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Visas Moo turinys

  1. Kaaaaiii nėr ką veikt. :/

  2. Apple Releases Mac OS X Lion Developer Preview 3
  3. Guinness World Records Awarded To The iPhone 4, App Store and iOS Games Apple’s App Store has also been awarded the Guinness World Record for being the most popular application marketplace following more than 6.5 billion downloads since its launch in July 2008. The App Store is also the largest downloadable video game store, which had as of September last year, roughly 37,000 games. This figure far exceeds other downloadable game services such as Steam, which offers around 1,110 games, the Xbox Live Indie Arcade, which has 1,300, and the Wii Virtual Console, which offers around 580 games. The final award gong given to the App Store was for having the largest launch line-up of any gaming system – with 145 games that were available on July 10th, 2008. Several iOS games also received awards including the infamous Angry Birds which received an award for being at the top of the paid apps list in the most countries after selling more than 6.5 million copies since being released in December 2009. Plants vs. Zombies was awarded for being the fastest-selling iPhone/iPod strategy game with more than 300,000 paid downloads in just nine days. It also received an award for being the highest-grossing strategy game in the App Store – generating about $1 million for its developer, PopCap, in just over a week. Lastly, the Tap Tap Revenge game series was awarded the most popular game series in the App Store after more than 15 million downloads since launching July 2008.
  4. iPhone 5 Parts Confirm New Camera Flash Position? Neeeeeee... :///
  5. Vadinasi: VGA SVGA to 3 RCA SVideo Converter Adapter Cable.
  6. Varau į skateparką pasportuot su BMX truputį. :) Beye

  7. Reik vėl konsolę pirkt... Awesome bus čj!
  8. Tai ok perki sakykim ka jau pasirinkai, ir ziuri tada ko tau reikia. Motinine su DDR3 ramais jai tokius pirksi ir t.t.
  9. Moo

    iPad 2

    I want to cry...
  10. Verta, jai racingai ir isukiai patinka. Nes jai nepatinka, pamatysi pazaisi, masinos nesuvaldysi ir numesi.
  11. Ehhh, dar 3pamokos liko. :/ Boooorring

    1. KypuTeTpaBy


      tai aš 12kl turėjau tik 3 mokymo dienas ir viena iš jų 2 pamokos. čia tais laikais kai eksperimentavo su tais humanitarų profiliais

    2. Moo


      Nu ka, jau paskutine pamoka. Muzika. :) Sedziu sau prie kompo, kilausaus D&B ir chillindamas laukiu kol tos 45mnin praeis... :))

    3. Moo


      Nu ka, jau namo varau. :)


    4. Show next comments  dar 288
  12. Moo

    iPad 2

    Whaaat? Sekmadieni JB? )
  13. Jee, ir dar klausi kodėl neveikia? Daraisi savadarbį pakrovėją, jungi per iPhone klono pakrovėją sieninį ir klausi kodėl neveikia? Rakinu temą, apie tokius dalykus tik ne forume šnekėti, o viską rasi ko tau reikia prieš tai buvusiose žinutėse. )
  14. Tavo monikas turi bent HDMI? Turi? Perki HDMI laidą ir žaidi.
  15. Moo

    iPad 2

    Twitteryje jau užmačiau žinių, kad GeoHotz'as ir dar vienas čiuvelis prie to dirba su iOS 4.3.3.
  16. Moo

    iPad 2

    Anksciau ar veliau vistiek bus.. Na manau Vasaros pradzioje tikraaai jau turetu but. Be to juk jai jau keleta zmoniu pasidare ir turi - tai procesas tik ju skleidimo letas, o ne JB kurimo.
  17. Taigi yra programa, kurioje viskas parodoma, ar tavo versija atrišama, unlockinama. Su kuo tai daryti reikia, ką atsisiųsti reikia. Tiesiog susivedate ką turite, ir spaudžiate Download. Thats it. Maniškis: Siunčiamės čia. P.S. Temą rakinu iškarto, kadangi čia bus kaip priedas prie kitų gidų, kur ir kaip atsisųsti savo iOS...
  18. Apple Executive Tells US Senate that iOS 5 will Encrypt Location Tracking Cache Can't wait...
  19. iPhone 3GS Still Outselling Some Android Phones Unsurprisingly Walkley also said the iPad was by far the highest selling tablet with RIM’s PlayBook and Motorola’s Xoom seeing ‘modest sales’. Something wrong?
  20. New name for next version of Android...Ice Cream Sandwich. I got hungry all of a sudden. http://www.engadget.com/2011/05/10/google-announces-ice-cream-sadwich-for-q4-2011-for-smartphones/