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Visas GMR turinys

  1. Nulauzimo gidas http://www.mediafire.com/?xg6mum23p1faou7 Kokia pagaminimo data?
  2. Lituoklio lydmetalio xnand coolrunerio tam tikru laidu pradziai tiek
  3. Nuo vakar mano laimingi skaiciai 1, 17 ir 29 :)

  4. Daug proto nereikia kad nueiti pas drauga ir jo dvdroma isideti. O del tu kas taiso tai taip nemanyciau. Maciau kiek ir kokios irangos pas juos yra. na bet gal geriau nedaryti nieko, kaip tu ir siulai.
  5. Tiesa ta, kad realiai geri yra vos du xboxu vairai, o ju kainos prasideda nuo ~700lt. Jei vyras fanatas lenktyniu zaidimu, tai gali susiinvestuot 2-6 tukstancius litu i vaira, kede, stova. Na totalu highenda. Tik klausimas ar tai verta pinigu? http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWWsYZ3lSa4&feature=player_embedded Kaina ~6000lt Kaina 3000lt
  6. Pradeti reiktu nuo dvdromo. Dedi nauja, ziuri jei beda kartojasi, reiskia ne ten beda. Arba atiduok specam is istestuos kas negerai
  7. Sakiau nezaisti su lazeriai, o keisti visa dvdroma iskarto. Ir nepirk naudoto, neaisku kas ten bu, ar vel nenumirs po keliu savaiciu. Kiek zinai PLM keicia dvdromus, atiduok jiems, manau liksi patenkintas.
  8. Pirmą kartą buvau susitikes su Impaler'iu :) Smagu, saunuolis PLM savininkas.

    1. Sleepyfan
    2. scalman


      nu tai ar grazus jis ? :D

    3. Impaler


      abu mes grazus :) maloniai praejo viskas :)

    4. Show next comments  dar 318
  9. pacioje playmanijoje yra http://www.playmanija.lt/parduotuve/p18/hdmi-laidas-95-cm/
  10. Kiek pamenu iso ripinimui specialus dvdromas su specialia fw reikalingas?
    1. Mykola


      va kas būna kai anūkai seneliams į arbatą prieš miegą LSD prilašina :D

    2. Altec128
    3. tamulionis


      Visas ten kanalas toks;D

  11. Kiek pamenu siemet nebus pristatytas naujas xboxas per E3
  12. Ne, tokia tikimybe 1 is milijono. Ypac jei kiti geimai veikia. Bandyk kanors ir situ nustatymu http://team-xecuter.com/forums/showthread.php?t=74721
  13. Pastovus Online, ishorinio nuskaitymo irenginio nebuvimas... jei tai pasitvirtintu tai butu liudna
  14. GMR

    Kokia firmware?

    Pagal data turetu buti 1.91
  15. Taip. RGH geriau jei nezadi naudoti xbox live
  16. ap25 geimams iHAS nebutinas. Tiesiog blogai isirase.
  17. We figured we'd give you an update on the Demon as it has been going on for some time now. Rest assured that our dev team along with several prominent members of the linux / homebrew community have been hard at work on this project to make sure that you get the best product possible that has been tested in every scenario and has the scope for many exciting add-ons. We are currently on the third version of Demon build and a lot has changed under the hood since the first version that we showed you. We believe the current build will be final and due to the changes the manufacturing time has been extended by 5-7 days - so we expect final prototypes to be shipped to testers on or before April 7th. As soon as these prototypes are in hand and everything goes to plan, it will only take a few days for them to be signed off and full production begins - so not too long to wait now ! We hope you appreciate how hard we have worked on this particular project. When we first took it on we had no idea just how many variants and scenarios there were that interfered in the stability and performance, however we believe we have addressed every issue and are very excited to get this to market so you can enjoy yet another rock solid product from Xecuter. You will see for sure what makes the Demon stand out from the rest. Remember we have no interest in running to be first, we are interested only in walking to be best. RGH2 Update As we reported before, the development of RGH2 has taken us on a totally new direction and is now unrecognizable to when we first started. Work is still on going but feel confident that the very best guys are working on this and we have designed new development hardware that has opened up new doors, and in turn a whole new set of challenges. This is a project that is very important to us as it will help create a totally new level of glitching and a new way of doing things for the homebrew community. We will get flamed by the usual haters for saying this and that's fine if they have a valid argument, but of course they rarely do...............We will suggest that you ignore any new versions of glitch mods that are coming on to the market. They are simply re-hashed hardware that give you absolutely nothing new from what you already have. None of them seem to be developed with any real understanding of what the glitch really does under the hood - that's why you may see them saying "14719 support coming soon" but it will never be from them. You don't have to be a genius to know where all the new hacks will be coming from. The cynics will think "of course Xecuter would say this as the other products are from competitors". We are not even saying you must buy the TX CoolRunner (although of course we feel it is the best available for the current RGH method) - you can buy several other glitch mods that are between $10-$15 that do the job for the current glitching method. Like we have always said, the original hack is a GLITCH HACK - that means it's not perfect. If you have the install done correctly then it will work - sometimes instant boot sometimes up to a minute - that's just the way the original hack works. More expensive hardware isn't going to change that so don't buy into it. The only way this is going to get better is by a completely new method - which is what RGH2 is all about. Stay tuned for more news. Other Products On another note we have several other products that are being prepared for release in the coming weeks: The much awaited X360USB PRO V2, the new J-R Programmer and also several more additions to the Xecuter product line that will be announced shortly.