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Visas Dankratas turinys

  1. Xex..geras dalykas tos kaledos ;D TV gausiu nauja ;D P.S. Sveikinu visus su artejanciom kaledom ^^
  2. Yra single player,story ten ;]
  3. Dankratas

    Left 4 Dead

    Setting out to do for co-op gaming what Counter-Strike did for team combat, Left 4 Dead is an ambitious survival horror game. Running on the Source engine, Left 4 Dead leaves four armed survivors of a world overrun with zombies, and they must fight their way out to escape the outbreak. Designed for co-op play, the four players must work together to finish each stage of the game, lending each other artillery support, sharing ammo and rescuing each other when zombies are on top of them. In addition to the standard four players as humans, another four players can be amongst the masses of assaulting zombies, seeking to take down the other players. Zombie players might even find themselves become one of the four mutant "boss" zombies, who have unique powers that can be used to devastate, injure, tie up, mark and track, confuse, or even humiliate the gun-toting human survivors. ESRB Rating: M for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language Genre: First-Person Shooter Online Play: 8 Versus / 4 Co-Op _______________________________________ Na manau tikrai ne vienas zmogus isbande ir gali pasidalint ispudziais ;] Pats dar tik demo zaidziau,didelio ispudzio nepaliko,bet idomu pasaudyt ^^ Vis del to VALVE kurinys ;]
  4. In ancient times, mysterious artifacts referred to as Remnants were discovered all over the world. People used these objects for their awesome powers — a choice that eventually began to cause a rift in the world's balance. Equality was replaced by those who ruled and those who were ruled over. War was inevitable. A thousand years later is when this story begins... Rush lives with his sister Irina on secluded Eulam Island, far from the power struggles for Remnants that are occurring back on the mainland. However, this peaceful life is shattered when his sister is suddenly kidnapped by a mysterious group of soldiers right before his eyes. He immediately sets off after them, unaware of the evils of the outside world but determined to find his sister at any cost. Genre: RPG * Experience groundbreaking graphics, only possible on next-generation platforms, that bring the intensity of gameplay to an entirely new level * Uncover the mystery of the Remnants, powerful artifacts from an ancient civilization that are scattered around the world and stand as they were a millennia ago * Navigate a massive battlefield while surrounded by countless foes and friends * Immerse in exhilarating, large-scale battles through a never-before-seen battle command system ___________________________________ Na sita uzmaciau uzsienio trakuose,dvieju DVD9 disku,uzmima netoli 11GB ;] Manau neuzilgo turetum sulaukti ir lietuvos trakuose ;] Jeigu tiesa sakant sudomino mane sis zaidimas,reiks isbandyt.
  5. Jeigu kas nors mokat padaryti FATALITY butu malonu,kad pasidalintumet ;]
  6. Na pavaiksciojau po Options as ten bet lyg ir nebuvo,nebent ten kur nors tiesei per aplinkui reikia eit kad surastai
  7. Aha,man irgi patiko.Grafika nebloga,idomu palakstyt nuo mentu pavogus masina.Tik kad lengvokas ^^
  8. Perejau sendien.Neblogas ^^ Buvau zaides demo,is jos nusprendziau kad zaidimas bus lievas , bet pazaides pilna game apsigalvojau,patiko ;D
  9. Heh..Aisku kad bus ne i m33 updatines.Ir speju dabar verks ka daryt ;]
  10. Cia parasyta kad kazkokia kita programa naudoja ta draiv`a,taip pat raso kad pabandyk uzdaryt ta kita programa ir tada spausk "Try again"
  11. Dankratas

    E 74

    Ne į temą Nutrintas vienas klausimas nes pazeidzia stai sia taisykle : "- Klausti XBOX 360 konsolių meistų / čipuotojų / pardavėjų konktaktinių duomenų draudžiama!"
  12. Pasakei ta stebuklinga zodi "Acme", ko tu is ju tikiesi?instalink zaidimus i harda jeigu kazkas neveikia.
  13. www.nvidia.com parsisiusk naujausius ir viskas,beje vaizdo plokste labai silpna
  14. Ne į temą Ivairei,buvau 2 zaidimus isikeles,vienas uzeme 6.4GB kitas 6GB,pazystamas buvo isikeles Far Cry 2 sake uzima tik 4GB
  15. Ne į temą Ne jau cia virsune,gal yra koki 5 komentarai kad ateit i skype chat`a,tai ne... Jus vistiek su tais savo PM
  16. Spaudinek B o ne paspausk...
  17. Na va perejau zaidima,zaidziau maximum 4 valandas,zaidimas ne tik lievas bet ir trumpas ;] man asmeniskai nepatiko ^^ Ne į temą bet i acme rasiau tai kazkaip negaila ;D
  18. Ne į temą Jeigu i tavo klausima atsake butu gerai kad ir pats uzrakintai tema.Rakinu
  19. Isbandziau ir galiu pasakyt kad nelabai patiko,isijungus vaizda is vidaus ir sukant i sona vairas nejuda,posukio isimt nepaslydus beveik neimanoma,nors kiti kurie vazineja lyg priklijuoti isima posukius.
  20. As jau nespeju net rasytis sita parsisiunciau irgi teks isirasyt Bent jau man asmeniskai sitas buvo labiau laukiamas nei NFS:Undercover