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Visas Moo turinys

  1. Dar norėjau paklausti, eBay paima tiek pat ir darant Buy It Now? Na kai dedu sakykim £20, bet ne aukcijoną...
  2. Moo

    2011 iMac line

    New 2011 iMacs Can Reach Wi-Fi Speeds of 450 Mbits/s Nice one.
  3. Native FB Upload Available on Cydia Tday Tikriausiai tiek kartų dar nebuvau iPhone refreshines nei karto... Laukiuuuu...
  4. Moo

    iPad 2

    iPad 2 Jailbreak Progress Greičiau greičiau, žmonėms jo reikia...
  5. Moo

    iPad 3

    iPad 3 to Support 3D Display? More evidence come from the Japanese blog Macotakara, which confirmed that Apple's LCD supplier was starting to manufacture small glasses-free 3D LCD panels for iPod touch. I'm happy now.
  6. Moo

    Visos Mac naujienos

    ARM Processors to Replace Intel Chips on Future MacBook Models?
  7. Man taspats... Redsn0w Untethered Jailbreak Now Available For iOS 4.3.3 Gidas soon.
  8. Kol kas iPad 2 atrišimo nėra, tik vienas žmogus yra pasidaręs, bet jis to niekam nesako, programos neišleidžia. Čia yra atrakinimas, kad kortelės veiktų kitų tinklų.
  9. Taigi gidas, kaip atsirakinti iPhone 4, 3GS su senu baseband ir iOS 4.3.3. Atrakina tik iPhone su šitais baseband'ais: 01.59.00 / 04.26.08 / 05.11.07 / 05.12.01 / 05.13.04 / 06.15.00 1. Nusijailbreak'iname savo iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.3, nes būtinai turėti iPhone 4 jailbreakintą su iOS 4.3.3, tik su pre-seivintu baseband. 2. Einame į Cydia kurį matote savo iPhone 3. Spaudžiame apačioje Manage 4. Spaudžiame Sources šitame ekrane kurį matote: 5. Tada spaudžiame Edit, tada Add. Ekrane iPhone prašys jūsų įrašyti adresą, kuris bus šis: http://repo666.ultrasn0w.com ir tada Add Source 6. Tada atsidaro UltraSn0w 1.2.3 ekranas, išjungiame savo iPhone. Tada išjungiame, įjungiame ir turime atrišta iphone! Klausimai, bėdos? Rašykit į šitą temą. Prašykit gidų, jai reikia parašysiu! Good luck, ačiū už dėmesį.
  10. Tiesiog pirk betkoki bet tik nesigamink pats... Dar iPod'a kaipnors suvaryt sugebesi ir t.t.
  11. Apple and Verizon to deliver over-the-air iOS updates to Verizon iPhone
  12. iOS 4.3.3 Untethered Jailbreak Completed - Release before Weekend? Good news.
  13. Net nereikia PayPale turėti pinigų jeigu prijungęs kortelę su pinigais esi... Pas mane PayPal'e pinigų niekad nėr, bet viską perku. Tiesiog pats PayPal'as nuskaito nuo sąskaitos ir viskas, nei daugiau nei mažiau.
  14. Airis, Anglas arba koks Brazilas. Nieks daugiau.
  15. Apple Releases iOS 4.3.3 Ir aišku aprinkau jum. iPhone 3GS iPhone 4 (GSM) iPad iPad 2 iPod touch 3rd gen iPod touch 4th gen
  16. Moo


    Spotify Now Lets You Sync MP3s To Your iPod Without iTunes As mentioned above, users can now take the music they bought or already own on the go all the time. Spotify is, in fact, launching a new “download service” that, through a simple click&buy interface, allows you to purchase a range of MP3 bundles offered by the service starting at 50p per song. I haven’t managed to test the new music store and iPod Classic integration as the update is still rolling out and I don’t have it available, but from what Spotify unveiled last night, it really looks like the company’s intention is to take on Apple and (the future) iTunes with a mix of streaming, local cache, USB sync, and online store. The variety of apps offered by Spotify surely gives them an important head start in the music streaming scene for mobile devices, but they obviously still can’t compete with the music catalogue offered by iTunes. And when Apple finally rolls out is iCloud service for music with iTunes integration, it’ll be interesting to see how Spotify will react. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFM6WQrJlVI&feature=player_embedded I like that.
  17. Moo

    2011 iMac line

    New iMacs: Teardown, First Benchmarks --- New iMacs To Use SSDs As A “System Cache” For Spinning Hard Drives? Yesterday, we noted the new iMacs featuring Sandy Bridge processors and Thunderbolt technology came with an option in the Apple Store’s online configuration page to pack a hybrid Serial ATA Drive + SSD setup at an additional cost. What’s curious about this hybrid setup is the note left by Apple to inform users that OS X will come preinstalled on the solid state drive, leaving space for documents and other media on the bigger (but slower) spinning hard drive. This led to speculation as to whether Apple was planning to install OS X on the SSD and show the other drive as a mounted volume in the Finder, or they developed a brand new system to automatically handle the processing of files and system info across the SSD and the spinning drive. Several bloggers and Mac users wondered how Apple could manage to easily allow the new iMacs to quickly switch between drives, save the OS on one drive and media on the other, symlink the user’s Home folder to content saved outside the SSD. These technical questions also had to face the 4-6 week delay that showed up when ordering a new iMac with hybrid configuration. However, the solution may be pretty simple, as it could lie in Apple’s use of Intel’s new Z68 platform, which — combined with the upcoming “Larsen Creek” SSDs — allows for a new caching system called ”Smart Response Technology.” Intel’s BD82Z68 Platform Controller Hub is indeed being used in the mid-2011 iMacs, as iFixit confirmed earlier today. Intel’s Smart Response Technology works like this: in a hybrid configuration such as the one possible in the new iMacs, the smaller SSD acts as a “system cache” for the bigger & slower HDD. The OS (boot files, resources, extensions) are cached on the SSD for faster loading times, but the user only sees one drive in the Finder / Windows Explorer. It’s not clear at this point whether the delay in shipping times is caused by Apple waiting for Intel’s new solid state drives, and if Smart Response Technology will be enabled at all in Snow Leopard. Apple’s note on OS X coming preinstalled on the SSD surely raises some important technical questions, and we’ll know more in a few weeks when these hybrid iMacs will start showing up.
  18. Neorginalai tiek ir veikia, pats gailiuos, kad neorginalą pirkau. Nutrupėjo ir nusilankstė per dvi savaitės, toks ir laidas.
  19. AT&T Rep Says No iPhone 5 In June or July Information coming from customer care representatives is usually unreliable as these people don’t have access to the company’s fully disclosed plans and operations, and they shouldn’t be able to inform customers of alleged plans and future release dates anyway. However, the statement does seem to confirm previous speculation of a new iPhone slated for a Fall release, with no new model this Summer as Apple has just released a white iPhone and a CDMA version before that in February. Mmmmmmm... I want it now.
  20. Savadarbis pakrovėjas, va kur problema. Nejaugi gaila už 40lt normalų orginalų USB laidą nusipirkti? Ar iš ebay ne orginalų už kad ir 20lt?
  21. Nu ką, o aš šią savaitę einu pirkti Macbook'o. :) Pagaliau

    1. kiler01


      not a surprise, really.

    2. Impaler
    3. no0ne


      whats so amazing about those ?

  22. Labas, bidini - nenuima. Laimi akcijona - nuima tik tiek, kiek statei (dar priklauso ar pardavėjas prašo už šhippingą ką nors). Parašyta kas - tą pridėk prie sumos su kuria laimėjai, tai bus visa suma.Jai laimi - pervedi pinigus už kiek ir kur prašo (e-maile ar pan).
  23. Moo

    2011 iMac line

    Apple Updates iMac Line – Thunderbolt & Quad Cores All Round Mmmmmmm...
  24. Moo

    Slim wi fi

    Ne nuo slim'o priklauso, priklauso koks routeris ir kiek neša. Kiek routeris neš - tiek ir slim'as gaudys.
  25. Moo

    Visos Mac naujienos

    App Store Down , iMac Release Today? Nejaugi?