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Visas weikejas turinys

  1. ieskok delock gaminiu, bmse siandien pirkau toki http://www.mascat.cz/eshop/index.php?styl=...;hnode=32000003 uz 56LT
  2. Tinka betkoks bet ziurek kad jame butu VIA VT6420, VT6421, VT6421A, VT6421L chipas
  3. Jei imsi halo 3 limited edition ziurek kad butu Team FDOU Lot 0734 nes siti su 65nm.
  4. Girdeti tai jo, bet dar nieks nedaro skambinau edmai,dimai ir dar kazkokiam... nedaro dar gal nemoka nes jau uzsienio forumuose jau raso kad nusiflahino be jokiu problemu
  5. Nieko sudetingo, bet kiek skambinau dar visi nemoka gaila kad mano gerasis pc sugedes pats pasidaryciau... gal kas zino kur kaune flashina ixus?
  6. zaidimai tas pats tik kad: "which in essence make the console more reliable and less power hungry than the normal 90nm boxes" + dar BENQ DVD tylesnis
  7. Jei galvoji kad baterija kalta megink sita, gal pades. http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=content&itemid=148
  8. Jei nori 65nm pirk halo 3 limited edition tik dar reiks palaukt kol fw bus ant benq, tagi halo 3 limited edition visais espektais geriau negu premium. http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=21269 siandien isardziau savo 360 ir pamaciau kad pas mane 65nm
  9. At the Grip-race we could test the different driving physics for the first time. Electronic Arts wants to create a difference between a more realistic simulation and the old arcade-style from older NFS games with the help of assists. Who can drive better, turns the assists off and who needs more help, just turns them on. This comes very useful when two uneven players want to race against each other. One idea from EA is, that for example children can play with their parents and the better driver just uses less assists. In theory it’s a good concept, but we will see how it will establish. Va juoka kelenti istrauka ka EA zadejo... "Realistic Simulation"
  10. Katik losiau demo ant XBOX360 ir galiu pasakyt piece of sh*** tokio sud*** valdymo dar nesu mates.. o ea zadejo realistiska valdyma padaryt ir nesvarbu koki skill pasirikciau casual , racer ar king vistiek tas pats... aisku yra ir geru dalyku pvz: graziai duzta masinos, bet grafika galejo padaryt ir geresne juk dabar 2007... o atrodo kaip 2004 - 2005 metu zaidima losciau. Taigi dar vienas Crap geimas from EA
  11. Firmwaras kiek skaiciau uzsienio forumuose sake sia savaite iseis, beje jau isejo DosFlash and DosFlash32 V1.3 Beta, tad nebereikia lituot switcho ar nugramdyt tracus kad eitu nuskaityt benq key'u. Va jau Benq Ixtreme jau isejo. [16:24] <@c4eva> benq ixtreme is COMPLETE! [16:24] <Knodi> zOMG c4eva [16:24] <revery01> Yessssssssssssssssss <@c4eva> Benq fw reports capacity of game discs as $7fffffff, this will make any spoofed drive detectable, as they will report back correct capacity <@caster420> translation = no using benqs in non-benq 360's <NDT3> no flashed hitachi or samsun as a benq on live <@caster420> if you spoof a sammy to a benq, the 360 will think it has a benq but it wont report the correct size [16:57] <revery01> so if you have benq and flash ixtreme on benq will you be detected? [16:57] <NDT3> it's not safe the way around too [16:58] <@caster420> correct NDT [16:58] <dejesus> yeah i have the same question as revery01 [16:58] <@c4eva> Benq ixtreme leaves it unchanged, all safe <V|PER> so bascaly use the ben fw on a benq [16:58] <V|PER> dont swap the benq drive into a system that didnt have a benq [16:58] <V|PER> or dont swap a sammy into a benq system [16:59] <@caster420> or a drive into a benq system [16:59] <@caster420> correct
  12. o kam man pas ta dima gi as ne vilniui gyvenu...
  13. elektromartke su premium duoda PGR3 nnemo: pas mane halo 3 special edition ir nedave halo 3, va ka duoda su halo 3 special edition This new Special Edition contains these components: * Halo 3 Special Edition Console * Halo 3 Special Edition Wireless Controller * Halo 3 Special Edition 20GB Hard Drive * Halo 3 Special Edition Wired Headset * Halo 3 Special Edition Gamer Pics and Theme (Exclusive download via Xbox LIVE) * Component HD AV Cable * Ethernet Cable * HDMI Port * Play & Charge Kit * Xbox LIVE Silver Membership * One-month Xbox LIVE Gold Membership * Halo 3 game not included—sold separately
  14. va zadetos foto... viskas zalios spalvos ladai,maitblokis, net disc trayus
  15. Nu va skambinau edmui sake kolkas nenuflashinamas benq, teks palaukti kol firmware padrys
  16. nu ryt reiks edmai skambint ziuresiu ka pasakys
  17. Sita tai zinau, bet as pirkau is vilniaus parduotuves per e-shopa tai kaip as galejau paziuret? nzn kaip jus, bet as telepatiniu galiu neturiu
  18. Sveiki, tai va nusipirkau sita console foto imesiu veliau... Atidarius disc tray teko nusiminti... pagal inete duotus pavyzdzius pamaciau kad pas mane BENQ :/ Tai norejau paklausti ar yra sukurtas ant benq firmware?
  19. Gal kas jau elite turit? o gal uzsisake? is kur? man reik zinot. Nes ziurejau fortake atidejo iki 2007.10.02.....
  20. weikejas


    As elite zadu pirkt, o pajunges buvau hd dvd player ir optionuose uzkeliau iki 1080p tai liejosi vaizdas, del to ir isigandau kai radau kad xboxas uzsikelia iki 1080p automatiskai ir neina sumazint
  21. weikejas


    „Sony PlayStation 3“ turi HDMI 1.3 versijos sąsają, „Xbox 360 Elite“ atitiks HDMI 1.2 sąsajos specifikacijas. Pajungiant „Xbox 360 Elite“ prie HDTV televizoriaus, kompiuteris automatiškai pakels raišką iki 1080p. Vartotojas pats negalės keisti raiškos, norėdamas optimaliai pasirinkti sau patinkantį raiškos variantą, kompiuteris raišką parinks pats" Va apie ka aš kalbejau.
  22. weikejas


    Gal nesupratai manes... pas mane telikas Philips 32PF5331/12 ir jis tik HD ready jis normaliai palaiko 720p ir 1080i buvau ijunges 1080p ir pradejo lietis vaizdas tai del to ir klausiu ar normaliai xboxas veiks.