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  3. BY JOE SKREBELS Oddworld creator Lorne Lanning has said that PlayStation boss Shuhei Yoshida has expressed uncertainty as to whether there will be a PlayStation 5. Lanning made the comments on the Game Informer Show (as spotted by excellently monikered NeoGAF user generic_username), where he said he asked a question about the possible future console ahead of an on-stage interview between the two: "I said, 'well, what does the PlayStation 5 look like?' and he said 'you mean if'. [...] I said 'are you willing to say that on a stage?' and he said 'yeah, it's an if'."
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  7. Square Enix’s upcoming action role-playing game, Final Fantasy XV finally has a release date. The game will launch in September 2016, thanks to a Gamespot video (now deleted) which was published ahead of Square Enix’s Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV event later today. tikios,nenukels data
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  24. However it was the announcement of the price that got the real cheer – House announced that the PlayStation VR headset will cost £349 in the UK ($399 for those in the US), £150 cheaper than the Oculus Rift and over £200 cheaper than the HTC Vive Pre. The only real disappointment is that Sony isn’t sticking to its ‘first half of 2016’ release date, as the company also announced that the PlayStation VR headset is due to go on sale in October 2016.