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A fresh update from Total_Noob via his update blog. He worked a bit more on the NID translator and now has prx plug-in homebrew games working. So homebrew like FUSA which uses a prx plug-in, are now working. 92% homebrew is support. Not sure where he gets 92% exactly as a figure ??. Also he hasn’t received a PSP Go yet for testing. The Christmas release is isn’t set yet. But we now know that it will be released via and not his blog. Due to his Team GEN connections I’m sure. (Total_Noob if you answer your email, we could send you a PSP Go. But its a bit hard to send without your address ?) Now the HEN supports 92% of the homebrews. With the NID Translator (30% done, veeery boring), I can run homebrews with prx, like: PSPDisp, CSPSP Online, FUSA, LightMp3, PMPPlayer, Go!Tube PRXDecrypter, Psardumper and etc. Some VLF homebrews crashes, I’ll resolve this problem Jėga palaiko homebrews Šaltinis :
The above video, Wololo has tested Total_Noob´s 6.20 kernel exploit and 6.20 TN (HEN). Wololo can confirm its working on his PSP-3000 OFW 6.20. We can also assume it should be working on the PSP Go too (Needs testing) Here´s what Wololo said about 6.20 TN HEN: Well, the first attempts actually failed (and I almost crapped my pants), but Total_Noob quickly figured out the issues (did I mention he’s an expert?), and I could confirm that the HEN on 6.20 is 100% real (and I almost crapped my pants a second time), as I was able to run Wagic from the XMB on a PSP3000 on OFW 6.20, as you can see on this video. A HEN is a “Homebrew Enabler”. This is a piece of software relying on a kernel exploit to patch the Ram, and allow PSP owners to run unsigned software (Homebrews) directly from the XMB. According to Total_Noob, the HEN for 6.20 will be released “Before Christmas”. It should work on all PSP models (at least I could confirm with my own eyes for the psp3000 ), but PSPGo remains to be confirmed. There is no official information yet regarding 6.30/6.31, but the kernel exploit still exists on these firmwares, so there is hope. Exciting times ahead for the PSP scene Hmm so there you have it, Wololo has backed up Total_Noob. So if you still thought it was fake, think again! Now the remaining question is will Team GEN work with TN and will theyhave a 6.20 GEN-TN HEN release or not? Source: Wololo Ir
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