Omegle naujas dalykas atsirado, kad galima užduot klausimą ir stebėt kaip atsitiktiniai žmonės jį atsakinėja, bet pats kištis negali tik stebėt tai gi paklausiau klausimą "What do you know about Lithuania":
Grožėkitės Question to discuss:
What do you know about Lithuania?
Stranger 2: chuch testa
Stranger 1: Ckuck*
Stranger 1: Chuck*
Stranger 2: ckuck*
Stranger 1: Fcuk.
Stranger 2: fuck*
Stranger 1: god damnit...
Stranger 2: fuck testa
Stranger 1: Lmao.
Stranger 1: Anyway, I fucked a girl from Lithuania one time.
Stranger 1: She had really nice tits.
Stranger 2: cool
Stranger 2: did
Stranger 2: you spray your cum around the room?
Stranger 1: You say that like there's another, more accepted, way of cuming.
Stranger 2: yeah
Stranger 1: Well, I know nothing of that sorcery. If there is fluid evacuating my ballsack, at least one wall of the room I'm in is getting coated in the stuff.
Stranger 1: Makes masturbating at a friends house extremely awkward.
Stranger 2: my friends masturbate me
Stranger 2: so nah
Stranger 1: My friends are all the progressive.
Stranger 1: that*
Question to discuss:
What do you know about Lithuania?
Stranger 2: its a state in australia where the unicorns live
Stranger 1: That him and Poland are in a super kawaii relationship!
Question to discuss:
What do you know about Lithuania?
Stranger 1: ive been there
Stranger 1: hated it
Stranger 2: I fucked a girl from there once. She had nice tits.
Stranger 1: ugh, no
Stranger 1: all girls there are so ugly
Stranger 1: and so vulgar
Stranger 2: I never said she was hot.
Stranger 2: I said she had nice tits.
Question to discuss:
What do you know about Lithuania?
Stranger 1: It's a country
Stranger 1: There are werewolves and dragons there.
Question to discuss:
What do you know about Lithuania?
Stranger 2: ... how to spell it. That's pretty much the extent of my knowledge.
Question to discuss:
What do you know about Lithuania?
Stranger 2: its a country!
Stranger 1: it's in eastern europe
Stranger 1: you can buy a wife
Stranger 2: north-eastern
Stranger 2: it also has a flag
Stranger 2: with some colors
Stranger 2: I want to say... red, green and yellow?
Stranger 1: don't know
Stranger 1: but they probably have wicked cheap liquor
Stranger 2: chances are.
Stranger 1: and a lot of prostitutes
Stranger 1: (although they probably sound like a guy)
Stranger 2: (why would that be?)
And the winner is...:
Question to discuss:
What do you know about Lithuania?
Stranger 1: wtf is that