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kurjeris neatvaziuos, nes uz prizo siuntima sumokeje ish anksto lockerz. Tau gali nebent skambint is muitines, kad ismuitintum savo daigta, bet cia dovana , jokiu mokesciu nebus!
Ne į temą Nesidziauk rades - neverk pametes
Tai zadejo gruodziio1 kelt kainas, kadangi redeem atkele tai ir kainu kilima atkele matomai kad general redeemas vyks tik apie menesio antraja savaite arba jos gala
as pasiimiau
taigi buvo pries redeem parasyta, kad uzklijuos nakleike kad gaunam kaip dovana, o uz dovana moket NEREIKS! Paprastai taip budavo, bet dabar gi realios vertes kaip gaunant dovana gi nera, kad moket pvm ir muita, nes jokios saskaitos fakturos neideta i vidu su nurodyta konkrecia pinigu suma. Kaip zinoma uz dovanas moket nereik, jie tik sumoka uz siutima sedek ramus ismuitint dovanu nereik
Kiek galima akrtot.. gi aiskiai parasyta, kad dabar jie iki gruodzio 2 laukia laisku su order receipt tokiu koki gavai pirma. Kai jie ivykdys receipta tai pamatysi, kad tavo taskai nuskaiciuoti ir tada gausi laiska. Gali laisko laukt apie gruodzio 3-5d. Nereik ce pirsciot del kiekvieno komentaro...
cia auto atsakiklis as pirma karta siunciau paprasta paaiskinima ir tada toki gavau, veliau naujienose parase kad order receipt'a sisut , tada ishsiunciau ebt jau auto negawau
tai sitas senai jau aisku, niekam net neiskilo klausimas toks
Same there, bet ir sake kad neateis tras laiskas iskart, pora dienu reiks palaukt. Bet jai nusiuntei ta order receipt galetu padaryt kad gavo laiska ir order receiptas tinka.. o dabar...
manau niekas negavo antro orderio ir lockerz bsk xamielina, kad iki 30d galo atsiust, tipo kas neatsius raga istatys ir vsio
Thank you for your email! Over the next few weeks, we will be processing all legitimate orders. We request that you do not send duplicate or additional emails to this address, as it will only delay our process of sending your prize to you. Once we process all of these orders, we will message to you accordingly. Thank you very much for your patience and understanding!
taigi parase kad gave siusta tavo laiska atsius ta second letter po keliu dienu...
taigi parasyta dauguma gavo, kas negavo forvardinkit teri savo order receipt gauta... nu jus jau visai...
siaip svarbos neturi, gal tiesiog atjunge ji ir vsio per daug turbut vartotojai laisku siuncia as beto buvau reply padares su tuo laisku ir teri nusiunciau bet dabar padariau forward nu nk atsirinks
ir kam tau tas auto? zinai info ka atsius, gavo tavo laiska ir baigta:)
TIK ENG. Nors siaip ir su LT atsiuncia tik pas juos nukrypimai gaunasi...
o cia kaip LTU forumas tipo?
as gavau be #0 tai man telieka sedet ir laukt
Gavau atsakyma kai parasiau kad man nenuimti taskai is kathy nu aisku pridejo ir seip daznai klausiamu klausimu tad zvilkterkit At this time, I can not look into specific order accounts until we process all of the information. The good news is that if you redeemed a prize legitimately and have a confirmation, you'll get your prize. Here are some of the specific questions I am receiving, along with my answers: If you have an Order Confirmations with order #0: IF you have received a confirmation with an order #0 on it, please email the Lockerz confirmation to: teri@lockerz.com so we can process these orders over the next week and ensure that your prize is processed correctly. Make sure you email the confirmation, otherwise we won't be able to process your order. If PTZ are not debited from your account: We also realize that member accounts were not debited properly after redemption which we will also be adjusting. This may have allowed members to redeem multiple prizes that you truly did not have the points for. With that said, we will allow your first item to go through and cancel the remaining prizes (over 50 points in one day) without any penalty to you. If you are writing to let us know that your PTZ are not being deducted from your account: I've made a note of it--thank you. If you received duplicate confirmations: If you received duplicate confirmations or ordered something else because you thought you didn't get your first prize, then we will process your first order and cancel your second. If you inserted incomplete address information in your order: Please ensure that your address is correct in your Lockerz settings. That way, if you have an issue with your order address, we can reference your Lockerz settings to send your prize. Worst case secenario, we'll need to reach out to you if we feel the mistake will affect the prize getting to you. If you are interested in timing of the prize shipping: We will still try to get all of these orders out the door in the next 2 weeks. It may take us some extra time to process orders that are missing information - we thank you for your patience and membership in our beta site. If you are writing about your t-shirt: I am forwarding your request to Ryan, who will help you. If you are experiencing PTZ problems: We are currently working on PTZ display issues for the remaining members who are experiencing problems. Your PTZ are safe in the system.
Bet nesamoninga tada ju reklama ta up to 10ptz from daily question... reik paklaust lockerz uz ka 10 tasku galima gaiut
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tu sirgai ir nesugebejai kazko pasiimt, o as 18:45 is traumatologinio gryzau su 4 siulem ir subintuotu fakiu desnes rankos ir vistiek spejau nusigriebt
Bent leisk pasvajot dabar
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Netaip perskaiciau posta, viskas ok galvojau akd general redemptionui atiduos tiesiog ne taip supratau, peace