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  1. Sveikas.Naudosi tik muzikos klausymui ar nori, kad kartu mikrofonas būtų?
  2. DICE komanda savo twitter’yje paskelbė: "We will be correcting an issue in which the USAS-12 is more effective compared to other FRAG-equipped shotguns – In an upcoming update."
  3. ups..biski netaip parases buvau.Norejau rasyt kad flesinta,bet kazkodel parasiau neflesinta
  4. Protestas prieš ACTA Šia akcija siekiame atkreipti visuomenės ir ypač politikų, galinčių įtakoti šios sutarties baigtį, dėmesį. Veiksmas vyks vasario 11 d., šeštadienį, 12 val. Vinco Kudirkos aikštėje.
  5. Nueini i,susirandi mane ir pažiuri, ką žaidžiu
  6. Kaip kaip?Kreivai....Bent jau aš tai nusiflešinęs
  7. Flesinta konsole visada turi tikimybe gauti bana,jeigu ir nupirktas gold
  8. Konkursas po konkurso.AČIŪ jums Reikės bandyt sudalyvaut,nes prizai tau super
  10. EA to Unveil New Battlefield 3 DLC Next Week EA is set to reveal Battlefield 3's first proper post-launch downloadable content. Speaking during the publisher's recent quarterly financial report, EA's President of Investor Relations, Peter Ausnit, said the content will be detailed at a New York event next week. Back to Karkand - a collection of maps, weapons and vehicles - was released late last year, but that was available from launch with pre-orders and special editions - so it totally doesn't count. We liked it, by the way. Dan said it, "put the 'umph' in 'triumphant return."
  11. Metro: Last Light Delayed into 2013 Metro: Last Light has been delayed. Initially intended for a Q3 release this year, the atmospheric, Ukraine developed shooter will now not launch until early 2013. Revealed via a THQ investor call yesterday, the delay is intended to provide 4A games with the opportunity to polish the title a little more before release. THQ CEO Brian Farrell also noted that the game will receive twice the marketing budget of the original game.
  12. Ant vieno xboxo 3 kartus galima
  14. Pažystami jau lb daug laiko ;D Kai pamačiau koki darbą įdėjo strelok,pagalvojau,kad jau net gal nepradėt piešti,bet po to pagalvojau,kad reik pasipriešint ;D ir pačiam kažką nupiešt