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Visas RsXs turinys

  1. RsXs

    Blogas updeitas

    siaip jo reikes pasitaupyti tik uz 500 kazin ar nusipirksi nauja acade
  2. RsXs

    Blogas updeitas

    Gal kas uzsiema downgradinimu nes man atrodo uzbrikinta jau mano konsole... ignoruoja visus updeitus
  3. RsXs

    Blogas updeitas

    dabar pabandziau ir tas pats
  4. RsXs

    Blogas updeitas

    neupdeitina nezinau dabar kaip ji pataisyt gal turit kas dar minciu
  5. RsXs

    Blogas updeitas

    nepadejo jau bandziau bet nepaminejau kad as updeitinau is flesho buvau atsisiuntes updeitint 2.0.8496 dashboard versija kiek zinau dabar jau yra 2.0.8498 gal kas netycia zinot kur rast ja?
  6. RsXs

    Blogas updeitas

    tai va siandien sumasciau updeitinti konsole i summer updeita taciau iskilo problema jis kazkodel blogai isirase ir dabar kai ijungiu boxa kai isijungia dashboardas jisai pastringa gal kas zino kaip patvarkyti sita problema ? ar ja galima patvarkyti tik downgreidinus?
  7. jeigu pas tave yra irasytas iXtreme 1.4 reikia tau unlock dvd ji reikia isirasyti i dvd +R DL be jokio leyerbreak per imgburn jis randasi isijungi JungleFlasher>MTK Flash 32> ir visui kampe yra activate.iso atsisiusk ji isirasyk idek cd palauk apie 30sec ir ijunk jungleflasher ir tada turetu perreit i Vendor mode kai paspausi Intro/Device
  8. tai duok info is kur po 20lt pardavinejami tie kabeliai
  9. nearzius boxo tai isirasyk updeita nauja ant boxo is Xbox live ir tada paspaudus X ant pultelio atsidarys
  10. pabandyk su xport 360 Setup_XPort_360_v2_07.zip
  11. matai ant nauju boxu yra i vidu imontuota motininej arcadu atmintis nera isorines tos korteles.o tavo senesnis greiciausiai bet jeigu niekur nerandi jos ir jei boxas neranda jokios atminties korteles tai tave apgavo tada ir nieko nepadarysi eik ten kur pirkai ir issireikalauk arba reiks pirkt...
  12. neveiks nes updeitas buna priristas prie konsoles jau bandes...
  13. nusipirk hdmi laida ir turetu but viskas normaliai nes neteisingai pajungi greiciausiai
  14. blogas zaidimo rip nepatarciau rasytis gali laisvai del jo baninti
  15. kaip seniau viskas gerai budavo? ar amerikietiskas gal boxas ir televizorius palaiko tik PAL o ne NTSC ar atvirksciai pabandyk ant kito televizoriaus pasijunkti
  16. Quake II gali pabandyti atsimenu seniau mokyklaoj per informatikos pamoka pliekdavom su klasiokais
  17. Stai ir jam FW jei kam reikia Ne į temą Team HyperX Presents IXtreme 1.6 firmware for Liteon 83850c drives ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IXtreme fw for Liteon 83850c drives! Happy third anniversary for the xbox360 fw and despite all attempts we are still here, flashing fw, after several ban waves and several drives including the mighty LITEON we have triumphed! It is a testiment to all involved on how far we have come and the massive teamwork it has required. Thanks go to all involved and here's to the next three years! At the moment the only way to get your key data is through the foundmy.com method. At this time we have no alternative solution. Props to foundmy for cracking the key encryption and providing a solution. Team HyperX will keep working to find a alternative solution! -------- -Added Support for LiteOn 83850c Drives. -Strict Wave 3 compliance! hybrid (modified disks) will not boot! -Strict drive speed compliance - 12x only for game discs! -Support for SS V2! -Integrated 0800 for game dumping including SS v2! -Full support for all known game exceptions! eg ddr etc! -One shot boot mode! - allows a one off boot of gamedisc without -stealth/partition checks (will still use stealth), use activate.iso disk to activate each time! -Support for easy drive key/version info cmd, same as liteon! -Strict stealth/wave checking, one shot boot mode will boot wave(x)! More Info --------- Strict Wave 3 compliance means wave 3 games will only boot if they have correct PFI/DMI/SS and timestamp for wave 3 Strict drive speed compliance means games will only boot if drive is set for the initial speed of 12x, any modification of this make games fail to boot SS v2 suports multiple timing samples for challenges type 5 and 7 , stroing them in the SS. This is a pre-requiste for SS v3 which has support for the so called AP2.5 check. Since this has never been used or may never be used by MS we will adopt a wait and see approach and continue to monitor for its usage. With drive in Windows mode (Tray half open on powerup) 0800 mode is activated allowing easy dumping of game disc including SS v2. In this mode the drive is also able to output drive key, fw version and drive type by using a simple custom inquiry command. Game exceptions are integrated in the fw for games that do not comply with the strict wave checks but are legitimate. These are Dance Dance Revolution Universe, Stoked, Ping 17 disk, afro samurai One shot boot mode allows you to boot a Wave X or non stealth game by using the activate.iso disk as a flag. Just insert the activate disc and the next disc inserted will boot without any strict checks. This will still utilise full stealth if available. As soon as that disc is booted the flag is cleared, and you will have to re-insert the activate disk again to enable one shot boot. As always use with caution. LiteOn_iXtreme_83850c_THX_v1.6.rar
  18. pabandyk su minksta servetele kokia medzegine apvalyt ji man kelis kartus buvo padeja
  19. o kitus zaidimus skaito normaliai? diskas nesubraizytas?
  20. Ant 64bit niekaip nenufleshinsi bandyk isirasyt xp 32bit arba naudok iprep
  21. taip gali ir be yrankiu atsinaujint per jungle flasher