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Thief Pickpocket: Light Fingers - Pickpocketing bonus of 20% – Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds - 5 ranks Night Thief - Pickpocketing sleeping people almost always works Poisoned - Place poisons in other people's pockets silently to harm or kill Cutpurse - Pickpocketing gold is 50% easier Extra Pockets - Carrying capacity is increased by 100 Keymaster - Pickpocketing keys always works Misdirections - You can pickpocket equipped weapons Perfect Touch - You can pickpocket equipped items Way Of The Voice (Dragon Shouts) "A long practiced spiritual form of Nordic magic, also known as the Tongues, that is based on their worship of the Wind as a personification of Kynareth. Through the use of the Voice the power of a Nord can be formed into a thu'um, or shout - which has a large variety of applications (anything from sharpening blades to a long range weapon). Master Voices (known simply as Tongues) have legendary, and often unbelievable powers, including talking to people of hundreds of miles away or teleportation. The most powerful masters must even be careful whenever they speak, as their voice can cause great destruction and they are commonly gagged. During the Conquest of Morrowind, the Nordic war chiefs were also Tongues (Derek the Tall, Jorg Helmborg, Hoag Merkiller). They needed no typical siege weapons when attacking a city as they merely used the Voice to break down the city gate and allow their armies to storm in. The future of the Tongues was forever changed by the most powerful Tongue, Jurgen Windcaller, also better known as the Calm. Jurgen converted to a pacifist and refused to use the Voice for any martial purposes. In a confrontation with 17 other tongues he reportedly swallowed the Shouts of the 17 for three days until they lay exhausted, later to become his followers. Today, all Tongues live secluded lives on the highest peaks of Skyrim in tough conditions and contemplation, and have only spoken to announce the destiny of the great Tiber Septim (who later created an Imperial College of the Voice in Markarth, returning the Voice to the art of warfare). Those known as Dovahkiin, Dragonborn, can use a type of magic known as "Dragon Shouts." Dragon shouts are spoken in the Dragon Language, and can manipulate dragons in a variety of unknown ways, as well as performing other kinds of magic, also undocumented." NORDS BRETON ARGONIANS DARK ELF HIGH ELF IMPERIALS KHAJIIT ORCS REDGUARD WOOD ELF
As far as patching Uber(Team-X)has already stated that this will not be able to be patched through future updates as CB_A contains no checks or revocation fuses. Only a new hardware update can close this hole. Nemanau kad cia kasnors is forumieciu greitai isbandys nes sitam reikalui reikia nemazai hardware nusipirkt. Beto butinai reikia SITO daikciuko.
Siandien grizau namo, patikrinau kas naujo torentuose ziuriu "Reset Glitch JTAG Hack For Silm And Fat" is kart sypsena nuo ausies iki ausies atsirado, tai tikriausiai buvo visu musu sedinciu su bananais svajone dabar belieka palaukti pora menesiu kol siektiek patobules visas sitas reikalas, bei tikiuosi atsiras koks playmanas kuris nepatinges pasidalyti ismintimi ir parasys lietuviska lengvai suprantama gida mazai siuose reikaluose besigaudantiems playmanams.
Fruit Ninja
Jau kad haskiai durni tai tu nepasakok jie net labai protingi sunys, tik yra uzsispyre ir labai savotisko charakterio su jais nepazaisi jei jie patys to nenores, taipogi neismokysi sedet, apsiverst ir taip toliau nes sitas suo pries tave nesizemins. Taip pat jie labai prisirisa prie vieno zmogaus ir kitu tikrai neklausys. O, kad sakai bega is namu, tai matyt seimininkai nekokie galbut laiko uzdaryta, sitiems sunims reikia daug laisves.
Reiktu pradet nuo to kad nemazai egzaminu reiktu isalikyt, norint istot i geresni univera.
Mielas (-a) stojantysis (-čioji), pranešame, kad Jūs esate kviečiamas(-a) studijuoti: Studijų programa: geoinformacinės sistemos, NL Aukštoji mokykla: Kauno kolegija Finansavimo pobūdis: VF Pageidavimo numeris: 1 Studijų programa: kadastriniai matavimai ir nekilnojamojo turto vertinimas, NL Aukštoji mokykla: Kauno miškų ir aplinkos inžinerijos kolegija Finansavimo pobūdis: VNF Pageidavimo numeris: 4
Sveiki playmanai, zinau, kad daugelis siemet baigete mokyklas, tad is smalsumo negaliu nepaklausti ka ketinate studijuoti? Liksite Lietuvoje ar vaziuosite i uzsieni? Galbut kai kurie is jusu jau studijuojate ar neseniai baigete? Pasidalinkit patirtim.... As pats dabar bandau apsispresti ir pasirinkti teisingai is keliu skirtingu varijantu, tokiu kaip studijos Anglijoje ar Lietuvoje..... Mano pirmas pasirinkimas yra studijos University of Huddersfield ( Computing in Business (Bachelor) ) Bei dar keletas studiju kurios mane domina Lietuvoje: Kauno Kolegija - geoinformacinės sistemos Kauno Kolegija - geodezija Kauno Misku ir Aplinkos Inzinerijos kolegija - kadastriniai matavimai ir nekilnojamojo turto vertinimas Galbut turite pasiulymu ar patarimu butu smagu isgirsti jusu nuomone....
Na man reikia skubiai tai nera laiko vertimu biurams o patvirtinti gali mokykloje direktorius taigi reiktu tiesiog po apacia kai kur angliskai parasyti ir nezinau kokia programa naudot photoshop ar kokia kita.... Nunesiau i vertimu biura.... rakinu tema
Sveiki, gal galetumet pasiulyti su kokia programa galeciau isversti brandos atestata i anglu kalba?
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