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http://s1079.photobucket.com/albums/w515/Oligarchas/ paziurek cia gal ka rasi ;DDD
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Lolololo 5.5 Note 2 Who wants one?
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/542535_10151025475335205_797154165_n.jpg Pagaliau, gal normalesne kova bus.
Swizz ir GMR viskas priklauso su kuo lyginsi tą Macbook'ą. Compared to a business workstation ala elitebook w series even the retina MBP is reasonably priced. Compared to many business class notebooks there at least okay priced. Compared to cheap notebooks for people that just need a bit of web access some word typing they are expensive.
"Samsung owes Apple $1.05 billion in damages over patent infringement".
Afig. Visus metus dabar svaistyt reiks... Ir is 2 metu trys bus... fuk dis crap
Atspek kieno kaina cia: $200 (556 LTL) :DD