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Visas S1mmas turinys

  1. S1mmas

    Nba 2k13

    IGN review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFwLZ8jVkd0&feature=youtube_gdata_player stai kas buna kai i krepsinio zaidimo kurima priimamos garsenybes...pazeje suprasit ka turiu omeny
  2. Blitz the league 2, net nemegstanciam amerikietisko futbolo patiks
  3. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    Kazkas paskelbe achievementus, tiketi ar ne-jusu pasirinkimas.
  4. Hitman Absolution - Behind The Scenes Contracts Mode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6h8FiBCyV4M&feature=channel&list=UL
  5. Jei neklystu pas visus jis skirtingas ir vienkartinis, tad nemanau, kad kas padovanos.
  6. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    Punko tatuiruotes bus zaidime, aisku ne tokios kaip realybeje, bet panasios, pagaliau nebebus keistos tustumos Senoji smackdown arena
  7. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    Placiau apie zaidima The Attitude Era mode has 8 different stories, including DX, Steve Austin, Mankind, Undertaker, The Rock, and Bret Hart stories to cover. Over 65 matches to complete the entire mode, and around 20 WWE produced videos to get your blood pumping when the stories begin. The videos are the normal top notch WWE affair that you see every single Monday and Friday night on the programming and like the ones that were in Legends of Wrestlemania and WWE All-Stars. The two I was able to see both blew me away with production value and nostalgia. Also these videos are unlocked to be able to be seen at any later point. The mode also has a ratings section, with based on where you are in the story mode, will give you what’s going on in WCW land, as well as the current TV ratings for each show (Raw/Nitro). It was a nice little touch to even suck you deeper into the mode. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler call the matches in this mode, there are numerous Pay-Per-View arenas from the era, and even the crowd is set up like an Attitude Era crowd, you’ll see old school shirts, even some WCW shirts like the nWo shirt. The biggest thing I saw though were OMG moments. These ranged from spears through a barricade to a superplex with two monster heavyweights that collapse the ring (and no, the match does not continue, it ends there with the person who performed the superplex winning by knock out). These moments require you to have finishers built up, and then when you are in position to try one, you press Y like you would for a finisher and watch the insane action take place. These are also for the top rope finishers, time it right and you may hit CM Punk as he jumps off the top rope with a Chris Jericho CodeBreaker. They are very difficult to pull off, need the perfect timing, but look so cool when you do. Some OMG moments need to be built up as well, the ring breaking superplex needs 3 finishers built up to complete. With that, you can’t pull that move off with 2 smaller guys, nor can you do it with a big guy and a small guy. This year there is a weight detection based on new skeletons for the giants like Big Show and Kane. Also making a return this year are Special-Guest Referee matches. The guy you choose to be the ref can be as partial or impartial as you want him to be. But if you step over the line too much (there’s a meter next to your character), you will get pulled from the match and replaced by an AI ref. It’s a cool touch to see John Lauranitis come down to the ring (voice and all) and pull you from the match. Finally we saw the updates to Create-a-Ring mode. There are now approximately 15 stages to choose from instead of just the 1, with that, everything on the stages is now editable like the rest of the arena was in the past. You can choose the size of the venue now, from high school gyms, bingo halls, normal arenas, outside venues, to large stadiums to give a Wrestlemania type feel to your arena. The crowd can be edited as well from the current crowed to the Attitude Era crowd, just mainly gives you what type of shirts you want to see in the crowd as well as signs. Trumpas vertimas: Attitude Era turi 8 istorijas, virs 65 kovu teks suzaisti, Jim Ross ir Jerry Lawler komentatoriai siame mode, fanai deve tu laiku marskinelius. OMG momentai nera lengvai padaromi, sulauzius ringa,kova baigiasi, svoris turi itakos kovoje, Mysterio negali pakelti Big Show. Per Special-Guest Referee negali per daug isijausti, nes busi ismestas paties John Laurinaitis, o tave pakeis kompo valdomas teisejas. Creat a Ring grizta, dabar galesime keisti stage(vieta kur titatronas(ekranas)) viso bus 15 pasirinkimu kuriuos galesime keisti, atsirado galimybe keisti ir arena, galesime rinktis nuo mokyklu saliu, paprastu arenu, arenu lauke ar stadionu, taip pat galima keisti ir ziurovus, t.y rinktis tarp siuolaikiniu ir attitude, skirtumas tik isvaizdoje. Galite pataisyti vertima, neprates versti. Saltinis Skamba graziai? Kadangi zaidimas ne uz kalnu, o ir rosteris jau yra, tai tradicinis klausimas, kokia kova zadat daryti pirma? Nezinau uz ka zaisiu, bet zinau 100%, kad kova bus pries Brodus P.S sorry uz klaidas, klaviatura genda
  8. Spec.Ops.The.Line.XBOX360-iMARS [PublicHD] thepiratebay
  9. Tai nera nauja pabaiga, o tik esamos pratesimas. Truputi apie DLC "How much is the Extended Cut? The Extended Cut is available to download at no additional charge. When does the Extended Cut release? The Extended Cut will release on June 26th on Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3 in North America and July 4th for PlayStation 3 in Europe. How large is the Extended Cut? The Extended Cut requires roughly 1.9 gigabytes of storage. How do I get the Extended Cut? The Extended Cut can be downloaded from Xbox LIVE, Origin on PC, and PlayStation Network at no additional cost. What is included in the Extended Cut? The Extended Cut expands on the endings of Mass Effect 3 through additional scenes and epilogue sequences. It provides more of the answers and closure that players have been asking for. It gives a sense of what the future holds as a result of the decisions made throughout the series. And it shows greater detail in the successes or failures based on how players achieved their endings. Does the Extended Cut change the endings? The Extended Cut is an expansion of the original endings to Mass Effect 3. It does not fundamentally change the endings, but rather it expands on the meaning of the original endings, and reveals greater detail on the impact of player decisions. What save game should I load to play the Extended Cut? [spoilerS] To experience the Extended Cut, load a save game from before the attack on the Cerberus Base and play through to the end of the game. The Extended Cut endings will differ depending on choices made throughout the Mass Effect series, so multiple playthroughs with a variety of different decisions will be required to experience the variety of possibilities offered by the new content."
  10. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    Mike Tyson Pre-Order http://wwe.thq.com/go/thread/view/139707/29186967/mike-tyson-confirmed-wwe13-pictures
  11. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    Lita zaidime? Atrodo taip. "Additionally, rumor is that Lita, along with Trish Stratus and Stephanie McMahon will be considered "attitude era divas" in the new WWE video game, WWE'13. Not sure if this is entirely true, there's no "official" information yet, just a heads up. UPDATE, She's confirmed: Yes, Amy will be in the WWE game, featured in the new attitude era portion of the game. You can view the official site for WWE'13 or the official IGN roster. Looking forward to see how they're going to design her!" amy-dumas.net
  12. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    Ne į temą Atsiprasau jei ka nors suklaidinau
  13. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    WWE '13 virselis www.pwmania.com/artman/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/officialwwe13.jpg Raw is War arena patvirtinta ir dar keli pic'ai www.xbox360achievements.org/game/wwe-13/screenshots/
  14. Dark Souls, galiu tiek pasakyt, FUCK YOU Dark Souls, veda is proto tas zaidimas
  15. Na ka, suzaidus kokias 7 misijas, galiu pasakyti, patiko. Zaidimas sukasi sklandziai ir neturiu prie ko prisikabinti. Nemazai vietu kur butina selinti, kas labai patiko, nes reikia pasukti galva, ar iszudysi visus ar tyliai praeisi. Grafika gera, valdymas geras, zodziu tikrai vertas demesio.
  16. S1mmas

    WWE '13

    Garantuotai Thq padaris Edge DLC, o is zaidimo kazkaip nieko nesitikiu, zmonemis dirbanciais ties wwe negalima pasitiketi, pastoviai patys sau priestarauja ir meluoja pateikdami informacija. Nuolat disko vieta isnaudojama slamstui kurio niekas nenaudoja. Pvz: nepamatet kokio megstamo wrestlerio kuriame nors zaidime? Pazekit kiek outfit imete Cenai, Mizui, Ortonui atsiminkit, kad kiekvienam skirtingui 'kostiumui' sukuria atskira modeli, tai paskaiciuokit kiek dar wrestleriu galejo imest. kaip ir dauguma manau, kad reikia THQ konkurencijos ir spyrio i subine.
  17. Sveiki, kokius nustatymus rinktis, kad isgauti geriausia vaizda? Reference Levels, HDMI Color Space,?
  18. Nesiruosiu gincytis, tiesiog kai visi sako jog vaizdas skiriasi kaip diena ir naktis, o isijungus vienintelis skirtumas jog nereikia rinktis tarp ryskiu aplinku ar tikrovisku veidu spalvu, susimastai su kurgi tas stebuklingas vaizdas.
  19. 1080p nustatyta, jei nesunku parasykit kokius nustatymus patys naudojat.
  20. Sveiki, nusipirkau full hd televizoriu ir pajungiau xbox su HDMI(paprastas, ne m$) ir iskilo toks klausimas, kur tas 'stebuklingasis' HD vaizdas? Visiskai nera skirtumo tarp senojo kineskopinio vaizdo ir full hd, o jei ir buna skirtumas, tai jo reikia ieskoti. Normalu, ar kazkas ne taip? Gal HDMI laidas kaltas? Ar papildomu nustatymu ieskoti?
  21. Galima isjungti ta kill cam?