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  2. Resident Evil Revelations returns redefined for release on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U and Windows PC on May 21 in North America and May 24 in Europe. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield return with their respective BSAA partners as they investigate a supposedly abandoned cruise ship. With limited ammo and weapons available the race is on to survive the horrors that await them on board. Featuring additional content including a terrifying new enemy, extra difficulty mode and the opportunity to play as Hunk and other characters from the series in the online co-op and single player Raid Mode.
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  9. There are even more reasons to be jolly this festive season – with the 12 Deals of Christmas on PlayStation®Store, a dozen amazing bargains await you from 1 December until 24 December 2012. Just like the presents under your tree, we’re keeping these deals under wraps until it’s time for them to be opened. So make sure you keep checking PlayStation.Blog and PlayStation Store to find out what the latest amazing offer is. Each discount will only be available for 48 hours, so be sure to grab them before they vanish… taip ir nesupratau,kas per dovanos laukia mokamos ar nemokamos bus
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