Cory ledesma atsakinej i klausimus sava twiteri
Q: Is the Match over after Ring Collapse KO?
A: YES, it's a knockout. U need 3 finishers tho to execute it.OMG moments in WWE13 are also known as environmental finishers(Examples are: Superplex to outside of the ring, Crowd barricade spear, Ring Collapse KO, announcer table finishers)
Q: Is the Match over after Ring Collapse KO?
A: YES, it's a knockout. U need 3 finishers tho to execute it.
Q: Does the guy performing it win? or is it classed as a draw?
A: Superstar performing stands for the win.
Q: Can u make the ring collapse with every superstar/diva or just the big ones?
A: Superheavys only.
Q: Will you be able to go on top of the announciing tables?
A: Yes.
Q: So to execute a codebreaker after an opponent jumps of a turnbuckle, do you need all 3 finisers ?
A: Just 1
Bus catching finisher in mid air(airbourne to rko ir tt.)
(Catching finishers can catch opponents jumping off turnbuckle or springboard. Codebreaker, chokeslam, GTS, WSS all confirmed so far.)
Q: If you break through the barricades will you be able to fight in the crowd?
A: No fighting in the crowd.
Q: Then what's the point in breaking the barricade?
A: It hurts a lot!
Q: Is the breaking barricade only for steel barricades or is it all barricades?
A: All barricades.
Q: After breaking through the barricade does the match still continue?
Q: Will replays be in slow motion for diving moves?(Bus replay viduri kovos kaip tikroi wwe)
A: They are No Mercy style. Full speed w/ different angles.
Q: Do these replays happen mid-match, or do they occur after the match as usual?
A: Mid-match.
Q: Does it pause the action or is it a small replay in the corner like in real life?
A: Pause.
Q: You guys should make improvements for the referee. Make him rush, and slide.
A: Ref slides in this year.
Q: Is it possible for created finishers to also be catching finishers?
A: No.
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