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EA will be dropping Online Passes from all of its future games, citing lacklustre player support, according to a report by Venture Beat.EA senior director of corporate communications John Reseburg revealed the news. “Yes, we’re discontinuing Online Pass,” he said “None of our new EA titles will include that feature.” EA klauso zaideju, nujauciu kazka negero
Nervai nebelaiko su tuo xbox, 2dvd dl sugadinti ir filmo nepaleidzia, nors bandziau kelis formatus to paties filmo istrauku ir visi veike...any ideas?
Yra koks budas paleisti mkv filmus per x360?
Nu va, pradejau Dishonored antra karta eit, si kart bandau pereiti nieko nenuzudzius, tai dar smagiau nei pirma karta losiant
Pasveikinkim EA ;D For the second straight year, the Consumerist has named Battlefield and FIFA publisher Electronic Arts the "Worst Company in America."