Sveiki, is karto atsiprasau kad prikeliau tokia sena tema bet iskilo didele problema. Turejau nusilauzes xboxa i LT+ 1.1 bet prireike isirasyti 1.9. Cia ir iskilo problema. Dariau viska kaip rase Starscream (Atsidaryk JF pasirink Fw tool ten open source fw pasirink savo dummy.bin tada spadi no ir open target fw pasirenki 02510 1.9 cfw eini tada i MTK flash spaudi lite-on erase yes,yes... kai paraso drive returned status 0x90 turi daryt power cycle (isjunkt ir ijunkt driva lb greitai ) kai drivas pereis i statusa 0x72 jau galesi spausti write kai baigsi nepamirsk issaugoti JF logo nes jei kas nors atsitiktu po flashinimo ar neveiktu pagal ji galima suprast ar flashas buvo geras.(cia auksciau)) Is pradziu kazkas neisejo
JF logas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JungleFlasher 0.1.85 Beta (257) Session Started Mon Aug 01 20:48:19 2011 This is a 32 bit process running on 2 x 32 bit CPUs portio32.sys Driver Installed portio32.sys Driver Started, thanks Schtrom ! Found 4 I/O Ports. Found 1 Com Ports. Found 10 windows drives A: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: Found 2 CD/DVD drives E: J: Drive is Lite-On.. Loading firmware file C:\Users\Laurynas\Desktop\Dummy.bin MD5 hash: 5677c12b31bbc12f988ff8b072f1567b Inquiry string found Identify string found Drive key @ 0xA030 000CF028A4BFE4E3DC0379397327456F Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 8385] Firmware is: LO83info Extract Loading firmware file C:\Users\Laurynas\Desktop\LiteOn (Phat)\LiteOn_Post_13141\LTPlus-025v1.9.bin MD5 hash: 71cfb6569fd42a1d4eb243dbd4d3b159 Genuine LT plus v1.9 Drive key @ n/a FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 0251] Firmware is: LT-Plus 1.9 Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0x0170 .............. Drive returned Status 0xD0 .................... Device Intro failed! Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0x0170 .............. Drive returned Status 0xD0 .................... Serial flash found with Status 0x72 Manufacturer ID: 0xC2 Device ID: 0x11 Flash Name: MXIC(MX25L2005) Flash Size: 262144 bytes Getting Status from port 0x0170 Getting Status from port 0x0170 SPi flash found with Status 0x72 Sending Chip Erase to Port 0x0170 Erasing:Writing target buffer to flash Writing Bank 0: .
ant galo nieko nebedare, laukiau 10 min. Tada kita diena (dabar) vel bandziau daryti ir kazkaip irsirase bet irgi nei is pirmo karto
JF logas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JungleFlasher 0.1.84 Beta (250) Session Started Tue Aug 02 10:01:34 2011 This is a 32 bit process running on 2 x 32 bit CPUs portio32.sys Driver Installed portio32.sys Driver Started, thanks Schtrom ! Found 4 I/O Ports. Found 1 Com Ports. Found 9 windows drives A: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: Found 2 CD/DVD drives E: J: Lite-On-Erase NOT sent Loading firmware file C:\Users\Laurynas\Desktop\Dummy.bin MD5 hash: 5677c12b31bbc12f988ff8b072f1567b Inquiry string found Identify string found Drive key @ 0xA030 000CF028A4BFE4E3DC0379397327456F Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 8385] Firmware is: LO83info Extract Loading firmware file C:\Users\Laurynas\Desktop\LiteOn (Phat)\LiteOn_Post_13141\LTPlus-025v1.9.bin MD5 hash: 71cfb6569fd42a1d4eb243dbd4d3b159 Genuine LT plus v1.9 Drive key @ n/a FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 0251] Firmware is: LT-Plus 1.9 Getting Status from port 0x0170 Invalid Status 0x80 Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0x0170 .............. Drive returned Status 0x80 .................... Serial flash found with Status 0x72 Manufacturer ID: 0xC2 Device ID: 0x11 Flash Name: MXIC(MX25L2005) Flash Size: 262144 bytes Getting Status from port 0x0170 SPi flash found with Status 0x72 Sending Chip Erase to Port 0x0170 Erasing: Writing target buffer to flash Writing Bank 0: ................ Writing Bank 1: ................ Writing Bank 2: ................ Writing Bank 3: ................ Flash Verification Test ! Reading Bank 0: ................ Reading Bank 1: ................ Reading Bank 2: ................ Reading Bank 3: ................ Write verified OK ! Sending Vendor Outro to port 0x0170 Drive is Lite-On..
ir vel nieko nebedare. idejus zaidima raso play dvd. gal kas galit paaiskint kame problema kad neiseina isirasyti cfw? Bandziau ir LT+ 1.1 rasyti kuris anksciau isirase ir 1.9 kuris anksciau neisirase. Updeitas pas mane tas kur perfleshina i ofw.Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 stovi. Edit: dar toki pranesima buvau gaves
JF logas ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JungleFlasher 0.1.84 Beta (250) Session Started Tue Aug 02 09:57:47 2011 This is a 32 bit process running on 2 x 32 bit CPUs portio32.sys Driver Installed portio32.sys Driver Started, thanks Schtrom ! Found 4 I/O Ports. Found 1 Com Ports. Found 9 windows drives A: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: Found 2 CD/DVD drives E: J: Loading firmware file C:\Users\Laurynas\Desktop\Dummy.bin MD5 hash: 5677c12b31bbc12f988ff8b072f1567b Inquiry string found Identify string found Drive key @ 0xA030 000CF028A4BFE4E3DC0379397327456F Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 8385] Firmware is: LO83info Extract Loading firmware file C:\Users\Laurynas\Desktop\LiteOn (Phat)\LiteOn_Post_13141\LTPlus-025v1.9.bin MD5 hash: 71cfb6569fd42a1d4eb243dbd4d3b159 Genuine LT plus v1.9 Drive key @ n/a FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF Firmware Osig: [PLDS DG-16D2S 0251] Firmware is: LT-Plus 1.9 Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0x0170 .............. Drive returned Status 0xD0 .................... Device Intro failed! Sending Lite-On-Erase request to port 0x0170 .............. Drive returned Status 0x72 Manufacturer ID: 0x0 Device ID: 0x0 Flash Name: Unknown type Flash Size: n/a Sending Vendor Intro to port 0x0170 Serial flash found with Status 0x72 Sending Device ID request to port 0x0170 Manufacturer ID: 0xFF Device ID: 0xFF Flash Name: Unknown type Flash Size: n/a Unknown flash type Erase aborted ! Sending Vendor Intro to port 0x0170 Serial flash found with Status 0x72 Sending Device ID request to port 0x0170 Manufacturer ID: 0xFF Device ID: 0xFF Flash Name: Unknown type Flash Size: n/a
Beje, katik pasijungiau dvd roma prie pc ir va ka pamaciau: Taigi, pas mane nera dvd key dvd-rome. Tai mano klausimas dabar butu kaip ji ikisti i vidu? Nu va, susitvarkiau pats. Tereikejo atsisiusti JungleFlasher v0.1.84 Beta (250) ir kad rakta ideti reikejo spausti manual spofing.