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Jei negaila gal atsiustum i pakvietima buciau lb dekingas.
Nenulauze, tik rado prieima leisti Homebrew.Pliauska pasidalink ispudziais kaip veikia HEN nes as pats dar kolkas dvejoju ji isbandyti
Nieko tokio bet kurio momentu galesi ji pakeisti pilnai veikianciu
Nesivarginkit kelti to HEN i savo psp'esus Davee patvirtino kad ne ta faila ikele todel negalima leisti visu Homebrew, pilnai veikiantis iseis rytoj
Stai video , o cia tik foto.
Stai foto kurioje psp 3000 leidzia gba emuliatoriu.
Davee(HEN kurejas) padare didelę klaidą pranesdamas data HEN isleidimo, HEN yra baigimo stadijoj ir šiuo metu viksta jo Patch'inimas tad tikslia data kada jis išvis dienos šviesa težino pats Davee.
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aciu pabandysiu bet siaip smalsumo delei gal kas zinot kaip su juo elktis?
Sveiki, vakar nutariau paivairinti savo xp, tai isirasiau Windows sidebar del smalsumo parsisiunciau iWeather gadgeta, bet man jis kasko nenori rodyti Lietuvos miestu oru, gal zinot kaip ji pertvarkyti, kad rodytu Lt ora?
Stai HEN kureju video apie ju, HEN skirta psp 2003 ir psp 3k demo versija. Kagi laukiam pilnos versijos
- pasimusham
Dar negreitai, pirmasis stiprus zingsnis atrisimo link tai HEN kuris turetu artimiausiu laiku pasirodyti
Vienintelis budas pilnai isnaudoti artejanti HEN tai neupdeitinti i 5.50 FW, tikiuosi tas nenulauziamu psp kasmaras greit pasibaiks Pats HEN kurejas paneige gandus apie PSX palaikima tad neturekime vilciu, kad HEN ji palaikys beto ir ISO palaikimo gali nebuti.
Bukite kantrus viska greit suzinosim, beto HEN turetu pasirodyti sy treciadieni arba ketvirtadieni
Stai truputi aiskesne instrukcija This has worked for me : -Download this first : -Extract and put all of them in your psp/photo folder .. (make sure you only have the slim file once in your photo folder and make sure you have h.bin in the root of the memory stick) -Change your system language to English and completely reboot your psp (hold the power switch 3 seconds) -Turn it back on and go to photo>memory stick in your xmb -Now scroll VERY fast up and down , (as much as needed) The amount of scrolls : (down - up - down - up --> hello world) Exploitas lb nestabilus tad pavykti gali ne is pirmo karto ir beto reikalinga 5.02 fw nes 4.02 nepaleidzia jo Isbandziau tikrai veikia taigi belieka laukti HEN.
1.God of war II 2.God of war 3.Shadow of collosus 4.Bully 5.Killzone
Jaigu padejau padekokit, stenksiuosi informuoti kuo dazniau
Vienas hakeris yra tuo uzsimemes jis sukure TIFF exploita kuris leidzia paleisti cfw 5.03 tas exploitas shiuo metu tinka tik phatam bet artimiausiu metu bus s&l bei psp 3k Hello World for PSP firmware 5.03 The days of TIFF based exploits aren't long gone, at least not yet Here's the third TIFF exploit for the PSP, enjoy. Just copy the files to the memory stick root, disconnect USB and go to photo menu. Don't dismiss the exploit even if it doesn't work on the first time, it's *very* unstable. You might get it working on the first time, but you might as well have to try it 20 times! The h.bin is loaded to 0x08800000, and the text address of paf.prx is passed in $a0 to the binary code. You can then trick out function imports, like for example sceDisplayWaitVblankStart: sceDisplayWaitVblankStart = (void*)(paf_addr+0x15F068); This release works _only_ on fat PSPs. The slim version will come out later. I'm not gonna include a list of credits here, I'll just forget some important names and then I'll be screwed The people who need to be credited will know it anyway. Have fun! P.S. Just wait a few days, there's a bit of awesomeness coming up.
nepilnai, bet neuzilgo bus nulaustas
Viename dark_alex tinklapio forume buvo pasirodziusi informacija kuri turetu nudziuginti psp 3000 bei psp slim&lite su TA-088v3 turetujus jame buvo linkas is kurio paimta si informacija.Info paimta is bei video apie tai Firmware 5.03 Says Hello World, TIFF Based Exploit Released. The prospect of running homebrew on PSP-3000 units is rapidly inching closer, as homebrew developer MaTiAz has released a TIFF-based exploit in the form of a “Hello World,” proof of concept application. The exploit is run from the PSP’s photo menu, taking advantage of a vulnerability found in the TIFF image library. Should be quite a familiar process if you were around back in the heyday of the PSP scene, when software-based downgraders were all the rage. Nonetheless, installation instructions can be found in the included readme file. Note that the current version will function only on PSP-1000 units. A separate release is being prepared for Slim models, specifically the PSP-2000 and PSP-3000. According to MaTiAz, “a bit of awesomeness” is due out within the coming days, so keep your eyes peeled. After a long wait, the gates to homebrew access on firmware 5.03 have been opened up. Atsiprasau is karto jai kas netaip
Su Šv.Velykom visus!!!
viena ar kita konsole giriat todel, kad arba jus ja tik viena tesate isbandes ir jums susidares ispudis, kad geresnes nebera arba jus del savu priezasciu jos nemekstat
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pakvietimas gautas siandien, bet man net surinkus bitgamer tinklapio safari neranda, explorer irgi, o firefox uzsilagina ir gaunu as ji "not responding" pavidalu, opera tai ismeta kad kaskokio jar failo truksta