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USBeXtreme (USBAdvance) Compatibility List :arrow: :arrow: http://jaydium.servehttp.com/usbextreme/gamelist.php
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Is cia galima parsisiusti PS2 USBExtreme + PC-Software :arrow: http://btjunkie.org/torrent?do=stat&id...1c6780ee79096a1 ---------------------------------------------------- ____ ____ ____ ____ | _ / ___|___ / ___| ___ ___ _ __ ___ | |_) ___ __) |______ / __/ _ '_ / _ | __/ ___) / __/_____|__) | (_| __/ | | | __/ |_| |____/_____| |____/ ______|_| |_|___| -= Presents =- USBAdvance > Release Infos < Released..: April 1st 2005 Platform..: PS2 Origin....: NTSC/USA Size......: 1x672kb Filename..: USBAdvance.Cracked-PS2Scene.rar Format....: .Bin/.Cue > Software Infos < USBAdvance allows you to copy your PS2 games to USB HDD and run directly from the USB HDD connected to your console. It is compatible with ALL version of PS2! Features -------- o Games are stored on a standard USB HDD rather than a IDE HDD so you can now play games from HDD even on the new slim PS2 consoles which cannot have IDE HDD connected! o Installation is done from the PC so you dont even need to burn your warez, just copy straight to HDD! o Excellent compatibility, USBAdvance is compatible with ALL PS2 Consoles o User Friendly Graphical Interface o Support 40G to 2T HDD o Keep all your games on a HDD so you dont need to carry around all your game discs - very convenient! o Save your laser o "HDLoader" equivilant for slim PS2 consoles o Its FREE!!! > Credits/Greetz < Brought to you by the good peopole at PS2-Scene.org, kicking ass once more by releasing cool shit to make piracy easier than ever! Feel free to drop by our forums if you have any questions or problems relating to this release, we'll be happy to help.
God Of War 2-2xDVD5 set-NTSC-USA (read release notes) - Blackcats :arrow: www.blackcats-games.net PLEASE READ RELEASE NOTES Armed with all-new brutal combat moves and magic, players retake the role of Kratos and embark on a new epic adventure to change the fate of mortals and Gods alike. The original God of War saw Kratos, a mortal warrior, set upon an epic quest to dethrone a God. But his journey did not end there. In God of War II, Kratos sits atop his Olympus throne, as the new God of War – far more ruthless than Ares ever was. To end his continued torment, Kratos must journey to the far reaches of the earth and defeat untold horrors and alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed: his fate. God of War II sets an epic stage for a devastating mythological war to end all wars. * Huge collection of combat & magic - Use combos from the original God Of War, along with brutal new moves and magic * Use the power of Nature's elements in your fight, controlling wind, ice and more * Encounter more of the greatest Greek mythological characters and face-off against more terrifying bosses * Experience a labyrinth of challenging mini-games intricately woven into the story, for puzzle-solving action * Journey to more vividly striking environments - The dark and violent world of Greek mythology will come to life in gory detail Published by: Sony Computer Entertainment Developed by: SCE Studios Santa Monica Genre: Third-Person Action Adventure Number of Players: 1 ESRB Content Descriptors: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language Features: Memory Card IGN Rating 9.7/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELEASE NOTES This has been acquired by searching the net and is a 2 x DVD5 set of the DVD9 game disc for GOW2 with no downsampling or ripped material (apart from widescreen ripped and vid slight compress on layer 2 DVD5) Each layer has been created by different people but both work together perfectly I have personally tested both along with thousands of others, these disks are readily available on the net but I brought them to you here. Release credits go out to rjcali for DVD5 Layer 1 & shasso for DVD5 Layer 2 personally play tested on PS2 Slim with swap magic 3.6, no mod chip & working 100%. Burned on Ridata DVD-r's @ 4 speed using LG Disk burner. Burned using dvd decrypter and no wasted disks As you can see nothing special so it's childs play I have read through all the comments from both releases and haven't found anyone complaining about not working with HDL or modchips. (the disks are packed seperately so peeps who have already played layer 1 can continue from layer 2) ------------------------------------ INSTALL NOTES Unrar burn with both dvd decryper or equiv @ 4x speed Play disk 1 & enjoy Play disk 2 & enjoy more Finish the game and thank me :-) PLAY NOTES DVD5 Layer 1 works flawlessly up until great chasm, it can be played in both wide screen or normal, and on any setting DVD5 Layer 2 only plays in normal mode ie 4:3 Also please note First save takes a while! all subsequent saves are as normal Once you reach great chasm save point on layer1 DVD5 save game switch off ps2 load Layer 2 DVD5 (IF PLAYING IN WIDESCREEN CHANGE RES TO 4:3 IN OPTIONS FOR LAYER 2 DVD OR GAME WILL CRASH) Load save game play & enjoy till the end also all bonuses ar on DVD layer 2 DVD If you have any trouble at the interchange between disk swaps try this QUOTE I just kept on pausing the game using SELECT. So basically, before I jumped over the liitle gap to the Icarus bridge i pressed select, waited about 30 seconds. Then did the same on Icarus' bridge, then got the cutscene. I have my flak-jacket on for the barrage of abuse and questions, all i ask is that users READ THE COMMENTS before asking questions. Many people have probably asked the question and had it answered before. So bring it on. lol Tried and supplied by bruno116 ------------------------------------ I'll do my best to fill your request !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EVERYONE PLEASE NOTE !!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The layer 2 dvd5 that I downloadedl was an iso named "GODWR2P2-www.zamalek.tv.iso" that i personally winrar using the default file name. if you have downloaded rar files from elsewhere named the same as these please DO NOT try and seed them here as the crc check will differ and could cause a bad torrent Thanks
Ir tik apie 40% PS2 zaidimu teveikia ant USB HDD ,o ant vidinio HDD 60% USB HDD VS Internal HDD :arrow: http://www.hdadvance.com/hd_advance_usb_ex..._comparison.htm
:arrow: http://www.modchipstore.com/support/index....119&nav=0,2 USB Extreme Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ] 1) What do I need to play PS2 games on a Slimline PSTwo console HDD? You will need the following: the USB Extreme software, a PSTwo console, and a suitable internal Hard Disk Drive with a USB enclosure. If you do not already have an IDE HDD or USB enclosure, then you may choose to get an external USB HDD instead- either will work. Pictured below is what I am using, a 120GB Maxtor IDE 7200RPM HDD inside of an $18 USB 2.0 external enclosure- looks sharp too! ;-) 2) I have my IDE HDD & USB case, or USB HDD- what is next? First, format the HDD you plan to use for your PSTwo console in NTFS file system format (as a slave drive) while in Windows XP/Windows 2K. This can be accomplished simply by right-clicking on the drive in My Computer, selecting Format..., followed by the NTFS File System. If you require further assistance with this task, additional information is available HERE as well. Next, determine if you want to use DOS or Win32 tools to re-format the HDD and manage games. If you use the USB Extreme DOS tools then download them and proceed directly to Step #3 below. If you wish to use the USB Extreme Win32 utility instead (recommended), then skip right to Step #4 below now. 3) How do I use the USB Extreme DOS tools with my HDD? First download these USB Extreme DOS tools that are used both to re-format the HDD and install your games to the HDD using your PC. Unzip them (with WinZip) to your C: drive, open to a DOS (command) Prompt by clicking Start and then selecting Run... followed by typing cmd in the box and then clicking the OK button. Once the prompt box opens, type cd c: and press the ENTER button. It should bring you to the next line down, at a C:> prompt. Now, (using the included ul_format.exe utility) type the following after the C:> prompt: C:>ul_format [PSTWO DRIVE LETTER] format NOTE: In the above example, [PSTWO DRIVE LETTER] is replaced by your own, for example "E" was mine as displayed HERE. Next, click Y to the prompt and wait until it finishes as shown. It will usually take a few minutes only. Now, using Windows XP right-click on My Computer, select Properties, then navigate to Hardware, Device Manager, Disk Drives, select your PSTwo (IDE/USB) HDD and right-click on it selecting Properties there. Now, on the Policies tab select Optimize For Performance and click OK. In doing this, it will speed up transfers from 1MBps to around 10-15MBps! However, it is important to NOTE to unplug the device properly (selecting "Unplug or Eject Hardware") while the device is in use and connected to your PC. To install PS2 games to your PSTwo HDD, once again open a DOS Prompt by clicking Start and then selecting Run... followed by typing cmd in the box and then clicking the OK button. Once the prompt box opens, type cd c: and press the ENTER button. It should bring you to the next line down, at a C:> prompt. Now, (using the included ul_install.exe utility) type the following after the C:> prompt: C:>ul_install [sOURCE] [DESTINATION] [GAME NAME] [MEDIA] NOTE: In the above example, [sOURCE] is replaced by your own drive letter, for example "D" was mine as displayed HERE. Also above, [DESTINATION] is replaced by your PSTwo HDD letter (mine was "E"), and enter any name you wish for the [GAMENAME] followed by either CD or DVD for the [MEDIA] type based on what the original game disc is on. Press the ENTER key to start the transfer of each game from your PC's CD/DVD drive to the HDD, or if you have .iSO images on your PC then virtually mount them to a drive letter using Alcohol 120%- cool stuff indeed! 4) How do I use the USB Extreme Win32 utility with my HDD? First download this USB Extreme Win32 Utility that is used both to re-format the HDD and install your games (and delete them) to the HDD using your PC. Unzip it (with WinZip) to your desktop and double-click on it, followed by clicking on the Disk Format tab and clicking the Format button to being up the HDD selection prompt. Choose the drive you wish to Re-Format for use with USB Extreme, and then click OK and wait until it finishes. It will usually take a few minutes to complete only depending on the size of your PS2 HDD. Once it has completed successfully, using Windows XP right-click on My Computer, select Properties, then navigate to Hardware, Device Manager, Disk Drives, select your PSTwo (IDE/USB) HDD and right-click on it selecting Properties there. Now, on the Policies tab select Optimize For Performance and click OK. In doing this, it will speed up transfers from 1MBps to around 10-15MBps! However, it is important to NOTE to unplug the device properly (selecting "Unplug or Eject Hardware") while the device is in use and connected to your PC. To install PS2 games to your PSTwo HDD, once again double-click on the USB Extreme Win32 Utility located on your desktop, and on the Games Installer tab (ensure that your USB HDD is plugged in and initialized) select your source drive from the "CD/DVD ROM Drive" menu, choose the media type (based on what media the original game disc is on), and finally select your PSTwo HDD destination drive letter from the other drop-down menu. Now type in a desired Game Name and press the START button and wait watching the progress bar. When you see it has completed game installation, simply press OK. NOTE: On the Games Installer tab if you right-click on the desired Game Name you can Delete, ReName, and Copy them also. 5) I have games on my HDD, now how can I play them on the PSTwo? Unplug your PSTwo HDD from your PC and plug it into your PSTwo's front USB slot as shown below. Now plug in/power ON both the USB HDD and PSTwo console. Insert your USB Extreme DVD software disc and let it load up. Once it loads, you will see the USB Extreme menu screen below. You should also see the PS2 games installed to your PSTwo HDD. Navigate around the menu screen with your PSTwo controller. Select a game to play, and then push right on the gamepad. When the menu START button is highlighted, press X to play! If the game is compatable with USB Extreme then you will see the "Please Wait" prompt briefly as the game boots up. A few seconds later, you can enjoy your game as shown!! Congratulations, you have successfully learned to play games on your PSTwo console using an IDE HDD with a USB enclosure, or a USB HDD! Be sure to check out our site's USB Extreme page for the most up-to-date compatability list of games. Enjoy
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