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Na jau manau reikėtų jau tokią temą užvesti... Stephen Colbert Already Wants An iPad 3
Ne į temą Na aš tai dabar varau į lietuvėlę, kai gryšiu į UK atgal meginsiu iOS 4.3.1 rašyt ir jailbreak'inti. nes neduok dieve lietuvoje užsilenks su 4.3.1...
Kas sako? Draugas? Ofiicialūs puslapiai sakytų, tikėčiau, bet dabar nebuvo tokių "vėjų"... Darykis iOS 4.3, gausi Wi-Fi tehtering'ą ir ok bus.
Dar yra toks dalykas, kai pvz. įeini į gidą, kuris perkeltas į gidą kokį nors ir yra taip: "gidų sekcijoje"Nu ir man atidaro pagrindinį puslapį, gido nerodo...
Baltiniai ir kelnės gražios labai.
Na nežinau, kokią naršyklę naudoji? Nes bent jau man neivienos tavo problemos nebuvo... Dar kažkaip nuotrauką pasikeičiau forumo, ir nerodo jos, rodo seną...
iPhone 4 baterija kainuoja eBay £6.95. O pasikeist pats gali, tik nusipirk mažiuką atsuktuvėlį ir fsio.
Na kam jo? Gi turi keturias pakraunamas, su vienom žaidi ir kitas krauni jai reik, beto Duracell jos neišsikrauna taip greit, nebent ciklai jau pabaigon eina. Beto ir taip tas AA gali panaudoti ir vėliau daug kam, o Play&Charge nebelabai, nebent išsiardai ir pasiemi tas pakraunamas AAA, ko tikrai neapsimoka daryt.
Pirk duracell pakraunamas AA ir nesuk galvos. Aš nusipirkau tokias, tai laiko nežmoniškai, ir pakrovėją gavau su jomis AA ir AAA baterijom.
Nu ką, šis filmas UK jau Balandžio 21dieną. Eisiu būtinai, manau bus vertas tų pinigų...
Tiesiog taip pasidarai: Ir keli į direktoriją (folderį, desktopą) tiesiog.
AViiQ Announces Smart Case for iPad 2 4 Apr 2011 Available in a myriad of vibrant colors to fit every lifestyle, taste and personality for under $50 SANTA ANA, Calif – April 4, 2011 – AViiQ, the award-winning mobile electronics accessory and design company specializing in solutions for on-the-go users, introduces the Smart Case for iPad 2, a colorful combination of design and protection that allows users to protect their investment without sacrificing design or self-expression. Available in a full spectrum of colors, the AViiQ Smart Case for iPad 2 gives users the freedom to express their personality and complement their existing Apple iPad 2 Smart Cover. In addition, its design perfectly hugs the iPad 2’s borders and back without interfering with any wireless functionality or connectivity. “Gadgets such as the iPad 2 have become extensions of ourselves, but most accessories do not reflect our need for portability and personalization,” stated Alan Yeung, Co-Founder of AViiQ. “We designed the AViiQ Smart Case for iPad 2 to be a means of expressing your personality, while protecting your iPad 2 in ways that will highlight its original design.” From traditional but elegant black and silver to more jovial colors such as green, blue, orange, pink, and red, the AViiQ Smart Case for iPad 2 works with or without the Apple iPad 2 Smart Cover and is guaranteed to be shipped by Mother’s Day. The AViiQ Smart Case for iPad 2 comes with a 30 day money back 100% satisfaction guarantee and is available for pre-order for $49.99 at Additional Specs Dimensions: 9.59” x 7.42” x 0.39” Thickness: 1.5 mm Colors: Silver, Black, Red, Pink, Orange, Green, Blue Warranty: 2 years ABOUT AViiQ AViiQ adheres to the tenet that form should follow function. Founded to create consumer mobile electronic accessories that maximize productivity through enhanced functionality and high end design, AViiQ offers the finest in function and style. Laptops revolutionized the computer world by adding the freedom of mobility and AViiQ transforms that freedom into power. For more information about AViiQ please visit Na mane visad AViiQ patiko savo dėklais, šis irgi neblogas.
AT&T Increasing Early Upgrade Pricing For iPhone?
Financial Times Doesn’t Want To Enable iOS Subscriptions In Its iPad App The Financial Times isn’t providing additional details on where the iPad app will end up if subscriptions aren’t implemented by June, but many are speculating Pearson (owner of the FT) will focus on Android and “other tablets”. The situation is interesting as the FT iPad app is generating 20% of the publication’s subscribers and millions in revenue — but they don’t want to comply to Apple’s terms as, in their own words, they “have something to lose”.
MacBook Airs To Generate $2.2 Billion In Annual Revenue A report by Cnet in February hinted at an upcoming refresh for the MacBook Airs in June to include new Intel Sandy Bridge processors, which should dramatically boost performances of the MBA. Since the release of the new MacBook Pros five weeks ago, many are also speculating Apple will implement the Thunderbolt technology in the next-generation MacBook Airs. A refresh in June would play nice with Apple’s WWDC announcements, although a number of reports in the past week suggested Apple won’t announce new hardware at its developer event, focusing on Lion and an iOS 5 preview. On April 20th, Apple will release its Q2 2011 financial results.
Kodėl .bmp formato nuotraukų negalima? Jau porą nuotraukų norėjau įdėti, tai reikėjo saugot, keist formatą ir upload'inti...
Na supranti, bet veliau juk unlock'insi, ir tada reiks restorinti, ir tą kitą IPSW reiks dėt. Na arba abi siųskis tada, your choice. Beto: iOS 4.3.1 Causing WiFi Issues? According to i0n1c, the issues can be resolved for some iPhone owners by simply rebooting the router.
Nebėr, nebėr.
Viskas tuom ir pasakyta. iPhone 4 iOS 4.3.1 Custom ipsw untethered - Activated (for users who are not on official carrier SIM card)
Visur taspats, tiesiog žiūrėk kur neatnaujina baseband. Na manyčiau 4.3 yra gerai, tik kad dėl untethered ten neaišku. Na aš turėjau ~3 savaites tethered, viskas ok buvo, nekilo bėdų.
Tikriausiai iš 1000 XBOX tik koks vienas tebus flashintas UK.
Seną palik, tik seną.