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Visas Dankratas turinys

  1. Kadangi daugiau nera ka pasakyt siuo klausimu tema rakinu.Temos autoriui : yra gidai PlayManijoj jeigu noresi - rasi kaip atsirist. Iskilo zmonem neaskumu todel papildau dar : PSP 3000 yra neatrisamas
  2. Ta pati ka ir su nulauztu,tik kad viskas orginalu tures but.
  3. Ne į temą Jeigu nesuprantat uz ka balsuot (na imkim pvz SepiD draugus) tiesiog nerasykit,nes dazniausiai jus uz tai gausit ispejima ir liksit nieko nepese ;] Ne į temą Beje Impaler neskaiciuok tu zmoniu balsu kurie nesupranta uz ka balsuoja ;] pvz aidoskins
  4. Na ka ir as prisidesiu ;] Metų PSP žinovas: issatu1 Metų xbox,xbox 360 žinovas: Griauciai Metų PS3 žinovas: Nourishing Metų PS2 žinovas: Beabejo Impaler Metų Nintendo žinovas: Slaptas ;] Metų linksmiausias: ViperKillz Metų aktyviausias: No0ne Metų naujokas: - Metų n00bas: SepiD ir jo visi kiti acc, t.y. Circa ir kt.
  5. Video korta lieva,nepaveza ji tokios grafikos normaliai.Ant low viska daryk ir dziaukis ,kad veikia
  6. Persiskaityk temos pavadinima ir tada pasiziurek su kuo tu irasineji...
  7. Zmogelis rasineja i skype,tikisi,kad i chat`a pridesiu Tikiuosi IP Ban gavo ;]
  8. As the King of Iolcus, Jason had everything – a prosperous kingdom, the respect of his peers and a beautiful fiancé. But when she was assassinated on their wedding day, Jason vowed to take revenge on her killers – to do anything to restore her life and earn back the respect of his subjects. To accomplish this heroic feat, Jason must seek out the Golden Fleece and with the help of Greek mythology’s greatest heroes, set sail on the most epic voyage of all. An epic scale action-RPG, Rise of the Argonauts immerses gamers in a gladiatorial adventure set in wondrously imagined vision of ancient Greece. With deep exploration and epic quests, players live a life of brutal combat as they lead a team of iconic warriors -- including Jason, Hercules and Atalanta-- through a world ruled by mythological gods. ESRB Rating: M for Blood and Gore, Mild Sexual Themes, Violence Genre: Action RPG * Gamers spend more time playing and less time micro-managing inventory and resources through a streamlined HUD and inventory system. Players can earn unique powers and abilities, but avoid tedious record keeping by dedicating deeds to a god of choice. Characters become stronger with armor and weapons upgrades significant in scope, leaving enemies nearly helpless. Players must learn to appease the Gods and interact wisely with those they encounter, as decisions impact the story flow and available missions * Players assemble the most effective team of Argonauts for each mission to put the best battle plan forward. Lethal combinations of weapons and powers granted by the Gods, combined with the battle-tested loyalty of the Argonauts, make Jason a devastating force in combat. Players can change weapons on the fly to outmaneuver and inflict lethally devastating attacks on opponents, decapitating them with swords or cutting them in half with shields * Players battle deadly foes, fearsome opponents and legendary monsters while experiencing a living, breathing and vivid ancient world taking players far beyond the generic broken statues and ruins that so often define the myth. The thrill of battle and intensity of action is strengthened through Tyler Bates' (300 composer) epic musical score ------------------------ Siustis galit is t.lt arba LM.Jeigu niekur neskubat galit palaukt rytojaus,atsiras PlayManijos trackey (FreeLeech ir x2 upload ;]) Ne į temą Demesio : Rasydami komentara ziurekite ar tikrai rasote i ta tema (Pvz.: kad nerasytumete apie PC X360 temoje)
  9. Zmogau,tavo vaizdo korta yra paskutinis srotas ;]
  10. Ne į temą Pridejau siokia tokia apklausa,prabalsuokit ;]
  11. Ne į temą ;) Aciu ,kad taip pralinksminai,padekosiu net uz toki post`a
  12. Ne į temą O tu man paaiskink prie ko cia tas ps2 dabar?Juk buvo aiskiai kalbama apie PC,X360 ir PS3
  13. As irgi jau perejau.Zaidime daug bug`u.Pvz ant oro atsistoja,arba einant uz oro uzsikabina.Bet story patiko ;] neblogas
  14. Confront new and ruthless enemies across the Pacific and European battlefields in the final days of WWII. Fight as a member of the 2nd Marine Division in the Pacific, the 6th British Airborne on the banks of the Rhine, or the 80th Infantry in Bastogne. Engage in multiple mission types including infantry, infiltration, sniper, night fighting and tank assaults. Genre: First-Person Shooter * Harness the power of the flamethrower, the deadly weapon of choice for close combat * Offers a companion experience to Call of Duty: World at War, featuring its own unique set of missions, engagements and challenges __________________________________ Kazkaip keista,kad neradau tokios temos PS2 zaidimuose. Zaidimas gal ir jau ne pats naujausias, bet gal dar kam nors reikia ;] Siustis : cia
  15. Dankratas

    Loco Roco 2

    Everybody's favorite blobs of fun return with this sequel to the PSP favorite. Genre: Action ___________________ Siusits : cia
  16. Everyone's favorite hedgehog breaks new ground yet maintains his roots in a game that combines amazing next gen capabilities with classic Sonic 2D gameplay! Developed by renowned studio Sonic Team, Sonic Unleashed utilizes the powerful "Hedgehog Engine" to mesh seamless 3D and classic 2D camera transitions, whilst delivering a rich and expansive world with multiple paths to choose from. Having been broken apart by the evil Dr Eggman, it's down to Sonic to put the pieces of the world back together again by retrieving the power of the chaos emeralds. In doing so, Sonic will find himself in a race against time and faced with an unusual situation that will challenge him in ways never before seen. By completing a wide variety of action-packed stages, spanning the seven broken continents of the world, gamers will need to unleash Sonic's amazing abilities to save the world, and himself! Genre: Platformer * Sonic can engage in different ways during the day and night time levels, bringing a completely original way of playing the beloved series * In addition to running at high speeds in classic Sonic style, combat fighting will become possib*e * Super quick Sonic's speed skills is highlighted by four new modes, whilst the all new combat, movement and functional abilities offer depth and variety to the game ______________________________ Siustis : cia
  17. Ne į temą Tu supranti kad ne MB esme?ar nesuprati tu to?
  18. Tu nusikliedejei del grafikos ;] kaip tu gali sakyt kad jo grafika geresne ant to TV jeigu net nebuvai ant jo pajunges X360 ar PS3? P.S. paziuresim kaip verksi kad neveza ant max grafikos po kokio pusmecio ;] Ne į temą P.P.S. tema ne vietoj - perkeliu ir ispeju GorDo: Heh neuzmaciau kad ten pas ji stovi 7900.Jau dabar vsio ten pas ji
  19. Na dar neperejau bet vis dar zaidziu.Viskas patiko,iskyrus dabar kokios nesamones prasidejo ;] Persistenge...Lekent masina 361KM/h greiciu mentai pralekia kaip pro stovinti ir speja uztvert kelia.Tai bent kaip idomu...
  20. Pas mane irgi barska ten jis (BENQ,bet tik tada kai greitai suka) todel instaliuoju zaidimus i hdd,kad nebutu to ikyraus garso