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Pas mane kazkoks Mongoose DX 3.5 kiek pamenu , cia geras jis skaitosi? Toks, tik kitokios spalvos:
kas ruosiates iki kiek laukti?
rase restocking now, check back soon
Important update: Last night we had our first test of a Member Appreciation Redemption. Our goal was to give every member who signed up with PTZ an equal opportunity to redeem a prize. While our first two waves went smoothly, with thousands of members redeeming great prizes, our third wave was problematic for some due to site availability. Unfortunately, we battled some heavy cheating bots in Wave 3. Despite our efforts to shut these down, they affected the experience for some members who couldn't log in. We're working hard to ensure this will not happen in the future. Most importantly, we've refunded 100 PTZ to all members who participated in the Member Appreciation Redemption and did not receive a prize. We have already put these PTZ in your account in time to use for today's General Redemption. Thanks for your patience as we work to perfect the redemption process!
Happy Friday: The General Redemption is today! We'll have more news and the rules posted today. While we're happy to hear that many members redeemed successfully in Wave 1 and 2 last night, we're not so happy to hear widespread reports that some members had trouble getting into Wave 3. This was due a serious amount of attempted cheating bots that we battled and terminated. These bots were enabled because the times of the waves were leaked. We're investigating this further, and we hear and understand the concerns of members who played fair. We'll keep you updated! tai kas ka gero pasiemet pasigirkit
Ne į temą Stranger: horny girl? You: yes You: asl Stranger: 19male Stranger: you? You: 64 lesbo russia Stranger: oh Stranger: 64 Stranger: ? You: da Stranger: ok Stranger: your name? You: natasha Stranger: ok You: you Stranger: suleyman You: ok Stranger: have ypu got a msn Stranger: ? Stranger: you** You: yup You: xxxhornygirlxx64xxRU@hotmail.ru Stranger: ok Stranger: i am adding now You: ok
kelinta h restock?
tu BENT ka nors paimk..
kada po velniu oficialiai paskelbs kokia valanda bus general redeem..!?
Velnias , tikiuosi velai vakare arba nakti o ne diena, kai reik i mokykla............
ne, juk vistiek siustumeis geimus. tad kai siustumeis , isitikintum kad jie yra NTSC arba Region Free
ech, gaila kad nennusipirkau tu sansu, reikes laukti general restocko
tai dabar sitame 25-26d redemptione gales dalyvauti tik tie kurie nusipirko sansus ar visi? jei ne, tai kada bus general redemption?
speju jau pavelavau nusipirkti tuos sansus?
Gal kas galit paaiskinti paprastam valstieciui kuom skiriasi general redemptionas ir tas kur taskus ima?
o kada general redeemas bus ?
cipas plonam ps1 : http://www.mod-chip.bz/catalog/stealth-pso...dchip-p-41.html storam ps1 : http://www.mod-chip.bz/catalog/stealth-modchip-p-44.html reikia prilituoti 6 laidus
neuzilgo turetu nulauzti nes jau rado exploitus neuzilgo turetu nulauzti nes jau rado exploitus
Man regis sitas eina tik su UK ir Airija.
Sveiki, gal zinot kaip gauti ta fully-cocked kortele amu-nation ?
pasakyk savo draugui kad dazniau hata prasivalytu
kas naujo girdet del PS2 games + 40GB PS3 ?
b***** reik registruotis, gal uzuploadinkit kas nors i foruma ar dar kur