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Visas Dellinkas turinys

  1. Nezinau, nematau tame jokio feilo. Labai dziaugiuosi, kad nusipirkau ir nei kiek nesigailiu. Yra ka zaist ant to PS5, o ir senesni zaidimai veikia nepalyginamai geriau negu ant ps4. Bugovas OS, dabar nematau nei vieno bugo, bet matau kaip sudinai veikia os ant ps4. Apie ps3 isvis patyliu. Suprasti koks geras yra tas ps5 reikia ji tureti, o ne paskaiciau ten, paskaiciau ten pazejau youtube ir nusprendziau kad feilas
  2. As kai losiu su ps5 dazniausiai naudoju ps5 ausines, todel nieko kaip ir negirdziu. Neuzknisa tiesiog cia jau psichologiskai paveike mane
  3. Tai va kaip tycia ir randu tik Nydec ausintuvu pirkt
  4. Zinai ta garsa is siaubo filmu, kur supasi supynes ir tas bauginantis metalo garsas? Tai va toki garsa skleidzia maniske ps5, tik zinoma labai tyliai. Eina girdeti tik pridejus ausi prie ps5 arba totaliai visiskoje tyloje. Siaip tyliai veikia. Bet as zinau, kad gali buti geriau, todel tik atsiras prekyboje ausintuvai ir as iskarto pasikeisiu. Man dar gerai cia pasiseke, paziurejus video kitiem ne taip nuskilo.
  5. Tu pradejai lost nuo 1.06 versijos Pabandyk be update ir suprasi is kur tas hate Nebuk antras Scalman, kuris meluoja ant kiekvieno kampo
  6. As zaidziu ant LG OLED C9, tai atrodo normaliai, kazkaip neturiu kur prisikabint.
  7. As buvau ant xbox isijunges 60fps, tai numuse i 1080p ir nestabilus net kovos metu. kartais jautesi, kad labai pakrito
  8. Baikit bartis del tu konsoliu. Abi turiu ir jos abi yra superines. Tiek viena, tiek kita turi pliusiu ir minusu. Yra kas man patinka ant xbox ir kas neptinka ir taip paciai su PS5. Jeigu jos abi butu identiskos, 100% rinkciausi tik PS5 vien tik del zaidimu. Bet deja taip nera ir isigijau abi. Dabar kas sunkiausia, tai kai nori pirkt zaidima ir nezinai ant kurios. Kas neturi gero pc ir nusipirksit series x, tai tikrai nepasigailesit.
  9. Kaip zaidimas jis yra labai geras ir idomus. Bet suluzes ziauriai. Patariu nepirkt ir neprasidet su juo dabar isvis. Jo jo as irgi situos ziuriu ziauriai geruliai
  10. Jokio as cia GTA nesitikejau, zinojau tiksliai ka isleidzia. Man kai borderlands patinka, turejo patikt ir sitas. Gal jis ir bus geras zaidimas, kai ji sutvarkys. Jis bus zaidimas, kaip zaidimas, kai ji sutvarkys. Bet dabar jis yra TOTALUS š****. Pazekit i patch 1.05 ir suprasit apie ka as sneku. Jeigu butu zaidimas , kaip zaidimas, tai nebutu ismestas is PS Store. The full list of changes included in Cyberpunk 2077's Hotfix 1.05 are as follows; Quests Jackie will no longer disappear in The Pickup or The Heist. Fixed an issue preventing players from landing the helicopter in Love like Fire. Fixed an issue with Takemura not calling in Play it Safe. It's no longer possible to trigger the same dialogue twice in Big in Japan. Fixed an issue with Delamain appearing upside down at the end of Don't Lose Your Mind. Saul now correctly reaches the van in Riders on the Storm. Fast travelling before the encounter with Tyger Claws no longer breaks progression in I Fought the Law. Fixed an issue blocking progress in Ghost Town if an autosave made upon Raffen Shiv's arrival was loaded. Fixed an issue with not receiving new calls or messages if Happy Together failed as a result of combat. Elizabeth Peralez stops being excessively insistent with her calls after her job offer is refused. The scene with Misty and Jackie now starts properly after leaving Viktor's clinic. Wakako's dialogues no longer get blocked after finishing Search and Destroy. Walking away from Stefan in Sweet Dreams shouldn't prevent other characters from calling you anymore. Brick’s detonator should now be properly interactable for players to disarm. Or set off. Your call. Elevator doors should now correctly open in The Heist. Saul now correctly gets out of cars in Riders on the Storm. Fixed an issue with not receiving new calls or messages after running too far away from Frank in War Pigs. Jackie now correctly leaves the factory after the combat is finished in The Pickup. Fixed an issue with Militech reinforcements not spawning if driving through the gate too fast in Forward to Death. Skipping time while in the club in Violence no longer results in issues with progression. Fixed issues with starting Gig: Getting Warmer... Fixed an issue with not receiving new calls or messages after Pyramid Song has been abandoned midway. Fixed an issue whereby Delamain core could be already broken when player enters the Core room in Don't Lose Your Mind. Fixed issues with Delamain not appearing or doing nothing outside the Afterlife in The Heist. Fixed an issue with objective getting stuck on "Talk to Viktor" in The Ripperdoc. Fixed an issue whereby it was impossible to talk to the bouncer in front of Lizzie's in The Information. Added description for Don't Lose Your Mind in the Journal. Fixed an issue preventing player from saving, using fast travels, and talking to other NPCs after reloading a save with an active call with Frank in War Pigs. Fixed an issue with Panam not calling about any other matter until I'll Fly Away is completed. Fixed an issue with Dum Dum following V after The Pickup is finished. Gameplay Improved the reaction times of NPCs taking cover. Corrected the number of shots needed to kill civilians from a distance while in combat. Visual Fixed an issue with Delamain's image displayed on top of the current caller during phone calls. V's mouth doesn't stay open after entering the space lock in Where is My Mind. Fixed some UI overlap issues. V appears more modest in the inventory preview after the half year montage NPCs are faster to appear in the quest area during Stadium Love. Added some warmth to HDR. Fixed T-posing NPCs in Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Just Say No and Gig: Hot Merchandise. Fixed an issue whereby after a braindance it was possible to be stuck in 3rd person view with no head. Silencer icons are no longer displayed with no image in the inventory. UI Fixed an issue with weapon crosshair persisting on screen. The inventory menu no longer closes immediately after opening it for the first time after leaving a car. Fixed an issue whereby upon accessing a fast travel terminal the button shown on the top right corner prompting to open the quest journal would not work. Performance & Stability Multiple stability improvements, including crash fixes. Miscellaneous Offscreen explosions make noise now. PC-specific [AMD SMT] Optimized default core/thread utilization for 4-core and 6-core AMD Ryzen(tm) processors. 8-core, 12-core and 16-core processors remain unchanged and behaving as intended. This change was implemented in cooperation with AMD and based on tests on both sides indicating that performance improvement occurs only on CPUs with 6 cores and less. Fixed an issue with the way Raw Input is collected. Removed the use of AVX instruction set thus fixing crashes occurring at the end of the Prologue on processors not supporting AVX. Removed debug console to prevent functions that could lead to crashes or blocked quests. This doesn't mean we don't want to support the modding community. Stay tuned for more info on that. Ray traced reflections should no longer seem too bright in comparison to the environment. Fixed an issue with Steam Overlay crash on game shutdown. Removed the memory_pool_budgets.csv file. which was not connected with the final version of the game and had no influence on it (it was a leftover file used during the development to estimate memory usage. It had no effect on how much memory was actually allocated). Perceived performance increase after editing the file may have been related to restarting the game. Console-specific Improved image sharpness with Chromatic Aberration and Film Grain on. Settings should no longer reset to default after several game session restarts. Fixed visual issues occurring during the transition between The Heist and Love Like Fire. Corrected the look of several vehicles. [Xbox] Entering combat while Synaptic Accelerator is active no longer ends in player health bar not being displayed. [Xbox] Game no longer becomes unresponsive when signing out from a profile when the controller disconnection message is visible. Telemetry consent request will appear once more due to an earlier issue with settings reset. Fixed an issue whereby it was possible to fall down the elevator shaft in Megabuilding H8 in Automatic Love.
  11. Gaidziu g*****, o ne zaidimas. Kai zaidi pagrindines misijas, dar eina zaist. Bet salutines misijos ir jos bugai tai n... Ryt nesu ir priduodu zaidima. Cia vapsie kitas zaidimas nei kad jie zadejo pries metus. AI bukumas auksciausio lygio. Tokius sukcius vapsie reiketu sodint. Vienos side mission net neina perreit, jau antra diena bandau. Spawnina sniperius kaip nori ir kada nori kai saudai ir jam mazai hp jis tiesiog dingsta, pranygsta ir paskui bbz kada atsiranda vel. Nu tokios nesamones cia vyksta, kad n*. Witcher 3 tikrai neturejo tiek bugu, kiek sitas sudo gabalas. Nezinau kas cia kaltas, ar investuotojai ar labiau debilai drebantys nenurimstantys zmones, bet tegu dega pragare, per kuriuos paskubejo ir paleido sita sudo kratini.
  12. Witcher 3 pradzia buvo sunki, bet ne ant tiek sudina kiek su situ. Grafines klaidos jau pradeda pjaut ir mane pati.
  13. Siandien sunkiai krauna Best Buy. Jau puslapis aplipes botais
  14. Nu pas mus rytoj vel restock beveik visose pardese. Bet jau pranese savaitgali, tai skalperiai galanda botukus
  15. Pasirinkai uz kaimieti zaist matau Girdejau, kad PS5 versija tragedija, nes duotas tik 60fps su isblurintu vaizdu. As vakar visa diena galvojau ant kurios konsoles imt Imsiu jauciu ant xbox series x, nes leidzia pasirinkt norm reza ir 30fps
  16. Jo as irgi galvojau , bet tas garsas nera baisus, tu tik girdi toki tylu alsavima. Kai isijungia zaidimas tada atrodo dirba kaip ir normaliai. Bet kai zinai, kad gali buti geriau, tai psichologiskai pjauna labai. As manau jie gal ir pakeistu, bet bijau, kad nereiketu laukti konsoles kelis menesius, kai dabar tokia situacija. Ir manau, kai tik atsiras prekyboje ausintuvu butinai nusipirksiu ir pasikeisiu. Arba palauksiu, kai susitvarkys situacija, tada kreipsiuosi i garantini
  17. Dziaugiuosi uz tave. Man nepasiseke, kai tyla kambaryje, is bet kurio kampo kambario galiu girdeti ps5
  18. Eilinis š****, naujus map sumete ir pasibaige. Vardas tik islikes ir viskas
  19. Cia ne man reikia susireiksmint, o tau. Ne tau sprest, kas kaip pardavineja ir po kiek ir kas kaip gyvena po vienu stogu. Vietoj to, kad lietum asaras forume, geriau pasidometum, kur bus papildymas ir kokios galimybes gaut ta konsole. Matau kitiems ir Lietuvoje iseina uzsisakyti, tai sekmes ir tau
  20. Nu ka padarysi, pasiseke Negirdejau, kad viena konsole per household, girdejau viena konsole vienam asmeniui. Jeigu as nemegstu dalintis konsole, o mano drauge irgi nori turet savo, tai ka ji negali nusipirkt? Kuo ji isskirtine? As turiu, ji negali turet? Del to, kad gyvenam po vienu stogu? Tai gal b*** ir vienu Iphonu galim tik dalintis, nes po vienu stogu vistiek gyvenam. Gal placiau pats apsidairyk
  21. Zmones nusiraminkit... Jis uzsienyje gyvena, ne Lietuvoje. Jeigu zmogui isejo uzsisakyti 3 konsoles is skirtingu parduotuviu valio. Nelyginkit uzsienio su Lietuva. Man irgi gyvenanciam uzsienyje pavyko gauti tiek PS5, tiek XBSX. Pavyko pagaliau gauti ir PS5 ausines... Nepavydekit, o pasidziaukit zmogaus sekme, gal trecia konsole parduos Playmanijos forumieciui kazkuriam As irgi norejau antra konsole kazkuria is naujos kartos prigriebt saviskei, bet nepavyko... Dar ir nepasiseke, nes gavau PS5 su tuo prastesniu ausintuvu, aisku nera jis toks blogas kaip kitiems, bet prastenis negu xbox.
  22. Tai va kvailas buvai.... Pats apsizioplinai...