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Su jtag microsoft ir tai kovoja tu tik pabandyk paprastai updeitinti jtag konsoje ir iskart ji tampa paprasta konsole jei neisimta varza ar neuztrumpinta tam tikroj vietoj kad neleistu imest iki galo updeito, O del tavo klausimo tai yra gi pachai kad nuskaitytu visus regiono kodus o kad microsoft ruostusi juos keisti niekur neskaiciau dar....
Isimesk sita faila i C:\windows\system ir turetu paleisti msvcr71.zip
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tau reik tokio daikto http://www.amazon.co.uk/PCMCIA-CARDBUS-CON...T/dp/B002VRC2KQ ir viska darai pagal gidus. Ir apie tai jau buvo kalbeta naudokis paieaska!!
Ne į temą surely if ur at this stage u know how to installed the via card drivers and portio32 1. get these programs latest versions should be fine - Iprep - Dosflash - Lite On Erase - Lite on's latest firmware i found that i didnt even need liteon erase, but you may need it so get it anyway they can all be found in auto xbins 2008 2. using iprep make a boot usb drive. do this by opening iprep then adding a samsung firmware any one doesnt matter as this isnt used then make sure mtk flash box is ticked and then prepare destination (ur usb) once thats done put all the programs u downloaded onto the drive not in folders makes it easier the firmware you put on here HAS to have your drives key in it.. u should have saved the dummy, u can add your key to the new firmware through jungleflasher do this by opening jungleflasher then in the first tab that shows up open source firmware and pick your dummy. then open target firmware and pick your new latest cracked firmware and spoof your key to it. make sure its not multiples of 7's or f's once its spoofed save the firmware to the drive with an easy to remember name. okay now that your this far you need to restart your pc make suren ur lite on drive isnt powered yet and boot into the usb device by pressing f8 just after bootup. once u agree to y (for iprep) power up lite on and type dosflash this should list your drives once listed type in the number that corrispondes with your drive then type LITEON E to erase. once thats done type dosflash again and get back to the swcreen where u flashed and press w to write instead. once done that type in the name of your file "LOFIRM.bin" was what mine was called and this should erase again and write it to the drive. this is now done. power off the drive for a few seconds then re power and press eject and if it ejects it should be fixxed and ready for you to test..
tada pakopink jungle flasher log faila ka tu veikiai su tuo cdrumu tada kazka gal bus galima padeti ir beje koks modelis jo?
paziurek ar isvis idejas visus laidus normaliai is motinines i cdruma