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Aciu visiems uz sveikinimus:)
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Geru svenciu....
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Ta ir turejau galvoje rasydamas:)
Vel reikes perasineti o f.......
Xbox 360 Fall 2011 Preview Dash Update (2.0.14696.0) and an Answer to WTF is Up with MW3 Microsoft has rolled out yet another update to the Xbox 360 Fall 2011 Preview Dash, this time bringing it to version 2.0.14696.0. During the preview thus far, backups of MW3, for example, have been observed to flip states between working and not working — twice over. The same has been found with several other games. It’s no surprise that many are wondering just WTF is going on. Contrary to recent rumors, however, MS has not been reverting the dae.bin change/silent update. In actuality, following the silent update of the dae.bin on retail dash 13604, it was quickly determined that MS has been issuing a series of TitleUpdates for certain games (e.g. MW3) alongside the dash updates and dae.bin changes. These TUs appear to be testing the ability for Microsoft to enable/disable triggering of AP2.5 challenges against the disc via the multi-table dae.bin. This is accomplished by patching the default.xex executable with patch files (“.xexp”s) in the TU which patch in or out the Disc ID within the xex header. When the Disc ID is present, and the game has an associated entry in the dae.bin tables, the AP2.5 challenges are triggered. Conversely, when the ID is missing, the system will not be able to find an associated entry in the dae.bin tables, and therefore no AP2.5 checks are performed. This accounts for the success of “TU trick” that people have been using to temporarily bypass the updated AP2.5 challenges (clearing the cache of existing/newer TUs and tricking the 360 into using an older TU that doesn’t patch the Disc ID into the xex). Being ranked at #1 for Xbox LIVE activity according to the latest charts, MW3 makes an ideal candidate for these types of tests by offering the largest possible test group. Based on this, Microsoft have shown that they now have two methods by which to control whether a game is AP2.5-active. A title may be AP2.5-activated either through the addition of associated entries in the dae.bin tables, and as it now stands, by way of TitleUpdates patching in or out the Disc ID. Now, you may be asking yourself why MS would want to deactivate AP2.5 on a game. A team member suggested that this may be to allow MS a method for easily disabling AP2.5 for a particular game if it causes issues on retail consoles (this may coincide with the reports of retail copies failing AP2.5 challenges and showing “Disc Unsupported” errors). Purely speculating here, but testing of these TitleUpdates may also be a sign that Microsoft is preparing to issue AP2.5-enabling TUs for some of the more popular older XGD2 games beyond the original six affected (Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Fable III, Halo Reach, and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit). saltinis:www.c4evaspeaks.com
Killzone tik PS3 isleistas...
Xbox 360 Fall 2011 Preview Dash Update (2.0.14692.0) — Dae.bin Challenge Table Activated Today, Microsoft began rolling out SystemUpdate v2.0.14692.0 to all Xbox 360′s registered in the Fall 2011 Dash Preview program. Although the dae.bin changed in the initial v2.0.14686.0 preview update, its appended challenge was not active, which accounts for why participants were still able to play AP2.5/XGD3 backups. With SU 14692, the previously dormant challenge table has now been activated, and all AP2.5/XGD3 backups containing outdated AP25 replay data will fail the system’s AP2.5 challenges and result in a failure flag. This now means that all LIVE-connected users on both the current 13604 retail dash and 14692 preview dash are faced with the same situation, and needless to say, are still advised to avoid playing any AP2.5/XGD3 backups. saltinis:www.c4evaspeaks.com
First and foremost, a warning — at this current time it is advised that you stay offline and avoid playing any AP2.5/XGD3 backups. It has been confirmed by the team that the dae.bin is now being silently updated on all LIVE-connected boxes. This update is not being deployed via a SystemUpdate or TitleUpdate, but rather occurs in the background without any visual indication or prompt to the user. As such, there is no means by which it can be cancelled or avoided, other than not connecting to LIVE. If you’ve connected to LIVE in the past 24 hours, your system has likely already been updated with a changed dae.bin. All AP2.5/XGD3 backups that contain the now older AP25 replay data will fail the system’s AP2.5 challenges and indeed flag your system (the flagging has also been confirmed by the team). Like our news a few days ago, the dae.bin is now being changed by way of an appended challenge table in the same manner on current retail dashes (13604) as it is on the preview dash (14686), however the content of the challenge tables differ. The team has determined that the appended challenge table appears to be unique per console and contains indentifying information. This means that everyone’s dae.bin is different, and can potentially be traced back to your specific console. Therefore, sharing your dae.bin with others is not advisable. saltinis: www.c4evaspeaks.com
Koki tab PC rekomenduotumete? (isskyrus SAMSUNG ir APPLE)...
Jeigu ieskai pigiai ir androido tai jei rasi Hannspree Tablet STN01 53 versija, beabejo imk nes tai preke kuri yra pigi ir atlieka visas tas pacias funkcijas bei, modinima iki grabo jau
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Tokia lietuviu prigimtis.....pigu bet dar norisi pigiau,