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Visas Shotgun turinys
Pasiputelis pasidares Saras, joks klubas nebenorejo jo, tai taip ir gavos kad ryte atsirado. nors anksciau Saras buvo vienas is mano dievuku, bet dabar istikro gal net ir dziaugiuosi, kad i Zalgirio siulyma taip ir neatsiliepe. Turim Zalgiryje puse Lietuvos rinktines, komanda sukomplektuota tikrai neblogai, keikvienas zaidejas zino savo vieta, net ir Colins'as jau turbut gavo velniu, tai ginyboj ir puolime aria. Vienas lauke ne karys ir Ryto komandos Saras neisgelbes po tokios pradzios Dabar istikro neisivaizduoju kaip Saro tevas gales halei sedet, kai jo sunelis Ryte zaidzia
Ne į temą Geriausiai manau reiktu zvalgytis is patikimu pardaveju forume, kurie uzsiima konsoliu, ju priedu pardavimais. Tokie zmones neapgaus, patars, esant nesklandumams pades juos isspresti ir fuflo neikis Beto ar 80lt ar 90lt bet greiciau manau dideles reiksmes netures
Tai cia savaime aisku, kad perdarytus dash is pat pradziu turi susidiegt poto orginalu isirasyt(nors apie sita isvis neklausiau). O jokiu pachu nereikdavo JTAG'ui del regijonu, nes jis tiesiog pats susitvarkydavo su regijonais ir problemu nekildavo. Reiks dabar paciam bandyt su tuo nauju need for speedu ar viskas toliau kaip po senovei
Jai turi bent koki vidini, tai kam reik vel mest pinigus investuot i nauja ir sugalvot kur ikist senaji mazesnes talpos vidini? Imi isorini didesnes talpos ir sedi ramus
O kasnors gali patvirtint kaip su tais regionais ant JTAG'u? Kazkada cia buvau kazkur skaites, kad MS taisys sia problema ir PAL skaitys tik PAL ir RF. Cia tiesa?
v2.05 galima iskart mestis ar reikia ankstesnes versijas is pat pradziu susirasyt?
Visu pirma paziurek koki zaidimo pavadinima parasei o visu antra nepaleisi, lauk naujos FW
kad jau blackcats yra tas downgraderis idetas Ne į temą This pack contains only those files: -PSUpgrader.msi -setup.exe -Readme.nfo Remember it's for PSJailbreak official device only at the moment. Kind of useless right now but still useful to see you serial's psjb key. We are still missing those files: -Modified 3.41 PUP -LV2Diag.self (file 1) -LV2Diag.self (file 2) nfo contains the following info: How to Install/ Use PS Updater Installation 1.Step 1 - Download PS Updater 2.Step 2 - Click start button and type in the search bar UAC and click on User Account Control Settings listed above. Inside this menu please lower the settings to lowest priority, Save and restart the computer. 3.Step 3 - Unrar/Unzip and click on setup.exe 4.Step 4 - follow the steps by clicking next until you reach the point of setup where it asks you to plug in your device 5.Step 5 - plus in PS Jailbreak device and click next 6.Step 6 - choose Unknown Device #1 from the list and click next 7.Step 7 - click save to save the .ini file under the place it wants 8.Step 8 - Click install driver and now complete installation USE How to use PS Updater 9.Step 1 - Open PS Updater application that install a shortcut on your desktop 10.Step 2 - Plug in PS Jailbreak and click My Serial (make sure it can recognize and find your serial number) 11.Step 3 - Click My coupons and enter the coupon code you received from your authorized reseller when purchasing PS Downgrader. 12.Step 4 - Save the download it prompts you with ( You will receive 2 files , a) Program (which is PS Jailbreak) and Downgrade (which is your downgrader) 13.Step 5 - Go install file choose the Downgrader file and click Update now 14.Step 6- After using PS Downgrade to lower your firmware please follow the above steps this time choosing to update file a) Program 15.Step 7 - Now your PS Jailbreak is back to a Modchip Downgrader requirement - PS Jailbreak USB Dongle , PS Downgrade Coupon that has been installed onto your PS Jailbreak Device, Modified 3.41 PUP , LV2Diag.self (file 1) and LV2Diag.self (file 2) How to Downgrade firmware 16.Step 1 - Insert PS Jailbreak device that has been reprogrammed as PS Downgrade into your console 17.Step 2 - Turn on console using same boot method as PS Jailbreak - Press Power then immediately press eject. You will see your console turn with PS Jailbreak lit up with red/green light followed by green only, Then it will turn off. 18.Step 3 - Turn on console to make sure you are in factory service mode. You will see a huge red box on the screen saying Factory Service Mode, once confirmed please turn off console and remove PS Downgrade Dongle 19.Step 4 - Program any blank usb with 2 files , A) modified 3.41 pup Lv2Diag.self (file 1) These must be the only files on the usb key and must be placed in the main directory of the flash drive. 20.Step 5 - Insert this new Flash drive into the right USB PORT of your console ( It must be placed in the outermost right port) and turn the console on. You will see black screen but you will see flashing lights on the console (yellow) and on your USB key 21.Step 6 - Wait 3 minutes for the system to install the old FW, towards the end the power button on the console will start flashing green and then your console will power off. 22.Step 7 - Remove the usb key and turn on the console , you will still be in factory service mode. Please verify you have downgraded successfully to version 3.41 23.Step 8 (Optional) - If you wish to downgrade to any older firmware you can not follow step 4,5,6 using any regular firmware PUP. (You do not need to use modified custom firmware now that you are on 3.41) 24.Step 9 - Insert flash drive back into PC , remove the PUP and Lv2Diag.self and install only LV2Diag.self (file 2) on the USB Flash Drive 25.Step 10 - Power on your console, after 10 seconds it will power off 26.Step 11 - Turn on your console with no USB inserted and you will be out of factory service mode into retail mode with your chosen firmware version installed. JAilbreak your console and enjoy playing homebrew
Atsiprasau, tada pas mane problemos kazkokios buvo Beto daugeliui reikejo pachint default.xex Aisku neiseis.
Pabandyk assassins creed brotherhood ta nauja paleist kur 2.5 nauja MS apsauga Manau maloniai nustebsi
zymiai greitesnis budas yra sis, pagal kuri lyg ir normaliai atsinaujinau dashboarda. Bet viena problema vis dar islieka.. Norint paleist AC:B meta - this disc is unreadble Per freestyle dash 1.20 viskas kaip sukosi taip sukasi, bet AC:B nepalaiedzia.. Gal sia problema padetu issprest dash_launch_v2.04 ?
http://digiex.net/guides-reviews/console-g...uild-0-1-a.html sitam gide tai rodo kad jokiu folderiu my data neturi but, tik 5 failai.. Per CMD man meto "coud not read smc.bin" so WTF?
Kodel man fbBuild_0.1/mydata ne po failiuka kv ir smc pasidaro, bet folderiai (SMC ir KeyVault o juose po du failus (smc.bin ir kv.bin (jau pervardinti ir kurie turi but), o kiti du KV_enc ir SMC_enc )? Taip turi but?
Ten kur irasyt comand lange konsoles tipa, tai 2009-06-16 arcade jaspperis bus 256 ar 512? Ar kaip cia patikrint reiktu? Beto jai gali atnaujink ta failu pack'a nes meta : The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.
Man ir nelabai aisku.. O beto kas dar is situ atnaujinimu cia tokio svarbesnio be kinect plaiakymo? What's New: =========== - based on targeting kernel 2.0.12611.0 - patches from freeBoot kernel/hv are ported to 12611 - supports both flash tool and ibuild extracted kv/smc_config - supports injecting Mobile*.dat - previously revoked usb devices should now work - kinect works (apply system update for avatars and kinect) it is strongly recommended that r6t3 be removed - entirely new image builder (no extraction) - rebuilt/cleaned core can now boot xell on slot to eject dvd drives (see bin directory for alternate) - exploit payload simplified
Jai fotkini tai stabdai per reply momenta, fotkini su fotiku be blykstes, kambary sviesoj ir pasirenki stambaus palno rezima ir nusistatai atstumas. vsio.
zmogau jos ne tai kad neryskios, bet susiliejusios Veido konturu nesimato net ir dar neatvertes skersas idejai.. Jau geriau butum nedejas arba fotiko reguliavimus pakoregaves (nors abejoju, kad isvis cia su fotiku fotkinta..)
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