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Visas paseles turinys

  1. Sony has revealed the content that PlayStation Plus subscribers can expect this October. It's pretty good. Starting from September 25, games such as Assassin's Creed 3 and Saint's Row The Third will be replaced with similarly excellent titles in Far Cry 3, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams and Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. In summary Leaving PS Plus: 25th September: Assassin’s Creed 3 25th September: Saints Row the Third 25th September: Payday: The Heist 25th September: Urban Trials 25th September: New Little Kings Story Entering PS Plus: 25th September: Far Cry 3 25th September: Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams 25th September: Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen 25th September: Street Fighter X Tekken 25th September: Touch My Katamari
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  10. Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection will be free through PlayStation Plus in September - See more at:
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