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Visas LiquiD turinys

  1. As tai ten 30 min knisausi su tuo main page, nepakrove, bet pries 20h pradejo veikt. 5 min uzkrovimas kiekvieno truko, bet sugebejau Touch'a paimt is 3 bandymo (pirmus 2 suvedus info, ismete 500 nginx errora, arba Lockerz is temp.. offline, bet as they say- third time's the charm.) O i general redeema, as net nebandysiu eit. Pravalas ten bus.
  2. Tai pagalvokit kiek Listeriu yra ir kiek paprastu nariu. Katik iejau i viena is savo fake acc, is seses buto registruota, ir radau ten 91949 PTZ. Nais ;D
  3. Kaip yra, taip yra. Vistiek kurie uzsisake nemanau, kad eis... Nes ten tik nervus gadintis.
  4. Imkim prizu kainos vidurki- 200 LT 200x50,000=10,000,000 Milijardieriai Lockerzai.. ;D
  5. Taskus nuimineja ir patvirtinimus surasineja dabar.
  6. I ta as net neisiu. Beje, sake, kad po atidarymo prizu bus nuolat, ir nebus tokiu nesamoniu. 2 laiskus gavai.
  7. Foto 1st GEN, aprasyme minimos koloneles, tai turetu but 2 GEN.
  8. Hey, If you've gotten an order receipt with no actual order number, don't worry, we got the order and it will be sent to you. If you've gotten two order receipts, don't worry, we won't cancel your order, we will give you back the pointz for one of them. If you've ordered a product, didn't know that you got the prize, then ordered another one, don't worry, we'll cancel the 2nd order (if it's over 100 pointz) and give you back the pointz. The basic message is : DON'T WORRY. If you didn't receive a confirmation e-mail for a product you thought you ordered.....well, then you should worry. Because you weren't able to redeem for a prize. Keep it classy, C
  9. Kazkas FB rase, gal tiesos ir yra: This is a Z-List redemption only!! Think GUYS!! There's hardly anyone on COMPARED to the general redemption! Thats why there's still some prizes left!! EVERYONE THAT ORDERED SOMETHING WILL DEFINITELY RECIEVE IT.
  10. Dabar pabandziau, duoda redeemint beveik visus electronics. Ismeta ta langa kur duomenis vest. ;D Imciau jei galeciau dar.
  11. 2 kar buvau iTuoch orderinime, ir abu kart Lockerz is offline
  12. Isirasiau safari, bet praso restartint... No time.. Tiks tada ir Chrome.
  13. Šis tinklalapis neprieinamas. Tinklalapis adresu http://www.lockerz.com/ptzboutique/ gali laikinai neveikti arba visam laikui būti perkeltas kitu interneto adresu. Daugiau informacijos apie šią klaidą