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Visas LiquiD turinys

  1. Despite some improvements in our redemption process, last night was challenging for some of our members. At Lockerz HQ, we worked tirelessly to prep for the the redemption--and took all the member feedback into consideration by adding the following features that you recommended: -Private Z-list only redemption with a secret date -Ability to "reserve" prizes that are not in stock -Shorter amount of notice of redemption -Expanded selection of prizes with higher number of prizes -Prizes: In addition to an expanded number of the prizes we have stocked in the past, we have added a tremendous number of prizes that were suggested by members. For example: Call of Duty World at War 2, the brand new DJ Hero Bundle with turntable, brand new Assassins Creed: Bloodlines bundle, DVD and DVD box sets, the new IMac, Magic Mouse, Acer netbooks, skateboard decks, and Lockerz private label items, to name just a few. We tried to contain the date by keeping it top secret, because we wanted it to be a special experience for Z-listers-there were enough prizes for everyone to redeem something! Unfortunately, some Z-listers leaked it all over FB, and it was impossible to contain the info, no matter how hard we tried. By the time the redemption rolled around, it was the same story as last time-millions of people around the globe, all hitting F5 at the same time. Folks always say "buy more servers!" However, we have PLENTY of servers. The issue is that any site would be strained by this volume of traffic in such a short period of time. Some things went really well-lots of members redeemed and were very excited by the prize list. The reservation system was a great new addition. The site had improved performance over the October redemption. News about today's redemption: It will happen at the scheduled time, assuming there are no unforseen issues. However, due to the fact that the times have been leaked, and that some non Z-listers (and some zeroed out cheaters) are showing some irresponsible behavior, we're expecting many of last night's issues to repeat. When the site launches, prizes will be in stock all the time, so this won't be an issue. However, in the short term, we ask for and greatly appreciate your patience. We removed our posts on FB last night because a few of were having difficulty containing their frustration, and we cannot allow cursing or racist language on our boards. We are building an extraordinary web experience and community--but it will take time, and we ask you to remember that. We're learning and growing. When we stub our toe, we are energized by our commitment and excitement about what Lockerz will be in the near future.
  2. Belieka FaceBook'e sedet ir Farm'int belaukiant.
  3. 10/15 tai per Europinį restoką traffic'as buvo 2x didesnis. Crashino žiauriai.
  4. Fimlai, ir wallpaperiai tam, kad ieskot savo prizo ilgiau reiktu.
  5. Link db neieskosiu, bet buvo kazkas Kathy laiska nukopijaves ir siaip, jei US&A gali, tai ir mes galim.
  6. Ausines. iPod nebent touch. Tos ausines ziauriai geros.
  7. Nu isgalvota. Pvz.: Bezdoniu k. 13, Izidorius Klebezdevichius ir t.t.
  8. Bet ka rasyk. Juk nesius tau jokiu siuntiniu, ir i svecius neis.
  9. Tai sakiau, kad fignia bus. Pabandysiu ir as sian vakare. Bent filma ar zaidima reiktu paimt.
  10. A man tai geriausiai... Zadintuvas nesuveike, ir nervu sutaupiau... ^^
  11. Ne į temą O tavęs kas klausė, ar įdomu tau kada Jis bandys redeemint? Anyway, nenoriu čia i kalbas kažkokias leistis.
  12. Ne į temą Pats katik verkei, ir savo nuomone sakei. Nesipūsk...
  13. Nu tai aisku, kad galima. Negi ims skaiciuot laiko juostas. Pagal ju laika skiriasi dienos, tai ir viskas.
  14. Ir kaip jum jis? Man tai idomus buvo, bet perejau per pusdieni. Labai jau trumpas. Labiausiai uzkniso Rio, ten tarp tu namuku saudytis, o patiko pugoj ir siaip kur reik tyliai iszudyt. Techniniu atzvilgiu 10/10, bendrai 8.5/10 duociau.