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Visas paseles turinys

  1. paseles

    the evil within

    dlc papildimas dar jam neseniai kaskoks isejo,ligtais mergynos vaidmeni atlieki
  2. paseles

    the evil within

    man tokie kaip tik patynka,ar senesnio stylio ar next gen,svarbu horror
  3. na tikios bent metal gear neatides kitiems metams
    1. paseles


      uztektu jei paleistu trilogija krasho remake,kaip ant ps3 duck tale remake buvo paleistas

    2. Fisherman


      man labiau patiktu 2,3 ir cart remake

    3. ReiKaz


      Man tai juoka kelia peticija Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 remake :D

    4. Show next comments  dar 144
  4. paskui taip ir uzlusta konsole,restartas pagelbes,nes kitu atveju gresia hardui pipiec
  5. PS4 2.50 update adds suspend/resume feature SCE has begun a new PlayStation 4 system software beta testing program for its PlayStation MVP Program members, and details on firmware update version 2.50, now in beta testing, have leaked. The main feature of the 2.50 update is the long-awaited suspend/resume feature first announced at PlayStation 4’s reveal press conference in February last year. Main Features The system can now enter rest mode without closing any applications. You can adjust this setting in [Power Save Settings] > [set Functions Available in Rest Mode].[Accessibility] has been added to [settings]. You can adjust accessibility settings such as zooming and button assignmentsDelete trophies with zero percent.Search trophy details on the internet, including screenshots of scenes with trophies.SharePlay at 60 frames per second.Share trophy details and screenshots
  6. usa rinkis,daugiau zaidimu,uk regione daug maziau
  7. Fifty Shades of Grey, su pana ziurejau,i veiksmo nenorejo eit
  8. paseles

    Mad Max

    na matos dauguma nezaide paciu pirmu daliu metal gear,arba cia jau trolina
  9. paseles

    Mad Max

    noreciau pamatyt toki zmogu kuriam nepatiktu metal gear serija
  11. paseles


    bando atkartot diablo,gal ir nieko
  12. na yra ir oginaliu,cia tik kaip pavisdi inkeliau,cia pyratke vien del to kad be plaistuko zenklo
  13. tik nepirk super slima,jei nenulaustas,nes teks atskirai paplot apvalia sumele nulauzimui
  14. PS4: Axiom Verge PS4: Worms: Battlegrounds PS3: Rain PS3: Resident Evil: Revelations PS Vita: Olli Olli PS Vita: Toukiden(galbut ne fake,) ka monot liaudis nors dar nepatvirtinta
  15. o man prilipo sita dalis,geresne uz resident evil 6,Evil Within greitu laiku zadu isigyt,nors visi ji peikia,patynka man tokio styliaus