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Ne nemanau kad reikia... Kaip bus su tais, kurie siunčia į įvairius miestus? Vistiek jai reikia, ieškai ir nori - tai ir susirasi paprastai nuėjęs į parduodu skiltį... Jai nori surast kuo geresnį pasiųlymą - kekvieną dieną eisi, ir žiūrėsi naujausius skelbimus...
Apple Asks Developers To Update Apps for iPad 2 --- iPad 2 Online Sales to Start March 11th at 12:01PST --- Lines for iPad 2 Launch Begin as 'iJustin' Camps Out Once Again Nu įdomiai įdomiai. Jau rikiuojas... Manau jau kitą šeštadienį ar sekmadienį turėsim tikrų, gerų apžvalgų...
Na čia kaip ir offtipic'as Ne į temą 64GB iPhone 4 Engineering Prototypes Being Sold in Hong Kong? While we are still determining if this is real, we can’t wait to let you see this surprising Apple iPhone 4 64GB. What’s more incredible is that the grey markets of Hong Kong are selling it as “engineering prototype”. What!? According to Unwire.hk, this suspicious 64GB model has started selling in Sin Tak, the greatest grey market in Hong Kong, and the sellers claimed that these are engineered models and available in small quantity. Interestingly, the back of the phone states iPhone XXGB! That reminds us the leaked prototype last year, the one Gizmodo bought it. It also states the Model no. as XXXXX, and the FCC ID as BCG-XXXXXX. On the screen, you can see is indeed a 64GB capacity and the model is 995-6049LL. And the phone is not locked! Any ideas what’s going on here? And one more thing. While we are checking out for more details on the Chinese web, Sina posted a white iPhone 4 on their site, saying that the white iPhone 4 16GB model has arrived in mainland China, everyone should be getting it soon. Sakyčiau geriausia iPhone kopija iki šiol...
Ne į temą Jai apie 3G kalbi, tai čia tavo kaltė. Laisvai galima unlock'inti ir nesuvarant GPS. Tiesiog daryt kaip reikia reik.
Warning! Jailbreakers Should Hold off on March 11 iOS 4.3 Update Neupdeitinam į 4.3 kas nusijailbreakine!
Yes, The iPad 2 Is Carrier Unlocked Nu ką, internetą sakykim visur turi jau...
Radau truputį žinių lyg ir apie iPhone 5 korpusą... Is This Apple's 5th Generation iPhone Prototype? Real or fake? --- iPhone 5 To Revert Back To Aluminum Back And Internal Antenna? The source also reported that Apple is abandoning the current external antenna design that was plagued with controversy over the “death-grip” signal loss and attenuation issue. Although unclear, it seems that the translation implies that the “antenna will be designed to penetrate cellular and Wi-Fi waves via resin made Apple logo” which Apple actually does have a patent for. Finally the source noted that Apple will include the new A5 processor in the fifth iteration of the iPhone, the same processor in the new iPad 2. As with all Apple rumors, including those regarding the iPhone 5, take them with a grain of salt. In particular when the source has a shaky record in previously predicting a 7-inch iPad by Christmas 2010.
Aišku tada. Hah, na abejoju ar daugiau nei kokias, ammm kad ir 7h. )
iOS Multitasking: It Doesn’t Need To Be PC-like This is a common point being raised by people curious to try out iOS, but afraid it won’t help them be productive: “can I see multiple apps at once”? No, with iOS you can’t. And the way I see it, there’s good reason to enforce this implementation. First off, let’s consider the devices iOS runs on: iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, Apple TV. The Apple TV 2nd gen doesn’t exactly have apps and I don’t understand why would anyone want to see multiple photos and movies at once. The iPhone and iPod touch? The screen is so small (in spite of high resolution) I honestly can’t believe some people are exploring the possibility of seeing multiple apps on a single screen. It doesn’t make sense. That leaves the iPad to be considered. With a screen slightly smaller than the average netbook, one could argue Apple should find a way to let multiple apps / windows be displayed on screen at the same time. There is a huge problem, though: how would you enable this technically speaking? By creating desktop-like overlays? Not going to happen on iOS. What about allowing apps to run in split-screen mode? Developers would need to provide a split-screen version of their apps — thus forcing them to design for another resolution / user experience. It’s easy to say “I want the same windows I have on my Mac on the iPad” or “Apple should have done this differently”. Considering the nature of the App Store ecosystem, this PC-like approach is not possible for now. What about the future? Maybe, but not windows in the way we’re used to them today. I think there’s plenty of room for innovation on iOS and Apple is certainly playing around with hundreds of methods to let users be more productive and access more information on screen easily, but we shouldn’t forget the underlying philosophy of iOS: the device becomes the app you’re running. This helps some people stay focused, but gives everyone the illusion they’re not using a cellphone or a tablet but an “app console”. With this in mind, take a look at Lion and its fullscreen apps and don’t tell me Apple is heavily betting on “the iOS way”. So what about the multitasking Mathis refers to? I think we’ll have a way with iOS 6 or iOS 7 to “merge” apps together to access information with literally one tap. Basing on the current hardware designs from Apple and assuming no revolutions in screen size will happen until 2013, I’d like to throw out some ideas. Mathis writes: Surprisingly, the problem for many has become “switching” between apps — the feature millions of customers wanted back in the iPhone OS 3 days. Sarcasm aside, let’s play along with the argument. If Apple had to improve the switching experience on a current-generation iPhone 4 or iPad 2, what would the implementation look like? Definitely not windows, for the reasons listed above. An idea: changing the multitasking tray from a horizontal bar of icons to a series of app previews overlaying the main application. Yes, pretty much like the webOS or the BlackBerry PlayBook. A problem comes to mind immediately, though: with low-res screens, the tiny previews don’t really help getting more information without switching to another app. Visual previews with hardware limitations make for a pretty feature, but not a useful one. Plus, the “cards” UI on webOS doesn’t sit on top of the app you were previously using — it’s yet another detached interface to switch between apps. So here’s another possible implementation: what if Apple found a way to “Quick Look” apps paused in the background? Imagine this: you open the multitasking interface, you double tap on an icon, you get an instant almost-fullscreen, Quick Look preview of that app. With the recent improvements to Quick Look Apple made in Lion, I can see the technology being deeply implemented in the future versions of iOS. Quick Look for multitasking wouldn’t eliminate the need of opening a separate UI, but the “switching” part could benefit from this. But, then again, everything comes down to a bigger problem: a nice way to see more than one app at a time is cool, but what about getting the information into the first app? That’s why I think the biggest addition Apple could make to multitasking isn’t a new design — rather, the possibility of easily sharing data between applications. In a future version of iOS, apps could become aware of each other and let users share information between them effortlessly without even noticing a change in the UI. By overcoming the need of windows and multitasking objects on screen, apps talking to each other would allow us to share data with gestures, in the same fullscreen mode we know and love, without having to activate a special multitasking interface. You can see a first implementation of this in iOS 4: the “Open In…” menu that lets you forward documents to other apps. Now take the Open In menu, make it system-wide and enabled by default in any app, and think about the possibilities of real communication between apps. I’m talking about things even more powerful than a Services menu for iOS: imagine being able to invoke an instance of 1Password inside Safari without actually installing an extension or bookmarklet. Or MobileMe sharing and uploading functionalities enabled in any app. This, combined with a quick way to preview apps and documents you’re not actively focused on, should provide a great way to be more productive on iOS and not feel the need for “windows” on your screen. In spite of several iOS applications still resembling their PC counterparts, leading users to wonder why a specific function doesn’t behave in a certain way, I don’t think the key to iOS multitasking is imitating the PC. It’s never been like that, and Apple’s vision of personal computing is now changing as well. I wouldn’t mind seeing iOS multitasking become something less UI-centric, and more data-based. Labai puikus straipsniukas! Patariu visiems perskaityt.
Humor: The iPad 2 Launch Song Hahah funny --- iPad 2 3G is "World-Mode" Good
Tai kad negreitesnis. 800MHz pas jį. Nemanau ar jį galima laikyti konkurentu, nes tikrai atsilieka nuo kitų, ne tik nuo iPad.
Test Shows iPad 2 with iOS 4.3 Incredibly Faster Than iPad 1 We will get our iPad 2′s next week and we’ll make sure to run some tests as well to see how the new tablet is really faster than other devices with iOS 4.3 and the iPad 1. Wahahaha
Sugavojau tokią temelę, jauskitės laisvi, tik su trumpais apibūdinimais. Čia keli, kuriuos aš naudoju... SBSettings. Šis priedas leis jum įjungti įvairias funkcijas, kaip 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth'ą tiesiai iš jūsų springboard'o. Infinidock. Jis leidžia jums turėtu kiek norit App'sų savo dock'e. Folder Enhancer. Leidžia jums turėti folderius folderiuose. MyWi 4.0. Leidžia jums naudoti savo telefoną kaip WiFi stotelę. Winterboard. Labai daug temų parsisiuntimui iš tos pačios Cydia'os, kurias paleisite su Winterboard CyDelete. Leidžia jums tiesiog ištrinti Cydia app'sus tiesiai jūsų springboard'e. Lockinfo. Leis jums rašyt ir atsakyt e-mail'us, sms, skambučius, tweet'us ir facebook'o įvykius tiesiai jūsų lockscreen'e. Taippat yra daug plung'ų šitai programėlei kuriuos rasite lockinfo nustatymuose. Taippat čia dedam visas naujienas susijusias su Cydia.
Taip yra. Manau populiariausia yra TV Cathup. Tiesiog eini su savo iPhone Safari į http://iphone.tvcatchup.com Dar yra TVU, netTV, tv.com, Television, OrbLive for iPhone . Cydia'oje yra ir mokamų programų. Amm, jai rašo "App Store price is $0.99" ($0.99 yra pvz.) tai reiškia nieko nekainuoja, tiesiog pasako kiek ta programa kainuoja App storėje.
Personal Hotspot Lets Another iPhone Connect and Use FaceTime Over 3G Ant bug'o užtaike truputį su ta iOS, bet vistiek gera ji... Dar vistiek bus manau ir 4.3.x, tai tikiuosi ištaisys. --- Apple Seeking Expanded Access to iTunes Downloads Across All iOS Devices --- Who is Winning the U.S. Smartphone Battle? Įdomiai, įdomiai... Android U.S. populiariausias? Kažkas neto... Android On Top In US Smartphone Wars, iOS and BlackBerry Joint Second --- Hungarian Politician Drafts New Constitution On iPad Hungarian politician Jozsef Szajer is drafting the country's new constitution on an iPad. A Hungarian politician is for the first time drafting the country’s new constitution on an iPad. Politician Jozsef Szajer, a member of the European Parliament for Hungary’s ruling party, said in a blog post: --- JAM by Apogee Brings Studio Quality Guitar Input to iPad, iPhone and Mac Puikus priedas Mac'istui ir Gitaristui. --- Aquafairy AF-M3000 might finally make consumer fuel cell charging a disappointing reality We've been promised portable fuel cells for ages, now. Ages! Finally one is only months away from release -- but its performance seems so limited we're not sure we care anymore. It's the Aquafairy AF-M3000 and, despite its name, it's powered not by water but by ethanol fuel packs. Here's where the bad news comes in: a single fuel pack only provides enough current to get an iPhone up to a 50 percent charge, and it'll take 90 minutes at that. So, you'll need two cartridges and three hours of your time just to bring a dead mobile back to life, and given each pack costs around $6 (it's 2,625 yen, about $32 for a pack of five), the entire proposition is rather expensive. That doesn't even factor in the cost of the unit itself: 26,250 yen or about $320. It's set to ship in Japan in April, so get ready to finally enter the future. Nobody said it'd necessarily be a great place to be. http://vimeo.com/20546059 Na įdomus toks aparačiokas...
Ammm, 2006 modeli nėr HDMI jungties. Manau dėl to ir neapsimoka jo imt.
Ne į temą Tokia visai nesena tema žinokit... ^_^ Tik daugiau negu pusės metų senumo. 2010-06-25, 17:25... Kitą kartą bent į datą pažiūrėkit... ^_^
PSP Go price cut quietly slinks away, now priced at original $200 MSRP
Sveiki, taigi sulaukiau daug laiškelių su "man tokį error'ą meta, ką daryt"... ^_^ Taigi paaiškinsiu ką daryt. ^_^) Taigi, gali būti, kad po Jailbreak’inimo, keliant programas per iTunes gali “išmesti” tokį Error’ą “ERROR 0xE8008001″. Taigi, kaip jį sutaisyti? 1. Einame į Cydia: Tada į “Sources”: Spaudžiame viršuje “Edit”: Tada viršuje “Add”: Surenkame “http://cydia.hackulo.us“: Kai įsiinstaliuoja, einame Cydia -> Manage -> Sources ir viršuje pamatysite “Hackulo.us”: Spaudžiam ir matom: Ir pasirenkame pagal savo Firmware, instaliuojame. Gali būti, kad rodys tik 3.1 ir 3.2. Tada išeinate iš Cydia’os, vėl įenate, ir viršuje būtų maždaug taip: Ir taip vaikštote kol atsiranda jūsų iOS. --- Ateityje papildysiu. Klausimai, bėdos? Rašykit. Prašykit gidų kokių gidu - jai reikia - parašysiu. Ačiū už dėmesį. Kopijuoti NEGALIMA!
Apple iOS 4.3 GM Jailbreak With PwnageTool Released OMG... Taip greit. Belieka sulaukti Windows versijos - ir mano gidas bus gidų skyriuje. Stay tuned. --- Personal Hotspot Limited To 3 Devices on AT&T? --- Viskas ką reikia žinoti pie iOS 4.3. iOS 4.3 All You Need to Know Na manau puiki iOS iPhone 4'ui ir iPad'ui. Dar jai Mac'ą turi, be laido per iTunes sync'ini sau... --- iOS 4.3 vs. iOS 4.2.1 Web Browsing Speed Test Na visdėlto laimi laimi iOS 4.3 greičiu. Netgi 6.1s... OMG --- iOS 4.3 Detects Previously Purchased Apps That Haven’t Been Installed Su ta iOS 4.3 vis daugiau +...
CloudyShots yra tokia programa, kai tu padarai ScreenShot'ą, ir ji automatiškai Upload'ina tą ScreenShot'ą (kaip ir imageshack.us). Visas tris programas galima rasti tik Cydia'oje.
Labas. Tai kaip supratau tai restore daryt neina? Jai einam tai kodėl švariai nerestorinus tau į 3.1.2, tada švariai atsinaujinti į 4.2.1 ir tada jailbreakinti su RedSn0w tethered, ir tada GreenPois0n untethered? Prieš atsinaujinant visą laiką yra geriausia restorinti, tada kažką daryt.
Ne į temą Sorry, tai jai jums nepatinka, kad kažko nėra, tai kodėl neparašius patiems palyginimo gero su visais geresniais tablet'ais? --- Samsung to Rethink New Tablets After Seeing iPad 2 But technical specs are not the only issue facing Samsung with the Galaxy Tab 10.1, as the company also must address pricing issues that currently will make it difficult for the device to compete against the iPad 2. Apple made a number of references to the tablet competition during its iPad 2 introduction earlier this week, making a point to illustrate Apple's hardware and software head start and pricing advantages over competitors' offerings. Apple's iPad 2 comes to market even as some competitors have yet to begin shipping their first round of tablet devices announced in some cases many months ago. Ottt... --- Archos high end Tablet series is announced for IFA in Berlin Daaaar viens...