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Visas Moo turinys

  1. Nemegintu jungtis per kitus akauntus, sakyčiau - palikit. Bet dabar tai tikrai, ir IP, ir akounto ban'o nusipelno.
  2. Hhahahahaha rytoi penktadienis ir atostogos!!! All day, all night, whatthefuck

    1. igns


      Susirgimai, draugai, daiktų sulaužymas.. Atrodo kas čia tokio, bet tai, kad į mėnesį po ~5 tokias smulkias nelaimes atsitinka..

    2. kiler01


      man irgi greit.


      beje moo kaip ta daian vadinas? :D snd isgirdau, uzkabino bet nezinau pavadinimo

    3. Moo


      pliusa man dabar statai b*! :D
    4. Show next comments  dar 231
  3. Beabejo kure. Visalaika taip budavo. Kai iPad buvo isleistas - iPad 2 jau buvo prototipai testuojami.
  4. Ne į temą Taigi visad taip buvo... Su 3GS ir G palyginkit, lygiai taspats. 3GS gelsvas taippat. Niekas nelygintu, ir nepastebetu. Beto, betkuriuo atveju gali nunesti i Apple Sore ar kurnors kituri ir pasikeist.
  5. Ne į temą Sausio mėnesi? :///// Wt*
  6. Tai kad dauguma taip suskubo 4S pirkti, nes galvojo, kad tai yra jo paskutinis darbas. Nera tolko dabar Apple'ui toki bajeri daryt... O jeigu kitas geras/geresnis bus tai ji ir pirks, neziurint ar SJ kure ar ne.Dauguma iPhone turetoju tik po SJ mirties suzinojo, kas jis toks buvo. +++ Softbank CEO: Steve Jobs Working on Next Apple Product The Day Before His Death In the weeks the preceded his passing, we all heard reports that Jobs worked full days right up until his August resignation as CEO of the tech giant he co-founded a quarter-century ago. But according to a new revelation from the CEO of Japanese carrier Softbank, Jobs was working tirelessly until practically the moment of his unfortunate passing. "I visited Apple for the announcement of the iPhone 4S at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California," Son reveals in new comments that have come to light Wednesday in PC Magazine. "When I was having a meeting with Tim Cook, he said, 'Oh Masa, sorry I have to quit our meeting.' I said, 'Where are you going?' He said, 'My boss is calling me.' That was the day of the announcement of the iPhone 4S. He said that Steve is calling me because he wants to talk about their next product. And the next day, he died." Naturally, there was no elaboration on the nature of the "next product" that Steve Jobs was working on. But in recent days, we've heard more and more about the extent to which Steve Jobs was involved with planning future generation Apple products, including next year's iPhone release. In the wake of these insightful comments from the CEO of Softbank, it now appears even more credible that Steve Jobs' hands-on work will be present in the next iPhone model that reaches consumers.
  7. Ziurejau, bet dar kart ziuresiu tik 1080p! Gal kas zinot, kada nusimato?
  8. Magic Mouse. ♥

    1. igns


      arba žolytės, labai padeda atsipalaiduoti, bet labai džiovina burną :D


    2. red-cat_eX


      naaah. su gamta nesueinu.

    3. kiler01


      gerai baikti stumt ant moo, atrodo jam tai jau pradeda patikti. haters gonna hate, huh?

    4. Show next comments  dar 231
  9. Ne į temą Moket reikia saugoti telefona. Nemoki saugot - perki dekla, kuris ant galo uzsimauna ir sonus apsaugo taippat. Su tokiu deklu gyvenime nesudus tau.
  10. Kai nuobodu muzikoi... :/

    1. igns


      Nestumk ,muzika zjbs ypač kai aš klasėje sėdžiu tarp debilų ir viską savom jėgom darau, tai šian gavau 10..

  11. Kada Dr.House 8 sezonas baigiasi?

    1. tymbarkFM


      Ką tik praidėjo, dar toli iki pabaigos. Man atrodo tikslios datos nėra.

    2. narkata


      siandien tik torentose atsirado 8 sezono 3 serija

      sekanti serija tik bus 31 October 2011

      O imdb raso pokolkas kad tik 8 serijos bus ,aisku po nauju metu bus dar seriju tikuosis , nes seip jie visalaik lapkriti iseina atostogu ir po nauju kaskur vasari vel pradeda rodyti

  12. Ne į temą Kas už tai, kad šitas trollface atsirastų tarp šio forumo šypsenėlių? Aš už tikrai.
  13. Steve Jobs’ Last Big Project Wasn’t The iPhone 4S, It Was The Redesigned iPhone 5 [REPORT] Vo taip va.
  14. Moo

    iPad 3

    iPad 3 Will Hit Assembly Lines By The End Of This Year [REPORT] This is great news if this pans out. As I stated in an earlier post, hopefully the iPad 3 will pave the way for what we will see in the new iPhone 5. BGR is speculating that the announcement of the iPad Mini; a less expensive option, is right around the corner. BGR noted that the Mini would most likely not be smaller in size but will compete with the Kindle Fire offered by Amazon. With Steve Jobs working on one last major project before his death, I believe that we will see the upgraded hardware, that we all desire, soon. Here is to Apple continuing to provide some knock out devices, leaving other manufacturers to play catch up in 2012. Maybe we will see the likes of Google Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich ironing out the kinks and providing a better user experience and taking control of the multi-core processors that are currently flooding the market. Even with the upset of Apple’s iPhone 4S not changing much externally, they still managed to sell over 4 million units alone this weekend. That’s an amazing amount of devices pushed out in a very very short course of time.
  15. Neskaitant Impaler kasnors dar dabar yra cia?
  16. Jei kas nematėt: Beto, nereikia forever alone būt, tiesiog neturint ką veikt...
  17. Zinot tuos nesamongus sapnus, kurie buna tokie ilgi, kad galvoji, kad ta dalyka ka sapnuoji is tikro darai? Nekenciu tokiu, pz**

    1. Moo


      Nu taip, pvz tau ammmmmm koki pavyzdi sugalvojus... Net nezinau. :D

    2. Batista
    3. Moo


      Neiseina. :D

    4. Show next comments  dar 231
  18. Pasidalinčiau torrent.lt pakvietimais jeigu kam reikia. PM
  19. Gal kas galit kokia labai mazai resursu ryjancia, tik pagrindus apsaugancia antivirusine parodyt? :) Mokama nemokama - nesvarbu

    1. narkata


      Jokios nerasik ir viskas, jei turi galva tai tu virusu ir neturesi, pats sedejas esu be antivirusines gal kokia ~3men paskui isirasiau praskanavau viska ir nieko nerado , 0-virusu buvo

    2. narkata


      o dabar sedziu su ESET NOD32 Smart Security 5

  20. Samsung Looking To Ban Sales Of Apple’s iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 And iPad 2 In Japan And Australia Just four days ago, we heard of Apple successfully blocking sales of Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Australia because of two touchscreen and multi-touch technology-based patents that the Galaxy Tab 10.1 apparently infringes upon. Apple has also managed to block sales of the same product in Germany. Lastly, let’s not forget that the Galaxy S II has been banned from sale in over 30 European countries. This patent war (as it is being called) is only going to get worse before it gets any better. The legal battle is spread now across continents with proceedings taking place in countries like USA, Japan, Netherlands, Australia, France and Italy just to name a few. WSJ expects that the patent lawsuits will end with a massive cross-licensing deal in which both companies would end up paying each other for using technology patented by the other. We hope it ends that way, because the way it is shaping up right now, suggests that we’ll soon end up in a world where all Samsung and Apple products are blocked from sale. Samsung actually manufactures flash memory, RAM and processor used in iOS devices. So it does, then, sound quite odd for Apple to go so aggressively after a company that manufactures some pretty major components of its most popular products. Sakykit ką norit, bet jie ir copycat'ai ir apgailėtini... Ai va, per tris dienas jau keturi milijonai iPhone 4S parduota.
  21. Tvarkyk kompo nustatymus, keisk narsykle. Viskas puikiai atsidaro.
  22. 1080p awesome

    1. kiler01


      pas mane paprastas 32" samsungo 1080p telikas. buvau pasileides full hd tai kazkaip nepatiko. man tinka ir dvd ripai. vistiek i filma ziuriu o ne i pixelius. :)

    2. Moo


      kaip kam. Tai koks point'as tada ta telika toki turet? :D

    3. kiler01


      kai as buvau jaunas ir kvailas.............. ;D

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