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Ir man azas132@gmail.com
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Ir norejau pridurt. Dabar tau pasakis pirk dvirati be pavaru be stabdziu labai apsimoka sumokesi tik 200LT ir tu iskart beksi pirkt?
Nenoriu izeist. Bet ar sunku nueit iki parduotuves geros kaip vasare.lt ar dar kur ir pasikunsultuot ... arba eik i google ir susirask apie dviracius foruma gal ten tau ir atsakys.. Suprasciau butu prasminga tau atsakit jai tu susirinktum dvirati viska atskirai pirktum gal kas ir patartu bet dabar...
Kiek kainuotu iranga? klaipedoi
Sveiki imanoma isirasit i Dell AXIM x30 GPS be jokiu papildomu daiktu ?
Koki siulitumet gera pasta ne gmail?
Biski nesuprantu... Scameriai? cia kazkokia nsmn isvis XD atejo i mail Ne į temą Attention....to you the beneficiary of this consignment box with registration code number : CAF/XX/05 Please Your Urgent Attention Is Needed. We wish to inform you that the diplomatic agent conveying the consignment box valued A.T.M VISA CARD of $4.200,000,00 Million United States Dollars misplaced your address and he is stranded at your International airport now. We resquest you to reconfirm the following information (below so that he can deliver your consignment box to you today. NAME__________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________ MOBILE NO_____________________________________ PACKAGE NUMBER_____ (CAF/XX/05) Please do contact the diplomatic agent with the email below with the information required. Contact Person: Thomas Anderson EMAIL;(diplomatanderson@excite.co.uk) He is waiting to hear from you today with the above information . NOTE: That The Diplomatic agent does not know the content of the consignment box, the three prove documents with the pin code of your card are in the small box. susan walker Customer care line +229-9856-6353 Tuo paciu vardu praitas laiskas Dear partner, Ne į temą Your Bank Draft worth of $4.2million USD has been credited in ATM VISA CARD by the issuing Bank, be inform that you cannot withdraw more than $4.700 per day this is what the Bank said you will see the rest details when you receive it ,I have also registered your ATM VISA CARD $4.2 million USD with (D.H.L) Express Company, reconfirm your contact information as follows Your full name Delivery Address Telephone Number CONTACT PERSON..Dr.LEWIS KENNEDY E-maill address....drlewisknd@excite.co.uk office mail...dhldirectoroffice@excite.co.uk DIRECTOR NUMBER......+229-9321-2941 So I have pay for delivering and insurance charges, I paid it, so the only money you will pay them is security keeping fee which they state that I will not pay for it because the keeping fee is $457 dollars per day, and I deposited it yesterday been 12/04/2010, And I did not contact you yesterday due to low connection, so that is why I did not pay for keeping fee, So I want you to contact them urgent to avoid increase of their keeping fee, Your faith fully Mr. William Smart
As toi verkt pradesiu ... sako prastumt jai ne mano dviratis ir i temos pavadinima paziurek... Nu tj uz koke gauciau kaine lengva dvirati kurnuors gariunuose ar kitur tik ne orginaliuose parduotuvese kaip vasare.lt KLAIPEDA
Nu man gali sito ir nereikia. Man reikia dviracio kad jis nebutu sunkus ne plienas o lengvesnis Negu koks maxsimis ar dar koks nors. Nesiulikit ten orginaliu dviraciu parduotuviu man riektu rietavas ar kazkas tokio klaipedoi
Jus gal ne taip supratot as sito dviracio neperku. As tik klausiu kiek jis kainuotu. PVZ rietave ar kur nors parduotuvei
Kiek kainotu toks dviratis? Dviratis: FUJI Simpleksas: Shimano Priekinis pavaru perjuginejas: Shimano Galinis ir Priekini zvaizgzduciu blokas: Shimano Pedalai: Shimano Balnelis: FUJI Priekine pavaru rankenele abi: SHIMANO Stabdziu rankeneles: Nezinoma Stabdziai: Nezinoma FOTO.
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