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  22. man rodos sito dar nebuvo PS3 "jailbreak" F.A.Q. Q - So the PS3's been hacked to play homebrew and game backups? A - Yes. Q - Can I backup PS1/2 games or movies? A - Currently no, this just allows for PS3 games and homebrew. Q - Does it require me to buy anything? A - Yes, you WILL need to buy an official jailbreak device (expensive), or a specific programming board to make your own, generally using this code (a lot cheaper, but requires some programming know-how). Known-working boards are the teensy++ and BlackCat 1.2+. Q - I heard something about being able to use a PSP, iPhone, Ti-84+, or (insert stuff here), will they work? A - Most are speculative (just a guess) for the moment. While there have been multiple people claiming to work on a PSP port, many of them have no clue what they're doing. The Nokia N900 port has been released. Q - Can I play game backups with the homemade one? It says it's been disabled. A - You can re-enable it. In descriptor.h, find 0x78, 0x78, 0x78, 0x78 and change it to 0x62, 0x64, 0x76, 0x64 (which changes a string from "xxxx" to "bdvd"), then it will rip/play game backups like the official one. Q - Will a flash drive work? A - No, these USB devices are NOT flash drives, a flash drive will NOT work. Q - Isn't this stolen from Sony? A - No, it's been confirmed as an original exploit. Q - What firmware does this work on? A - Official sources only mention 3.41 (the current latest), these devices are not yet in the hands of the masses (just a couple shops and respected programmers) so others have not yet been tested. Q - What does the jailbreak do, exactly? A - It sets the PS3 into development mode, and allows you to rip games to your harddrive and play them. You will need to have an official game disc in the drive in order to play them, but it can be any official working game disc. Q - Since you say I need to have a game disc in the drive, does this mean I can't play game backups if my PS3 won't read any discs? A - Correct, if the PS3 does not detect an official PS3 game disc (it can be ANY official PS3 game disc) then the BD emulator will not launch, so you can only run homebrew. Q - Do I need to have the device plugged in the entire time? A - The official one requires that, however it's been discovered it purposely resets the PS3 when you remove it. The homemade one can be unplugged after activating, though you need to reactivate dev mode each time you turn the PS3 on. Q - What about ISOs or burning discs? A - No, it will not play burned discs. Q - Since it rips it to the harddrive, can't I just "transfer" already-ripped games and put them on a harddrive for my PS3? A - Yes, in fact groups are already "releasing" jailbreak-formatted dumps. Q - Are there any limitations on harddrives? A - Yes. It can back up to both the internal and an external, however for an external harddrive it's limited to FAT32 for now, so some games don't work because FAT32 has a single-file limit of 4 gigs, and some games have files (usually cinematics or one giant world data file) measuring over 4 gigs, so those don't work on an external. The backup loader disassembles the games to back them up and play them, so the concern is NOT the overall TOTAL filesize of the game, but rather if one of the files within the game is over 4 gigs large, which is uncommon, but it's been confirmed for a few games already (list might not be up to date). Q - How do I get around the FAT32 limit? A - Buy and use an internal harddrive, which doesn't have that problem. The PS3 will take any normal SATA laptop (2.5") harddrive. You can find them all over the place on sites like Newegg (500GB for ~$60 USD), TigerDirect (500GB for ~$73 CAD), and Amazon.co.uk (500GB for ~£45). Q - How hard is it to swap out the PS3's harddrive? A - An 11 year old could do it watching video tutorials on youtube, don't worry. Q - Can Sony detect me using this online and ban me? A - Yes, the backup manager's ID is easily detected by Sony when you're playing online. Q - What if I never play a backup online? A - Mathieulh reports on his twitter that IDs of titles you play offline are still logged, so don't risk it.
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