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Turiu klausima... Tas Waninkoko V2 kazkuom yra geresnis negu Wuntangrza ar Kmeaw? As ten kazka skaitinejau per PS3hax.net bet nieko ten gero nerase...
O tu sekei koki tiksliai gida gali duot linka? Ir ar dejai Geohoto CFW ant virsaus?
Kiek zinau cia yra naudojanciu tai gal duokit pradinukams PS3 Backup Managerio naudotojams maza Gida?
Zinai ka tu geriau padaryk ta Kmeav CFW tas girdejau veikia is LFXikso... as nezinau kur gidas bet manau gali surasti
Atrodo randu 50 skirtingu CFW... Vieni su Backupais kiti velnias zino... Dabar klausimelis ar kasnors nebandet togi Kmaew ar kaip jis ten... Jis tai padare ne del bricku... Jis kaip ir Fail0verflow yra pries Piratavima.
Va modeliu numeriai... Juos gali rasti ant savo konsoles nugaros baltas lapukas paskutines raides... Palygink ir tada bandyk... Jei susisiksi tai nieks nekaltas bet tu... ir siaip dar patarciau istikro luktelt jei buciau tavim. Yes- Gali No Don't do it- nebandyk nebent nori likt be PS3 Fat CECHA = No DON'T DO IT!! • CECHB = No DON'T DO IT!! • CECHC = No No DON'T DO IT!! • CECHE = No No DON'T DO IT!! • CECHG = No No DON'T DO IT!! • CECHH = Yes • CECHJ = Yes • CECHK = Yes • CECHL = Yes • CECHM = Yes • CECHP = Yes • CECHQ = Yes • SLIM • CECH-20..A = Yes • CECH-20..B = Yes • CECH-21..A = Yes • CECH-21..B = Yes • CECH-250.A = Yes • CECH-250.B = Yes • CECH-250.A = Yes • CECH-250.B = Yes • CECH-251.A = Yes • CECH-251.B = Yes
Bet tai vapse cia kaip virusas tai tada kur gi to viruso pradzia? As gaunu irgi kartais ir taip uzknisa kad sakis. Kokie idiotai gali but jie... nebent jie dar Kaledu Seneliu tiki.
Tai bent suolis "Alec and Samanya's grandson" woah. Tikiuosi pradzioje jie paaiskins cia ta visa aleco or samanyos santykius nes cia tai nerealus suolis
Jo kazkaip vasariskai apsirenges keistai labai atrodo.
E3 vis labiau laukiasi vien tik del sito...
Pastebejimas #1 tu nepasikeitei G1edriau... Tai jie negali dabar dar 1 versija konsoles daryti su kamera nes nebus labai perkama ir jiem pelnas butu mazas is to, tad jie panaudoja dabar turima PS EYE kad zmones kurie turi Eye gali tik nunchuckus nusipirkt o kurie neturi, Eye ir nunchukus padarys bundle jiem.
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Taip. Turetu, bet koks fotikas ar flashikas su USB gali but prijungtas.
Jeigu kas jau sako Sony kad sutvarke.
Manau kad ryt bus jau galima lost.
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Kai kam tai pasaulio pabaiga smile.gif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aimPRKfqKGw Gerai cia gal biski per virsu jau cia tai nerealiai ziaurus. O tai cia sita problema yra susijusi grynai su hardware ir negalima pazaisti net Offline?
raso kad restockina jau.
Tai jai jau renkates tenais tai ir mane priimsit: spartan1181
Ar yra gidas kaip pagreitint PSN siuntima naudojant Vista?
Nu nezinau bet radau dar viena toky: Slow downloads from PSN are a popular topic these days. My service is through Comcast, I think 12 Mbps as my desktop computer can pull about 1.4 MBps. The PS3, with default connection settings (no proxy) only manages *maybe* 100 KBps when downloading from the store. Not acceptable. Wired or wireless made no difference. I hav NAT2 status and uPnP turned on and confirmed working on my Linksys WRT54G with DD-WRT firmware. Running speed tests through the PS3 browser was just as slow. Then I decided to setup a local proxy (Privoxy) on my desktop and run the PS3 through that. Speeds went to around 5Mbps! I figure Comcast is throttling (to death) PS3 traffic. Can someone else that has super slow speeds (<1 Mbps) on Comcast try this? The only disadvantage is if the computer is shutoff then the PS3 losses its connection. Edit: this seems to help some people, but not all. The more detailed instructions below are copied here: Assuming the computer is running Windows and your PS3 is on the same local area network as the computer: 1. Find your computer's IP address in the Control Panel -> Network Connections. This is probably something like If it does not start with 192.168 then you might have a public IP and this won't work (at least not easily). 2. Download Privoxy from their website: http://www.privoxy.org/ 3. Run the Privoxy installer. When it is done the Privoxy window should appear. 4. Go to the Options menu and select 'Edit Main Configuration' 5. Find the line that says "listen-address". Should be about halfway through the file. 6. Replace with the computer's IP address (should start with 192.168). The :8118 part should stay. 7. Save and close the configuration. 8. If you have a firewall on your computer you need to allow access to Privoxy on port 8118. 9. On the PS3 open the network configuration settings. When it asks if you want to use a proxy say yes and enter your computer's IP address and port 8118. 10. Make sure the conenction test works and we're done! See if your speeds are faster and let us know the results. It should work on wireless too, although if your PC is also on wireless it might create too much wireless traffic to see any improvement. In that situation the data would be sent 3 times over wireless: 1) From the Internet/router to the proxy/PC, 2) from the proxy to the router, and 3) from the router to the PS3. Message Edited by Moofed on 02-13-2009 07:26 AM Taip maciau kad 09 metu pradzios. Gal kas zino kas gali ir su siuo but blogai nes man neveikia?
Manau kad tiesiog kas nores tas ir nusilaus. A jei bana gaus ju bedos. Kas nelaus tas ir nelaus ir vsio ner cia ka koliotis ar dar kaip. Taip kam onlinas yra 0 tai aisku gali ir apsimoketi, kas losia online tai rizikuos arba nelaus ir viskas.
Jeigu laidus susijunges tai eini per PS3 Network Settings> Internet Connection paziurek kad butu enabled jei enabled tada eini "Internet Connection Settings" ir tenais viska nustatai kaip reikia ir viskas. (gal kas uzeis ir pasakys detaliau viska bet manau ir tiek uztenka)