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Visas audirs4 turinys

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  8. Having seen the banhammer going nuts these last couple of weeks, it was inevatble that the speculation about how and why – some comments being smart and calculated, some being positivley stupid. However out of shear curiosity we figured we'd throw our own speculation into the wind and share with you a couple of tests we did that showed interesting results (but by all means conclusive). Remember – this is SPECULATION ! Scenario: 4 Xbox's. Unused – all Liteon 74580C (March 2009). Box 1: Connect virgin to Live. Let it do all the latest live updates. Flash to iXtreme v1.6. No backup games. Box 2: Connect virgin to Live. Let it do all the latest live updates. Flash to iXtreme v1.6. Play Fifa 10 backup (abgx verified). Box 3: Flash to iXtreme v1.6 out of the box. Connect to live. Let it do all the latest live updates. No backup games. Box 4: Flash to iXtreme v1.6 out of the box. Connect to live. Let it do all the latest live updates. Play Fifa 10 backup (abgx verified). Results after 1 week. Box 1: Still on Live. Box 2: Still on Live. Box 3: Banned ? Box 4: Banned ??? Interesting ? By Team Xecuter Cia jau senas bet cia parodo kad abgx veike
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