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Patarčiau palaukti daugiau žmonių, kurie jailbreikinę savo iDaigtus su šituo gidu. Sn0wbreeze nėra labai patikima. Dar + čia tehered būdas. Jai jau taip greit išėjo tethered, tai ir untethered išeis greit... Būtent.
Get Your Point Across Quickly with Doodle Buddy for iPhone Na fainas fainas dalykėlis... Siunčiuos, žiūrėsiu kas bus... Siunčiamės tiesiog iš savo iPhone AppStorės jai turit Wi-Fi. Jai neturit - siunčiatės iš čia.
Na tai ir tu tada dėk, bet nemanau ar kas pirks, kadangi už tiek galima slim'ą pasimt, palaukt flashinimo ir fsio, turėt tąpatį tik naujesnę konsolę...
Mačiau lygiai tokį pat pardavinėja už 500lt, ir berods šiame forume. Tik dėl žaidimų nesu tikras, kiek ten buvo. Na manau čia taippat gali kokius 500lt prašyt. O į kitus skelbimus (skelbiu.lt ir t.t.) dėk daugiau.
Adobe Flash Player leaks for Motorola Xoom
Na nesubyrėsim gal... Faktas, kad gerai pasislinko.
Installous 4.3 released!
Na sugalvojau radęs giduką jį perrašyti, perteikti jums. Šis yra berods vienas rimčiausių error'ų. Einame į computer, ir įrašome į direktoriją tokius nukreipimus: Windows 95/98/Me: c:\windows\hosts Windows NT/2000/XP Pro: c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Windows XP, Vista, 7: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts Spaudžiame dešnį pelės klavišą ir tada “Open With…” ir padarome, kad atidarytų su Notepad'u. Tada tiesiog panaikiname eilutę su gs.apple.com ir išsaugome tąpatį failą su panaikinta eilute. Sekmės!
The War Between Verizon and AT&T Gets Petty Na nereik visiškai to...
Will The iPad 1 Keyboard Dock Work With The iPad 2? Yes Na dar vienas priedas prie iPad 2. Gerai visai, kad nuo iPad tinka klava ta, nereiks skirtingų pirkinėt.
Su žaidimu kažkas blogai. Megink naują atsisiųst.
First iFixit Teardown Pics + Live Teardown from iFixyouri --- Confirmed ! iPad 2 3G on AT&T Is Sold Unlocked In United States Here is a screenshot of iPad 2 3G running on a T-Mobile network.
Na va, vienas + Xoom'o Xoom gets USB host functionality, no thanks to Motorola or Google
Gamerami: The Ultimate iPhone App for Gamers Key features: * Social Buttons- add games to your owned list and admire you game collections all in one place * Prices- competitive prices from the internet * Box Art- high quality box artwork * More Info- release dates and descriptions * Screenshots- get high quality screenshots * Filters- advanced filters to allow you to configure Gamerami to your exact requirements Gamerami is a great way to keep track of what’s happing on your favorite platforms. When you select your platform, Gamerami gives you a list of upcoming and popular titles. You can read reviews, see prices from various vendors, watch related Youtube videos, and share info on Twitter and Facebook. If you’re looking for a game that’s older or more obscure, you can search for it and browse through your results. The latest game news is pulled from Planet XBOX 360 and N4G, and Gamerami loads the articles in its in-app browser. Results vary from game to game, but even if the title isn’t that popular, you’ll most likely have enough to get a good glimpse at what the game is like. The look and feel of Gamerami makes browsing through games enjoyable. The dark colors contrast well, and the design of the app is sleek and well done. The ability to send game reviews to Instapaper and share through Twitter and Facebook is also a plus. If you’re not in the United States, you can also change the displayed currency. Na, tikrai tokiem kurie mėgsta prachekinti naujienas žaidimų. Na man jis neaktuolus, bet gal kam tiks. Siunčiamės čia.
Kam tiem touch'am išhvis tos iOS 4.3 reikia, jai jau kaikurie žaidimai tik eina 3G ir 4G iPod'ams... Dėl to ir manau, kad nereikia 2G ir 1G to iOS 4.3 support'o.
Gerai nors kad ten Nuclear power station yra. Viena nepavojungiausių atominių tipas čia, kaip tik per science mokiaus...
Reikia jį įjungti. Nustatymuose turi būt. Ar įjungta ir neveikia?
Kiek suprantu, ten visai anksti tas tsunamis pradėjo šėlt? Nu nafik, gyveni, miegi sau ir nuneša srovė namą... O žmonių neakcija kokia turėjo būt, atsidarai sau Googlę, jopštvaj Tsunamio pavojus... Ir ką tada daryt?
Dėl tuo su tuo punktu ir nesutinku.
Nerimsta jie nors tu ką... Alleged iPhone 5 Design Documents Show Bigger Screen Chinese accessory manufacturers clearly get access to early design documents as has been evidenced multiple times. The early iPad 2 cases were indeed accurate representations of the iPad 2. iDealsChina was also the source of a design rendering of the 4th Generation iPod Nano which turned out to be an accurate depiction of the then-unreleased iPod Nano. If this is indeed an accurate design document, we would expect to see accessory companies to start creating actual cases. We should warn that even if this is a real "design document", we've also seen cases for products that have never been released. The most notable is the iPhone Nano which saw several case designs from different manufacturers. --- Wish list: 27 features we want on the iPhone 5 Na sutinku su visais punktais, išskyrus 15-tą ir 20-tą. Nereikia to slide-out keyboard'o ir SD slot'o.
Is Apple planning a Mac OS X tablet? Yes, almost certainly... Putting it all together, I think that it’s a pretty sure bet that Apple is working on Mac OS X tablets. The way I see it such a product could be used to either augment or completely replace the existing MacBook Air offering. Yeah, it makes sense … Here's an interesting Apple video from the 1990s showing pen tablets, mobile collaboration, search and so on... Ką manot? Na aš manau, visai fainai būtų toks...
Happy Lukrin. Taip pat ir kitus sveikinu.
Untethered Jailbreak To Be Delayed Until Apple Releases iOS 4.3.1 To Public Why you may ask? At Pwn2Own contest, iPhone 4 was hacked via vulnerability which was found in Mobile Safari running iOS 4.2.1. This vulnerability also exists in iOS 4.3 but all devices running the latest version of iOS are safe until hackers find a way to bypass the ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) which Apple has implemented for all supported devices starting from iOS 4.3. In an interview, winners of Pwn2Own told ZDNet that bypassing ASLR security in iOS 4.3 is harder to do then what most think it is. According to Charlie Miller, the winner of this years’ Pwn2Own contest, Apple has been informed about the vulnerability and they are going to fix it in the next update. So is iOS 4.3.1 release imminent? Not anytime soon I think. Since the exploit mentioned above in iOS 4.3 requires ASLR to be bypassed, I don’t think Apple will be worried too much. Or not until someone figures out a way to bypass ASLR and makes the technique public. Hahaahah... Va taip reikia Hackint! Dabar Unlock'ą tegu padaro, tai išvis nuostabu bus.
Taigi jau senai žinoma, kad šendien bus galima jau pirkt. Beto, nepamiršk kad muitas kiek kainuos. Ir taip, net neįsivaizduoju ką galima veikti su iPad 2, 16GB ir tik Wi-Fi modeliu... Waiting for iPad 2 - how's the line? Vieno žmogelio tweet'as. Na, bet kam reik jo taip greit? Juk kainos nekils..
Twitter To Developers: Enough With The Twitter Clients This announcement from Twitter is very surprising in my opinion, mostly because Twitter’s expansion and success happened thanks to third party clients for the desktop, iOS and Android that brought the Twitter platform years ago where it wasn’t available. Today Twitter has its own apps, but years ago it was only the API. And now they’re kindly telling everyone to stop building new “regular” clients because there’s no reason to do so. Whether or not they’ll go after every single new client that comes out and “reproduces the mainstream Twitter consumer client experience” is unclear at this point. Will they run quality control for every single new app they find and block its API access? Or is this just an announcement to instill fear and discourage developers? We don’t know yet, but devs surely aren’t appreciating the news. And we understand them. Of course, Twitter has confirmed the existing apps can keep serving their users as long as they maintain ”high standards”. But for new developers, the focus should be put into data, social publishing tools, curation. What happens when Twitter expands to those areas, though? We don’t know. As long as the Mac and iOS are concerned, we are surrounded be great third-party apps like Twitterrific, Echofon, Hibari — and dozens of new Twitter clients come out every week, both for iPhones and iPads and Macs. Perhaps some of them aren’t great, many of them are actually terrible, but to each his own, they say. From now, at least from Twitter’s point of view, it’s all going to be about quality control, rather than choice. Surprisingly, or maybe not, this announcement comes a few days after the implementation of promoted tweets (read: ads) into the official Twitter client for iPhone. as many readers suggested on Twitter, here are some third-party clients you should try: Mac * Twitterrific * Weet * Hibari * Seesmic * Kiwi * YoruFukurou * Echofon * TweetDeck * Socialite * Destroy Twitter * HelTweetica iOS * Twitterrific * Osfoora * Friends * Tweetlist * Weet * Echofon * Twittelator * Tweetings Na nebloga tokia programėlė.