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Nepaziuresi. be burner max irgi gali neveikti. Siaip galetum paklausti zmogaus kuris tau flesino konsole, jis tai tikrai zino kokia fw tau irase ir kokie geimai pasileidzia/nepasileidzia
Is visiems gerai zinomos tiesos, kad acme ir livestar š****, o verbatimai pagal kokybe yra auksciausiame trejetuke. P.S Oficialus pranesimas is scene puses: "4. Burning XGD3 Titles When burning XGD3 titles use a Liteon iHAS Burner with the Burnermax firmware and verbatim MKM-001 or MKM-003 discs. There will be no other support or advice given on any other burner or any other media especially truncated versions. If you are too cheap to invest in an $18 burner and media that costs less than $1 then you deserve all the problems that you encounter."
NAND programeris reikalingas. JTAG zaidimai veiks
Tam, kad nesugadintum ir nesubraizytum originalaus disko. O siaip su x360key neoriginaliu disku naudoti negalima, tik iso image'us
Geriausia Verbatim, pagal kokybe toliau eina TDK ir Philips.
Taip, veiktu visi zaidimai, tik perkonvertuot i GOD formata reiktu.
When burning XGD3 titles use a Liteon iHAS Burner with the Burnermax firmware and verbatim MKM-001 or MKM-003 discs. There will be no other support or advice given on any other burner or any other media especially truncated versions. If you are too cheap to invest in an $18 burner and media that costs less than $1 then you deserve all the problems that you encounter.
When burning XGD3 titles use a Liteon iHAS Burner with the Burnermax firmware and verbatim MKM-001 or MKM-003 discs. There will be no other support or advice given on any other burner or any other media especially truncated versions. If you are too cheap to invest in an $18 burner and media that costs less than $1 then you deserve all the problems that you encounter.
Siaip tai nera tokios fw kaip 2.2
Neapsimoka pirkti. Kaina ~672lt uz 250gb Slima + siuntimas ~100lt. Gaunasi 770lt, bet neturesi lietuviskos garantijos, neturesi asmenines konsultacijos, nuolaidu flesinimams, atnaujinimams ir t.t Reziume: pirk ir PLM shopo
Tutorialas http://www.modcontrol.com/Board/xbox-360-reviewcenter/34552-xk3y-x360key-xkey-review-english.html Tikiuosi savo dvdromo key turi?
Pirkit per e-shopa, jei netiks, per 7d galesit grazinti ir atgauti pinigus arba pasikeisti i norima modeli.
CIV eina kompakto krashtuose. Nuo kokybes DVD disko priklauso ar CIV telpa ar ne. Todel kas naudoja truncate vieniems gali tilpti, kitiems ne ir mesti errorus.
VGA rezoliucija 640 × 480, DVI reloziucija 1,920 × 1,200. Skirtuma jauti?
garsa is per tulpes arba optical audio ishsives. Ir bent jau vaizdo kokybe tures normalia
DVI geriau negu VGA, tad imk sita http://www.playmanija.lt/parduotuve/p30/hdmi-i-dvi-laidas/
Patarimas paprastas: nesigincyk su kvailiais.
Jei dvdromas originalus tai bus liteonas
[2011-12-30 08:55AM UTC] #fw <rrod> hey up guys got a quick question i got lt3.0 i have iHAS burner i have topology and xbc i burnt mw3 this morning 4 times and it loads up then i get frikkin disk not supported wot am i doing wrong please [2011-12-30 08:58AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> rrod:sounds like civ error, check your discs/verify, install to hdd, use verbatims? [2011-12-30 08:58AM UTC] #fw <rrod> arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh theres my problem c4 im using aone [2011-12-30 08:59AM UTC] #fw <c4eva> ill say no more then [2011-12-30 09:00AM UTC] #fw <kaotix> verbatims are far superior quality. [2011-12-30 09:00AM UTC] #fw <kaotix> and you will get better success with them. [2011-12-30 09:00AM UTC] #fw <rrod> ok ty so much .. for the advice
Burner Max oficialus yra tik verbatimams skirtas, ka patys priprograminat tai jau nera oficialu ir niekas neprisiima uz tai atsakomybes.
Ar man vienam atrodo kvaila, kad sumokejai ir nezinai uz ka, ka padare ir kaip naudotis?
Slimams NERA!
Slimams nera 3.0 dar, lauk, bus po naujuju, tada ir flesink
Ne į temą Jei porno diskas, ir pvz nesutampa regionas (tu baltaodis, o filme juodaodes) tai ir raso DICK isnt supported