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  17. Dar gali buti toks Ne į temą Tools/Parts Needed:- Wire cutters - Wire strippers - Soldering iron - A piece of wire - Black tape or a Wire connector First you will need to open your 360. A tutorial can be found here Once you have the 360 taken apart you will need to locate the fan plug. When you are looking at the front of the 360 the fan plug is just to the left of the fan. Once you find it it will be easiest if you unplug the fan and take it out of the metal case. Now that you have it out of the case take a look at the plug. You will notice that it has 4 wires. The only wires we are worried about for this mod are the red wire and the orange wire. These are the positive wires for the fan. So grab your wire cutters cut those 2 wires off as close to the plug as you can. Once you have them cut strip the ends to expose about 1/2 inch of wire. Now that both ends are exposed, twist red and orange wires together. Now you will need to get your piece of wire out to cut it to length. I normally use one of the wires from an old Ethernet cable. Now that you have your wire ready to cut run just like the red line in the picture below and cut it about 2 inches longer on each end to make sure you have enough. Ok now that you have the wire cut, on the end closest to the fan plug strip a half an inch off and connect it to the red and orange wires from the fan, either with your wire connector or twist them together and wrap it with black tape. Now that you have finished that we are done with this end so you can put the fan back in place and plug it in. Now you can plug in the soldering iron and get it heating up. Now at the other end of the wire strip it back a quarter of an inch and refer to the picture below. On the long flat side where the arrow is pointing you, you will need to scrape it a little to remove the varnish they put over it. Make sure to lightly scrape the shinny metal and dont touch the motherboard with whatever you use to scrape it. Once you have it clean just tin the end of your wire with a little solder and solder it to the side you just scraped off. Now that you have it soldered on you can put a piece of black tape over it for protection but you dont need to. Give the wire a little tug to make sure it is soldered good. If it doesn't come off then you are all done with the mod, so plug your 360 in and turn it on to make sure the fan works and if it does you can put your 360 back together.
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